
wén huì bào
  • Wen Wei Po
  1. 据《文汇报》报道,生产成本不断上涨、融资困难使得长三角地区中小型企业陷入困境。

    Increases in cost and financing have dragged small-and medium-sized businesses in the Yangtze Delta region into a deep crisis , Wen Wei Po reports .

  2. 《文汇报》6日引述该专题报道,金融危机对英国构成沉重打击,国债持续攀升。

    " Wen Wei Po " 6 , citing reports on the topic , the financial crisis took a heavy blow to the British national debt continued to climb .

  3. 但是我们认为文汇报的批评是不够的。

    But we consider Wen Hui pao 's self-criticism inadequate .

  4. 浦熙修解放后在《文汇报》工作,期间曾赴朝鲜、新疆访问。

    During this time she once visited North Korean and Xin Jiang Province .

  5. 欠债是要还的,文汇报何时开始还这笔债呢?

    Debts must be paid , and when will Wen Hui Pao begin to pay its debt ?

  6. 个别性的前提得到了一个普遍性的结论,这就是文汇报的逻辑。

    A particular premise leads to a universal conclusion & this is Wen Hui Pao 's logic .

  7. 本公司在上海文汇报上刊登诚聘销售部经理秘书的广告,我们对于您的应聘表示感谢。

    We appreciate your application for the position of secretary to the sales manager that was advertised in the newspaper .

  8. 大赛活动由香港文汇报、中国市长协会、香港文化康乐事务署主办。

    Hong Kong 's Wen Wei Po Daily , the Association of Chinese Mayors and Hong Kong Cultural and Entertainment Council jointly sponsor the competition .

  9. “孤岛”时期的《文汇报》,是应“抗日救亡”的时代潮流和“孤岛”社会环境的需要而产生的坚持民族大义、坚持抗日宣传的民办爱国报纸。

    The Standard in Shanghai during the period of Gudao was published for the need of the " anti-Japanese and national salvation " trend of the times and the occupied Shanghais social environment .

  10. 两帅之间还有一帅,就是文汇报驻京办事处负责人浦熙修,是一位能干的女将。

    In between the two commanders , there is a third in the person of Pu Hsi-hsiu , a capable woman of action in charge of the Peking office of Wen Hui Pao .

  11. 张主任接受《文汇报》记者采访时说,这样做目的是从心理与道德两方面为同学们提供两性方面的引导,帮助他们成长为成熟的男性与女性。

    The goal is to give students guidance in the psychological and moral issues in sex and help them grow up to be mature males and females , Zhang told Wen Wei Po .