
  • 网络ShangHai International Film Festival;siff
  1. 上海国际电影节新闻报道研究

    A Study on News of Shanghai International Film Festival

  2. 金爵的盛典:东方情思及其文化磁场效应&第8届上海国际电影节漫笔

    Note of the 8th Shanghai International Film Festival

  3. 上海国际电影节已经开始朝这个方向发展。

    The festival has already begun moving in that direction .

  4. 今年有17部电影角逐上海国际电影节金爵奖。

    This year 17 films were in competition for the festival 's top awards .

  5. 斯通回忆第一届上海国际电影节时他作为一名陪审团成员第一次访问这座城市。

    Stone recalled his first visit to the city as a jury member for the first Shanghai International Film Festival .

  6. 《星球大战》全系列六部影片将在今年6月的上海国际电影节上首次展映。

    This year 's Shanghai Film Festival will show the six existing Star Wars films in a cinematic premiere this June .

  7. 在周日晚上闭幕的上海国际电影节上,中国电影夺得了五个金爵奖奖项。

    Chinese films snapped up five Golden Goblet Awards at the2011 Shanghai International Film Festival , which concluded on Sunday night .

  8. 此外,作者还应用大型活动志愿者的阶段激励模型,设计了2012年上海国际电影节志愿者激励方案。

    Besides , by referring to the model , the author also designs an incentive plan for the 2012 Shanghai International Film Festival .

  9. 2002年《生活秀》独揽第六届上海国际电影节最佳影片、最佳女演员和最佳摄影三项大奖。

    His film LIVE SHOW in2002 won awards for Best Film , Best Actress and Best Photography at the6th Shanghai International Film Festival .

  10. 在上周末开幕的上海国际电影节上,中国最新一部大制作动作片《画皮2》作为开幕影片拉开了本届电影节的序幕。

    Painted Skin : The Resurrection , China 's latest big-budget action movie , kicked off the Shanghai International Film Festival over the weekend .

  11. 为加大对这部电影的预期,此前的全部8部《哈利·波特》系列电影都在去年6月份的上海国际电影节上进行了放映。

    To ramp up the anticipation , all eight " Harry Potter " films were screened at last June 's Shanghai International Film Festival .

  12. 马素米的家庭悲剧电影《代价》在2004年获得了第7届上海国际电影节的最佳影片。

    Masoumi 's tragic family drama Tradition of Lover Killing was named the best feature film at the 7th Shanghai International Film Festival in 2004 .

  13. 第12届上海国际电影节最高奖项由丹麦、瑞典合拍片《原创人生》,该片(两位)年轻导演首度拍摄的电影长片。

    Top award at the12th Shanghai International Film Festival went to " Original ," a Danish-Swedish co-production and a feature debut for its young directors .

  14. 在六月的上海国际电影节,一群电影制片人自发组了一个小组,叫“华语电影的救赎之路”。

    At the Shanghai International Film Festival in June , a group of them gathered for a panel entitled " the road to redemption for Chinese-language films " .

  15. 本届上海国际电影节还将为影迷放映《星球大战》系列所有6部片,这在大陆尚属首例。

    This year , the Shanghai fest will offer fans the chance to see all six films in the Star Wars series , a first for the mainland .

  16. 亚洲仅有两个A级国际电影节,自1993年成立的上海国际电影节就是其中之一,也是中国唯一的一个。

    The Shanghai International Film Festival , initiated in1993 , is the only of its kind in China and one of the two Category A international film festivals in Asia .

  17. 周日,一名来自中国东北哈尔滨的警察,在第11届上海国际电影节中,因为他在一部国内影片中的本色表现荣获最佳男主角。

    A policeman in the northeastern Chinese city of Harbin was awarded best actor at the11th Shanghai International Film Festival on Sunday for his unaffected performance in a domestic film .

  18. 经广电总局同意,该影片即将在中国上映。同时,该片导演丹尼•博伊尔也被提名为2009年上海国际电影节的主席。

    The movie was recently approved for wide release by the country 's famously restrictive censors , and Boyle was today named jury president of the2009 Shanghai international film festival .

  19. 随着一部历史战争题材电影的首映,第十二届上海国际电影节正式拉开了帷幕。近年来,随着中国电影业的繁荣发展,上影节的国际形象也不断提升。

    A STIRRING historical war movie opened the12th Shanghai International Film Festival ( SIFF ), an event that is growing in international profile as the Chinese film biz continues to thrive .

  20. 昨晚,第15届上海国际电影节在上海大光明电影院落下帷幕。伊朗影片《熊》获得最佳影片金爵奖。

    IRANIAN film Bear won the Golden Goblet award for best feature film as the curtain fell on the 15th Shanghai International Film Festival at the Shanghai Grand Theater last night .

  21. 第16届上海国际电影节在上海文化广场拉开帷幕,400多名国际和国内电影名人昨晚走了红毯。

    More than 400 international and local film celebrities strode along the red carpet at Shanghai Culture Square last night to raise the curtain on the 16th Shanghai International Film Festival .

  22. 《烈日灼心》男演员凭借该片在上海国际电影节获得了最佳表演奖。不过,本年度最让人眼前一亮的表演却是来自一位知名导演。

    The Dead End won an acting award for its male ensemble at the Shanghai International Film Festival , but the year 's most eye-opening male performance belongs to a renowned director .

  23. 主办上海国际电影节的是政府机关上海市文化广播影视管理局。局长胡劲军等官员更喜欢强调双方的合作。

    Officials like Hu Jinjun - the director of the Shanghai Administration of Culture , Radio , Film and TV , the government agency that organizes the festival - prefer to emphasize the latter .

  24. 美国女演员莎朗斯通“不在被邀(出席上海国际电影节)名单之列”,一位电影节组委会官员星期二说。

    American actress Sharon Stone " is not among the list of guests to be invited " to the Shanghai International Film Festival , an official of the festival 's organizing committee said on Tuesday .

  25. 第18届上海国际电影节在即,据主办方称,本届电影节共收到108个国家和地区的报名影片2096部,将更加凸显亚洲文化。

    The 18th edition of the Shanghai International Film Festival has received a record 2,096 entries from 108 countries and regions , organizers said , and this year 's event will have a strong Asian focus .

  26. 第18届上海国际电影节日前隆重召开,据主办方成,本届电影节共收到108个国家和地区的报名影片2096部,将更加凸显亚洲文化。

    The 18th edition of the Shanghai International Film Festival has received a record 2096 entries from 108 countries and regions , organizers said , and this year 's event will have a strong Asian focus .

  27. 他只要一出现在上海国际电影节上,某些报纸杂志都会下意识地把头版头条留给他,因为他们知道他一定会对某人或某事枪林弹雨般地抨击,震惊全行业,甚至影响其他行业。

    Whenever he appears at the annual Shanghai International Film Festival , some newspapers reserve headline space for him , knowing full well that he will fire at some person or object and create shock waves throughout the industry or even beyond it .

  28. 他只要一出现在上海国际电影节上,某些报纸杂志都会下意识地把头版头条留给他,因为他们知道他一定会“对某人或某事枪林弹雨般地抨击”,震惊全行业,甚至影响其他行业。

    Whenever he appears at the annual Shanghai International Film Festival , some newspapers reserve headline space for him , knowing full well that he will " fire at some person or object " and create shock waves throughout the industry or even beyond it .

  29. 据中国网报道,第15届上海国际电影节颁奖典礼周日在上海大剧院举行,伊朗电影《熊》获得最佳影片金爵奖,导演克斯罗•马素米成为首位获得两座最佳影片金爵奖的导演。

    Iranian drama " Bear " was named the Best Feature Film at the 15th Shanghai International Film Festival ( SIFF ) ' s Golden Goblet Awards ceremony held at the Shanghai Grand Theater in Shanghai on Sunday , China.org.cn reported . Iranian director Khosrow Masoumi is the first director to scoop the award twice .

  30. 日前,上海国际电影电视节在上海东方艺术中心圆满落下帷幕,各杰出电视剧集纷纷在此过程中获奖。

    Outstanding TV productions were honored by the Shanghai International Film and TV Festival at Shanghai Oriental Art Center .