
  • 网络Historic environment;historic setting
  1. 城市历史环境保护的生态学理念

    Study on Ecological Theory about the Protection of Urban Historic Environment

  2. 历史环境的保护与可持续发展是普遍受到关注的问题。

    Conservation of historic environment and sustainable development are widely concerned presently .

  3. 必须把这些事件同它们的历史环境联系起来看。

    You must place these events in their historical context .

  4. 我们将耶稣置于历史环境中来看是很重要的。

    It is important that we put Jesus into the context of history .

  5. 主控部分的单片机用汇编语言来编程,各个监测模块定时采集环境参数,实时地在本地LCD界面显示并送到远程监控的上位机,同时系统支持键盘与上位机对历史环境参数数据的查询。

    The single-chip microcomputer control part written in assembly language programming , each monitoring module timing acquisition environment parameters , real-time in local LCD display interface and sent to the remote monitoring of the upper , and the system of the upper keyboard and support of history data query .

  6. 我国目前城市历史环境保护面临着诸多客观困难。

    There are many difficulties protecting the history environments of cities .

  7. 拿破仑战争的历史环境成因探析

    Analysis on the Causative Factors of Historic Circumstances of Napoleonic Wars

  8. 城市历史环境指城市中历史上遗存的形体环境。

    Urban historical environment is the physique the city left behind .

  9. 特定的历史环境搭建了迷信充分表演的舞台。

    Special historical environment built the stage of superstition acting .

  10. 日本历史环境保护的理论与实践&法律、政策与公众参与

    The law , policy and public participation in Japanese historic environment preservation

  11. 城市历史环境保护与城市设计是不可分割的,二者契合成城市历史环境的保护设计,就是以城市设计的方法去实现城市历史环境保护。

    The protection of urban historical environment and urban design are inseparable .

  12. 历史环境中城市休闲空间设计分析

    Study the Design of Urban Leisure Space by Historical Surrounding in Cities

  13. 人格权理论是在特殊的历史环境影响下形成的一种对作者极为推崇的理论。

    The personality theory is a theory that thinks highly of the author .

  14. 城市历史环境包含历史实体和这些实体所传递的历史文化信息。

    Historical surrounding include historical entity and historical cultural information of the entity .

  15. 探索与历史环境对话的新景观设计

    Explore Dialogue with the New Landscape Design Environment History

  16. 西安历史环境中的城市公共空间构建与设计研究

    Construction and Design Study on Urban Public Space in Historical Environment in Xi'an

  17. 这就是挑战,考虑历史环境时的挑战。

    That 's the challenge , of course , of working with historical circumstances .

  18. 城市历史环境保护问题

    The protect of history environment in cities

  19. 建筑空缺弥补&也谈历史环境新建筑创作

    Refill the " Architectural Lacuna " & The New Architectural Design in a Historical Context

  20. 城市历史环境对城市具有重要的意义,而且对城市可持续发展也具有重要的作用。

    The historic environment of a city is significant to the city and its sustainable development .

  21. 拿破仑战争的发生有一个特殊的历史环境,造成这个历史环境的因素是多方面的。

    Napoleonic Wars broke out under the certain historic circumstances which were caused by various factors .

  22. 这正是他们坎坷的人生经历和当时的历史环境使之然。

    That 's the result of their rugged experiences and the historical conditions at that time .

  23. 宗教无法脱离于社会,政治,及历史环境与事件。

    Religion can 't be divorced from social , political , and historical contexts and issues .

  24. 从这些信札的内容来看,主要反映了当时的历史环境和个人心境。

    From these letters , we can see history condition and personal mood at that time .

  25. 准确地说,我们需要考虑历史环境,并且需要正确地考虑历史环境。

    Precisely , we need to take them into account and we need to get them right .

  26. 指出这一误传是特定的历史环境与普遍的历史误读两方面的原因造成。

    The article thinks out that the special historical environment and the common historical misinterpretation cause the misinformation .

  27. 而造成这种局面的原因是他们所处的相似而又不同的社会历史环境。

    And the cause of this situation is that they are similar and different social and historical environment .

  28. 论文共分三节:第一节,中国钢琴音乐发展基本情况概述,本节介绍了20世纪初至20世纪70年代中国钢琴音乐创作概况,将陈培勋先生的钢琴音乐创作放到历史环境来考察。

    This dissertation includes three sections : the first section is the overview of Chinese piano music development ;

  29. 传奇有其形成的具体历史环境,有着独特的构成因素,其发展有沿袭,又有创新。

    Chuanqi of the history of its formation , has a unique factors , have followed , and innovation .

  30. 每一种语言都是在具体的特定的社会历史环境中产生和发展起来的。

    In fact , the birth and development of every language was in the specific social and historical environment .