
  • 网络Shanghai daily
  1. 据《上海日报》(ShanghaiDaily)报道,去年中国基金资产总额缩水了9%以上。

    According to reports in the Shanghai Daily , total fund assets fell by more than 9 per cent last year .

  2. 《上海日报》(ShanghaiDaily)表示,改革的目标是“缓解家长对于择校的焦虑心态”。

    Shanghai Daily said the goal was to " ease the parent frenzy about getting offspring into the best schools . "

  3. 《上海日报》的一篇评论建议,有时一定的不作为也奏效。

    An article in the Shanghai Daily suggests that sometimes inaction can help too .

  4. 《上海日报》的一篇评论文章指出,发明并不简单的是一摞摞的文件。

    A commentary in the Shanghai Daily points out that innovation doesn 't mean piles of documents .

  5. 《上海日报》周三的一篇文章报导说,世界杯病假条的销售非常火爆。

    An article on Wednesday in the Shanghai Daily reports that sales of notes certifying imaginary ailments are skyrocketing .

  6. 优秀作品将有机会在本市《新民晚报》、《上海日报》等主流媒体上予以发表,并获纪念证书一张。

    Prizes : Winners will have their works published in Xinmin Evening News , Shanghai Daily and get certificates .

  7. 据《上海日报》报道,本周一悦悦的病情有稳定的倾向,四肢恢复了轻微知觉,这比医生们预期的要好。

    The girl was recovering better than doctors expected on Monday , with slight feelings returning to her limbs .

  8. 据《上海日报》报道,国内航线燃油附加费小幅下调之后,乘坐飞机出行将比之前略微便宜。

    Flying will become slightly cheaper for passengers as Chinese airlines trimmed fuel surcharges for domestic flights , Shanghai Daily reported .

  9. 在6月7号的上海日报上,一份英文刊上,将三峡叫做“怪兽般的水利工程”。

    On June 7th Shanghai Daily , an English-language paper , called the Three Gorges " that monstrous damming project . "

  10. 根据《上海日报》的报道所谓根据法规处以最高处罚,实际处罚金额只有4000美金。

    A report in the state-run newspaper Shanghai Daily said the maximum fine for a breach of regulations was only $ 4,000 .

  11. 尽管在外国的文化环境中,学习做好自己的工作有各种惊异和困难,我还是很喜欢在上海日报工作的这段时光。

    Despite the surprises and difficulties of learning to do my job in a foreign culture , I 've loved my time at the Shanghai Daily .

  12. 去年《上海日报》报道称,有数据显示,由于性教育的缺失,中国青少年女性意外怀孕的人数日益增长。

    Statistics show that increasing numbers of Chinese teenage girls are getting pregnant due to a lack of sex education , reported Shanghai Daily last year .

  13. 林告诉《上海日报》如果她可以在银行找到一份起薪约5000元的工作,她就满意了。

    Lin told Shanghai Daily she would be satisfied if she could land a job in the bank with a starting salary of about 5,000 yuan .

  14. 据包括《上海日报》等媒体报导,这位员工名叫孙丹勇,工作不久,他于上周四跳楼自杀。

    According to publications that include Shanghai Daily , Sun Danyong , a recent engineering graduate , jumped out of the window of his apartment last Thursday .

  15. 不管怎么样,我在上海日报上天天都读到令人震惊的消息,而我不过在那里干了八周罢了。

    After all , I 'm surrounded by shock news stories every day at the Shanghai Daily , where I 've worked for the past eight weeks .

  16. 上海日报说地方政府正在监控这一形势,有望近几年在污水处理设施上追加投资。

    The Shanghai Daily newspaper said the local government was monitoring the situation and is expected to spend more on sewage disposal facilities in the next few years .

  17. 据《上海日报》报道,上海生产的一批零度可口可乐原液在台湾被禁,可口可乐公司周日坚称,自己的产品是安全的。

    Coca-Cola insisted on Sunday that their products were safe following Taiwan 's ban on the imported batch of Coke Zero ingredients from Shanghai , reported Shanghai Daily .

  18. 《上海日报》报道说,前两天,一名怀孕的妇女也来到上海杨浦区婚姻登记处办理离婚手续。

    The Shanghai Daily reported that in the past two days , a pregnant woman had also sought a divorce at a registration center in Yangpu district in Shanghai .

  19. 官方媒体《上海日报》报道称,一些父母让孩子躺下来抓着床柱,然后抻孩子的腿,试图让他们长高。

    According to the state-owned Shanghai Daily , some parents make their children lie down and hold the bedpost while they pull on their legs to make them taller .

  20. 比如,去年十一月,上海日报(英文版)就评价道,“尽管以大学者的形象出现,她的知识却过于简单。”

    In November last year , for example , the Shanghai Daily sniffed : " Her knowledge is over-simplified , yet she boldly appears as a great scholar . "

  21. 我只是走开了,只要他不跟我来我不会说什么,一名女子回忆起早前的不愉快经历时告诉《上海日报》。

    I just moved away and wouldn 't say anything as long as he did not follow me , one woman told Shanghai Daily when recalling an unhappy experience earlier .

  22. 据上海日报报道,这名中国企业家建造了一个现代版本的诺亚方舟:一个能够防止核辐射和1700摄氏度高温的钢质球形太空舱。

    According to Shanghai Daily , the entrepreneur created a modern day version of Noah 's Ark : a steel spherical capsule which can withstand nuclear radiation and 1700 degrees of heat .

  23. 政府和公众正对科学家施压太多,他们把诺贝尔奖这样的国际奖项作为评估科学家及其工作的唯一的标准,王告诉《上海日报》。

    Both the government and the public are pushing scientists too much and they are viewing international prizes like Nobel Prize as the only criteria to evaluate scientists and their work , Wang told Shanghai Daily .

  24. 据《上海日报》报道,这两名学生被带到茶馆后,二人点了菜单上48元价位的茶。当时两人认为这些茶是每位48元,而不是一口。

    They were taken to a tea house and shown a menu , agreeing on the price of 48 yuan , which they believed was per person , rather than per sip , Shanghai Daily reports .

  25. 《上海日报》的调查显示,随着季节性小吃通过宽敞且注重装饰的包装来迎合送礼者的需求,城市监管部门淡化包装的要求早已被其置若罔闻。

    The city watchdog 's pleas to tone down the packaging have fallen on deaf ears with the seasonal snack adorned in spacious and heavily-decorated packaging to cater to the demands of gift givers , a Shanghai Daily investigation shows .

  26. 这个家长学校的目的在于教导新生的家长如何与他们的孩子更好地沟通。这个学校在被上海东方日报在星期一报道后,引起了广泛的关注。

    Such parents'schools , which aim to teach parents of fresh students how to better communicate with their children , have drawn great attention , reported the Shanghai-based Dongfang Daily on Monday .

  27. 以钢筋混凝土灌注桩及钢支撑作深基坑围护体系&上海解放日报业务楼及印刷厂工程深基础施工实践

    Using Reinforced Concrete Poured Pile and Steel Support as Deep Pit 's Enclosuring System & Practice on Deep Foundation Construction of the Project of Shanghai Jie Fang Daily and Printing House Building

  28. 上海解放日报社业务楼和印刷厂工程根据其所处环境和地质条件,因地制宜,采用钢筋混凝土灌注桩及钢支撑作为深基坑围护体系。这是对深基坑围护方法的一种新的探索。

    According to the surroundings and geological formation of Shanghai Jie Fang Daily and Printing House Building , the technique of steel reinforced concrete poured pile and steel support , which can be regarded as a new exploration , is adopted as deep pit 's enclosuring system .

  29. 加入《第一财经日报》之前,她是上海《解放日报》的主任记者,报道覆盖宏观、金融和商业领域。

    Before Joining CBN , She was a senior reporter covering finance and business in Liberation Daily based in Shanghai .

  30. 上海英伦是浙江吉利控股集团(ZhejiangGeelyHoldingGroup)的子公司。据《上海日报》(ShanghaiDaily)援引上海强生的话报道称,这些出租车在投入运营后将优先服务老年人和残障人士等有特殊需求的群体。

    The Shanghai Daily cited Shanghai Qiangsheng as saying it will use the vehicles to give priority service to people who have special needs , such as the elderly and disabled .