
lì shí yǔ yán xué
  • diachronic linguistics
  1. 索绪尔提出的有关共时语言学和历时语言学相区别的理论,对于语言研究具有普遍的指导意义。

    The theories about distinguishing synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics put forward by Saussure are of guiding significance in the study of language .

  2. 历时语言学和社会语言学认为任何语言的产生、变化和发展都是“个体发生”和“种系发生”的有机结合。

    According to Diachronic Linguistics and Socio-linguistics , the emergence , variation and evolution of a language thanks to the organic combination between Individual Occurence and Species Occurence .

  3. 从历时语言学的角度来分析共时语言学中所发现的语言现象是语言学界的一个趋势。

    There is a trend that language phenomenon found in synchronic linguistics be analyzed from diachronic perspective .

  4. 本文对A在重读音节中的读音概括了5条拼读规则,对规则的例外概括了3条语音演变规律,从历时语言学的角度解释了这些规则的来历以及为什么会有例外。

    This paper puts forward five principles for stressed syllables in spelling and pronunciation and three rules governing the changing of English sound .

  5. 英语屈折历时变化的认知语言学阐释24小时动态血压变化与认知功能损害

    Diachronic Study of English Inflection from the Perspective of Cognitive Grammar ; The Relationship between Cognitive Impairment and Ambulatory Blood Pressure