
lì shǐ jiě shì
  • historical interpretation
  1. 该种方法具体又可分为文义解释、体系解释、历史解释等十余种具体的解释方法。

    This legal method includes more than ten subdivided methods , such as literal interpretation , context interpretation , historical interpretation , and so on .

  2. 欧盟法的解释遵循统一解释原则,其解释方法主要有文义解释、历史解释、体系解释和目的解释。

    The interpretation of European Union law must comply with the principle of unification interpretation . Its ways include semantic interpretation , historical interpretation , systematic interpretation and teleological interpretation .

  3. 文学史历史解释的合法性

    The Validity on the Historical Explanation of the Literary History

  4. 本文试图在解释学和现象学基础上澄清马克思的历史解释原则。

    On the foundation of study of interpretation and study of phenomenon .

  5. 历史解释与美国宪法史学流派

    Interpretation of History and Different Schools on the Constitution of the United States

  6. 历史解释原则:马克思的形而上学

    The principle of historical explanation : Max s metaphysics

  7. 历史解释建构中的理解问题

    Understanding and Explanation in History

  8. 建党前夕马克思主义传播的历史解释方法&对《马克思还原》的分析与解读

    The Method of Historical Explanation on the Marxism in China on the Eve of the CPC 's Birth

  9. 董仲舒的历史解释活动中包含着三大模式:配景模式、合理性解释模式和法则解释模式。

    Dong Zhongshu 's three historical explanations , which originate from the thoughts of Confucius and Mencius , etc.

  10. 但同时后现代性的历史解释方法又不能满足时代的普遍需求。

    But in another hand the Postmodernism way of historical explanation cannot meet the general need of our time .

  11. 本书读上去好像是把个人回忆录、选股列表和对中国经济奇迹的历史解释综合在了一起。

    The book reads like a combination of personal memoir , stock pick listings and historical explanation of the Chinese economic miracle .

  12. 近代法国农业资本主义缓慢演进的深层原因&基于一个长时段的宏观历史解释

    The Underlying Causes of the Slow Evolution of the Agricultural Capitalism in Modern French & Based on the Macro-history Explanation for a Long Time

  13. 历史解释与历史规律波普对历史决定论的批评从历史解释到历史叙事评《历史哲学译丛》

    Historical explanation and Historicism & Popper s Criticism on Historicism ; From Historical Explanation to Historical Narrative : A Review of Translations of Historical Philosophy ;

  14. 这就造成了严重的理论倒退和普遍的理论混乱,极大地削弱了唯物史观的历史解释力,严重地限制和阻碍了我国的历史学和历史理论的正常发展。

    This leads to seriously theoretical confusion , weakens the explaining ability of historical materialism , limits and hinders normal development of our historiography and historical theory .

  15. 马克思强调实践在变革传统哲学观作用和意义的同时,意味着马克思依然存在一种形而上学即历史解释原则。

    When Karl Marx emphasized that practice had huge effect in revolution philosophy , it meant that he also existed any metaphysics : the principle of historical explanation .

  16. 文本通过考察,提出如下观点:第一,唯物史观的历史解释并非处于相同的抽象水平上,也就是,唯物史观的解释框架并非铁板一块,是具有层次的。

    Firstly , the interpretation of Historical Materialism is not in the same level , that is , there are different levels in this the interpretation framework or structure .

  17. 在历史解释与历史评价等问题上,本文亦给出了自己力求深入、细致的分析与见解。

    In the other questions such as " historical explanation " and " judgment in history ", a deep analysis in details also have been offered in this dissertation .

  18. 从学术发展的内部因素看,史学研究由实证上升到历史解释也符合一定的内在理路。

    From the academic factor of internal development , the historical research rose from fact-finding history to overview history , which was coherent to intrinsic logic to some extent .

  19. 文章从语言解释、历史解释、心理解释、校勘与注释四个方面将诗词注释中的常见讹误分类释例,以期为日后的注释实践提供一点参考。

    This article gives some examples about these errors from language , history , mentality and collating , and it will be a reference about annotation work in future .

  20. 显然,这些条件经常不能得到满足,从而使历史解释陷于困境,最后不得不求助于客观的目的解释。

    Apparently , that those conditions always can not be satisfied makes the historical interpretation plunge into jam and at last it has to rescue to the objective purpose interpretation .

  21. 本文提出整合和调节现代性与后现代性两种思路,以重建文学史历史解释的合法性。

    My article attmpt to the combine and mediate the two way between modernity and post-modernity , as to reconstucted the validity of historical explanation on the history of literature .

  22. 本文仅以文义解释、体系解释、历史解释、目的解释及合宪解释这五种具体方法为例,对法律解释作为裁判规则的建构方法,加以论述。

    In this dissertation , the author discusses legal interpretation as the constructive method of judicial rules by taking literal interpretation , context interpretation , historical interpretation , teleological interpretation and constitutional interpretation as examples .

  23. 在进行历史解释时,因果概念有一个比较自由的使用空间,人们既可以在日常语言的层面上使用因果概念,也可以寻求动机因果,或者使用覆盖率模式进行因果解释。

    When doing historical explanation , we have a relatively free use of space of causality . We can use it in everyday language , or seek motivated causality , or use coverage pattern of causal explanation .

  24. 历史解释原则和共时解释原则皆有其存在的合理空间,但它们在我国目前所能发挥的功能都是非常有限的,且难以得到实证支持。

    Both the theory of historical interpretation and the theory of contemporaneous interpretation have their reasonable space of existence , but their functions in present China are very limited and hard to be supported by actual evidences .

  25. 历史的解释必定是历史决定论思想的中心工作。

    Interpretation of history must be the central job of historicist thought .

  26. 他对于历史的解释不象莫特利那样牵强。

    His interpretations on history are far less strained than those of Motley .

  27. 传统上对欧洲历史的解释,大都视中世纪为一个文化黑暗时期。

    To regard Middle Ages as a dark cultural age is a traditional interpretation of European history .

  28. 全文首先综述了语境的研究历史,解释了书面语篇的定义和基本特征。

    First the research history of context is reviewed and the term of written discourse is also introduced .

  29. 正如纽约历史社会学家解释的,移居到这里的更多的荷兰人的努力大部分都失败了。

    As the New-York historical society explains , efforts to get more Dutch people to move there largely failed .

  30. 科学家们表示这种受到威胁的历史可以解释为什么一种已知的文明会认定其他文明为异文明,邪恶的文明。

    The scientists say that its threat history could explain why a given culture finds others to be alien or immoral .