
lì shǐ dì lǐ
  • historical geography
  1. 本文研究典型古村落筛选、历史地理考察、人类家园环境解说内容与EROT环境解说传播模式。

    This paper studies the selection of typical ancient villages , the investigation of the historical geography of ancient villages , the substance of environmental explanations about ancient villages , the transmitting modes of environment explanations known as EROT .

  2. 有关古蔡国的几个历史地理问题

    Some problems of Historical Geography on the Ancient State of Cai

  3. 历史地理数据的GIS应用处理&以清时期的陕西为例

    GIS Data Processing of Historical Records & The Case of the Qing Dynasty in Shaanxi

  4. 通过运用复旦大学历史地理研究中心提供的GIS数据所作出的地图,来表达财政的结构层次。

    And the structural level of finance is represented by the maps made by using the GIS data provided by the Research Center of the History and Geography of Fudan University .

  5. 中国历史地理信息系统(CHGIS)、过去2000年中国环境综合研究、省级断代历史地理信息系统研究相继启动,GIS开始应用于历史地理研究中。

    China Historical GIS ( CHGIS ), investigation of Chinese environment in the past 2000 years , and the development of provincial historical geography information system for a given dynasty have been initiated .

  6. 历史地理材料在海岸与海平面研究中的应用

    Application of historical-geographical data in the study of shoreline and sea-level

  7. 试论区域历史地理研究的理论和方法&兼论北方农牧交错带地区的历史地理综合研究

    Theories and Methods for the Study of Regional History and Geography

  8. 清朝前期青海历史地理初探

    Historical Geography of Qinghai in the Forward of Qing Dynasty

  9. 汉代西瓯历史地理与定周县

    The Historical Geography and The Dingzhou County in Han Dynasty

  10. 王鸣盛历史地理考证的理性探求

    Wang Ming-sheng 's Rational Exploring in His Textual Research about Historical Geography

  11. 从历史地理看徽商的兴衰

    The thrive and decline of the Huizhou merchants viewed from historical geography

  12. 农业是区域历史地理研究的一个重点。

    Agriculture is one of the focal point of regional historical geography study .

  13. 滇池历史地理初步研究

    Preliminary study on the historical geography of Dianchi Lake

  14. 尖首刀流通区域的历史地理考察

    Investigation in Historical Geography of the Area that the Sharp Knife Coin Circulates

  15. 历史地理信息化是当前研究的热点。

    Using information technology in historical geography studies is hotspot in the field .

  16. 保定市县域名的历史地理与文化特征研究

    A Research into the Characteristics of Baoding County Names

  17. 北约东扩:历史地理规律的延续?

    Nato 's eastward expansion : continuation of the geographical law of history ?

  18. 韩城城市历史地理研究

    A Study on the Urban Historical Geography of Hancheng

  19. 城市历史地理的研究与城市规划

    The study of urban historical geography and city planning

  20. 对陕西历史地理的研究取得了丰硕的成果;

    Made fruitful achievement in the Shaanxi Historical Geography ;

  21. 区域历史地理研究与国土规划

    Study of regional historical geography and land planning

  22. 农业历史地理环境变迁与农业地域拓展

    Expand thinking historical changes of agricultural geographic environment and the development of agricultural economy

  23. 南岭山区古村落的历史地理研究

    The Historical Geography Study of the Ancient Villages in the Mountain Area of Nanling

  24. 王国维的历史地理研究

    Research on Wang Guowei 's Historical Geography

  25. 湖南早期楚文化的历史地理分析

    An Analysis of Historical Geography on the Early Chu Culture in Hu ' nan Province

  26. 再论历史地理研究中的区域问题

    Review on the Region of Historical Geography

  27. 渝西地区具有十分丰富的历史地理资源及其研究价值。

    At present , Yuxi area has very plentiful historical geographic resources and research value .

  28. 元中都的历史地理地位及其在当前经济建设中的作用

    The Study of the Middle Capital of the Yuan Dynasty and Its Present Economical Function

  29. 库布齐沙漠历史地理研究

    Historical Geography Study of the Hobq Desert

  30. 加拿大历史地理课的作业是阅读一篇文章,回答相关问题。

    In Social Studies , they need to read an assignment and work on some questions .