
  • 网络historical landscape;Historic Landscape
  1. 商业步行街人文历史景观保护设计研究

    Protection Design of Humane and Historical Landscape in Commercial Pedestrian District

  2. 但现今我们所遭遇的尴尬事实便是城市中的历史景观被无情毁坏、伪造,历史仅仅沦为娱乐的素材与消费的商品。

    But nowadays , the historical landscape is demolished and forged , the history is only as the recreational materials and commodities .

  3. 最初是想用现代景观点缀历史景观。

    Originally the intention was to intersperse the historical scenes with modern ones .

  4. 试验表明,该方法对现状景观结构与斑块结构调查的可重复性精度在87.71%到92.33%之间。对历史景观调查的可重复性精度在80.10%至91.83%之间。

    The method repeatable for current landscape survey is in87.71 % to92.33 % , and80.10 % to91.83 for ww2 landscape survey .

  5. 古老的建筑和宏伟的教堂使得老城区广场成为欧洲最美丽的历史景观之一。

    With its ancient buildings and magnificent churches the old town square is one of the most beautiful historical sights in Europe .

  6. 总结商业景观设计中对历史景观的保护性设计的主要手法,提出保护性设计原则。

    Summary commercial landscape design of historical landscape protective design of the main technique , and puts forward the protective design principles .

  7. 长江三峡是集自然景观与人文历史景观于一体的世界著名峡谷观光旅游胜地。

    The Three Gorge of Yangtze River is a world famous tourist attraction that integrates natural scenery with historic and cultural remains .

  8. 丰富的自然旅游资源、绚丽的人文历史景观和发达的杜会经济,是苏州发展旅游的独特资源优势。

    Su Zhou has lots of tourism resources , such as , rich in natural tourism resources , the magnificant history and social economy .

  9. 建筑:地域主义与身份认同的历史景观适宜技术视野下的闽南地域建筑研究

    A Historical View on Regionalism and Cultural Identity in Architecture ; Study on the Regional Architecture in South Fujian in the Perspective of Appropriate Technology

  10. 西安市是以人文历史景观为主的国家优秀旅游城市,旅游资源丰富,吸引了无数国内外游客。

    Xi ' an is the humanities and history-based national excellent tourist city , Which has Rich tourism resources , attracting numerous tourists from home and abroad .

  11. 该研究以营造风景林这一特定要求为目标,在原生态环境破坏后,给处于海岛风口浪尖的特定地点恢复历史景观。

    Aiming at afforesting scenic bamboo forest , and recovering historical scenes after severe collapse of original ecology in the unique place-Putuoshan , a very important religious site .

  12. 进化与反复&鲁迅《中国小说史略》与进化史观周原现代地貌考察和历史景观复原

    Evolution and Retrogression : A Brief History of Chinese Fiction and the Historical View of the Theory of Evolution Investigate Modern Landforms of Zhou Yuan and Restore Historical Landscape

  13. 西安城墙国际马拉松赛是在现在世界保存最好、最独特的历史景观&古城墙上开展的一项国际性马拉松赛事。

    Xi ' an City Wall Marathon , an international marathon hold on City Wall , is the most perfectly preserved and unique history landscape all over the world .

  14. 在研究高架桥下空间利用的同时,发现高架桥还有保护历史景观作用的可能性。

    Use of space research under the viaduct at the same time , found that the viaduct there is the possibility of the role of the protection of historic landscapes .

  15. 文化遗址的保护及历史景观的再现与展示&以河北省邯郸市赵王城遗址保护及展示研究为例

    Protection of Cultural Relics and the Reproduction and Presentation of Historical Landscape & Exampled by Study on Protection and Presentation of the Site of Zhao State Capital at Handan , Hebei

  16. 高架桥保护历史景观的成功应用不但拓宽了桥下空间的利用模式,而且还为历史景观的保护提供了一种新的可行的办法。

    The successful application of the viaduct to protect historic landscapes not only widened the bridge space use patterns , but also provides a new feasible solution for the protection of historic landscapes .

  17. 在名著改编热潮的背景下,我们要乐观的发掘电视剧改编的历史景观,长远性分析名著改编剧的发展方向,进一步探索性思考名著改编的现实路径。

    Boom in the novel adaptation , we need have an optimistic view to explore the TV history , analysis the direction for a long view , think further explore of the realistic way .

  18. 通过实地探查,可以发现一些历史景观遗迹,特别是山、水等自然景观要素,以及重庆城镇保存良好的古建筑、石刻、街道等。

    By on-the-spot investigation , we find a lot of historic relics , which include mountains , water and other natural elements , well-preserved ancient buildings , stone carvings , streets and so on .

  19. 在唐河南泉遗址保护性设计中,为保护南泉遗址迫不得已采用高架桥跨越其上的方式很好地解决了城市发展与历史景观保护的对立矛盾。

    Tanghe Nanquan site protection designed to protect Nanquan sites no alternative but adopt the viaduct across the way on a good solution to the confrontation between urban development and the protection of historic landscapes .

  20. 第六章根据景观生态学的系统整体性理论,结合对多元节点空间分析,从景观多样性、空间渗透、延续性与整体一致性三方面研究了古城区历史景观的整体特征。

    In Chapter Six , I studied the character of landscape in town in three aspects , the diversity of landscapes , the penetration and continuation of spaces , and the coherence of all sights .

  21. 对近现代公园历史景观和历史文化遗存应遵循原真性和整体性保护原则,强调宏观的、长期的协调和监控过程。

    The retaining historic landscape and cultural relics in modern parks should be based on the conservation principles of authenticity and integrity . The key is long-term harmonizing and sustaining supervision with a macro view .

  22. 秦皇岛柳江国家地质公园由三部分组成:柳江盆地地质遗迹景观区,祖山、燕塞湖、角山、长寿山地质地貌景观区和长城人文历史景观区。

    Liujiang National Geopark of Qinhuangdao consists of three parts : Liujiang basin geological relics interests , Zu Mountain , Jiao mountain , Changshou mountain and Yansai River geological landform interests and the Great Wall cultural interests .

  23. 追溯历史景观的网格空间,分析现代网格景观空间理论的形成与特征,探讨国内实践作品的得失。

    Looking back the historical codes of landscape grid spaces , the characters and aspects of modern grid space in master landscape works were discussed , and how to apply grid space into practice right now was analyzed .

  24. 本文总结了六类景观类型,主要有历史景观、纪念景观、标志景观、教育景观、艺术景观和场景景观,并结合国内外的实际案例阐述各景观类型的文化内涵。

    In the thesis , the author summarizes6types : historic landscape , memorial landscape , mark landscape , education landscape , artistic landscape and scene landscape . Through examples of China and foreign countries , the author also states their cultural connotations .

  25. 基于风景区独特的资源环境,通过改造和利用物质形态的历史景观、遵循与传承非物质形态的文化景观,实现景点设计融入自然环境和尊重场所精神。

    Based on the unique scenic resources and the environment , it makes the scenic spot design integrated into naturel environment and respect to the spirit of place by transforming and using historical landscape in physical form , following and inheriting cultural landscape in intangible form .

  26. 以重庆科技学院校园环境规划的实践为基础,谈如何运用生态原理进行绿化建设,维护校园生态平衡,创造融人文、自然、历史景观为一体的校园生态环境。

    Based on the practice of campus environment planning Chongqing University of Science and Technology , the paper introduced how to use ecological principle to landscape greening construction , maintain ecological balance and create the ecological environment combining humanism , nature and historical landscape on campus .

  27. 随着城市发展节奏的加快,许多新事物的产生与旧事物消亡,如何保护和合理开发利用包括古城墙在内的文物古迹及历史景观就成了我们亟待解决的课题。

    With the accelerated pace of urban development , the emergence of many new things and the demise of the old things , how to protect and rationally develop and use the cultural heritage included the ancient city walls and historical landscape has become an issue that need urgent solution .

  28. 体现城市历史地段景观的可持续发展思想;

    And embodiment the sustainable idea of historial landscape in city .

  29. 城市历史地段景观设计研究

    Studies in Landscape Design of the Heritage Site in the Urban

  30. 岷江上游历史文化景观与环境动因

    The Historical Culture-landscape and the Environmental Cause of the Upper Minjiang River