
wén huà shèn tòu
  • cultural infiltration
  1. 中外合作办学中的文化渗透问题分析

    The Analysis of the Phenomenon of Cultural Infiltration in Sino-foreign Cooperation Schools

  2. 第五部分主要讲《传奇故事》中的媒介文化渗透。

    The fifth part , stresses the media cultural infiltration of Legend .

  3. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。

    Through the medium of the Syrians Greek culture penetrated Persia .

  4. 高中英语文化渗透式教学初探

    The Preliminary Probe into the Culture-Osmosed Style in Senior English Teaching

  5. 外教资源的利用实际上是跨文化渗透。

    Actually , the use of foreign teachers resources means intercultural permeation .

  6. 因此,必须实施外教资源利用中的跨文化渗透战略。

    Therefore , the strategy of intercultural permeation must be carried out .

  7. 从英汉互借词看中外文化渗透

    Infiltration of culture by borrowed words into English and Chinese

  8. 这种文化渗透在一定程度上影响了我的腰围。

    Some of this cultural immersion is affecting my waistline .

  9. 美国文化渗透到世界各个角落。

    Around the world it exerts a strong cultural draw .

  10. 基于自组织理论的企业文化渗透机制及测度研究

    Research on Mechanism and Evaluation of Corporate Culture Infiltration Based on Self-organization Theory

  11. 试论西方文化渗透及应对策略

    On Infiltration of Western Culture and Our Proper Strategy

  12. 汉语语言系统及对外汉语教学中的文化渗透

    Chinese Language System and Cultural Infiltration during Teaching Chinese as A Second Language

  13. 西部旅游业发展中的文化渗透

    Culture Infiltration In The Development of West tourism

  14. 大学英语教学中的《圣经》典故文化渗透与英语学习

    The Allusions to the Bible and the English Studies Involved in College English Teaching

  15. 中国近代教会大学西方文化渗透研究

    A Study on the Infiltration of Western Cultures of Christian Universities in Modern China

  16. 在英语教学中,实施跨文化渗透教育既是必要的,又是可行的。

    In teaching practice , across-culture education is not only necessary but also feasible .

  17. 龟兹乐与佛教音乐关系密切,佛教文化渗透在龟兹乐中。

    Buddhist culture permeates through Qiuzi music that is closely related with Buddhist music .

  18. 外语教学应加强对学生的文化渗透

    Culture Infiltration Should Be Enforced in ELT

  19. 浅析英语教学中的跨文化渗透教育

    Exploration On Across-culture Education In English Teaching

  20. 语文教学中的文化渗透要把握分寸。

    In a word , we must be careful with the culture infiltration when teaching .

  21. 文化渗透法在日语教学中的应用

    Method of Cultural Infiltration in Japanese Teaching

  22. 论外语阅读课上的文化渗透

    Cultural Permeation in Foreign Language Reading Class

  23. 翻译方法与文化渗透

    On Translation Methods and Cultural Communication

  24. 商品广告的文化渗透

    Culture Permeation in Commodity Advertisement Summary

  25. 广告的文化渗透与文化冲突

    Cultural Permeation and Conflict of Advertisement

  26. 精英文化渗透着历代文化精英思想的精华。

    Elite culture has been pervasive in the highlights of cultural elite thoughts of various generations .

  27. 媒介垄断与文化渗透:冷战后美国传播霸权研究

    Media Monopoly and Cultural Pervasion : A Study of the U.S. Propagation Hegemony after the Cold War

  28. 文化渗透与犯罪

    Cultural immersion and crimes

  29. 文化渗透在新闻传播领域的表现及对策

    The exhibition and countermeasure of the pervasion on the field of the spread of news THEORY OF PERMEATION

  30. 跨文化渗透:高等教育国际化语境下外教资源的利用战略

    Intercultural Permeation : Strategy on the Use of Foreign Teachers Resources in the Context of Internationalization of Higher Education