
  • 网络johann adam schall von bell;Schall;Adam Schall
  1. 汤若望一生中较重要的事件,几乎均环绕在历日四周。

    Throughout Schall 's life , what influenced him most were on the whole focused on the calendrical issues .

  2. 1688年南怀仁逝世,康熙赐以国葬,墓地就在利玛窦及汤若望墓隔邻,他对中西文化交流做出的杰出贡献至今仍为人所景仰。

    Upon his death in1688 , Ferdinand Verbiest was given a state funeral by Emperor Kangxi and was buried next to Ricci and Schall .

  3. 1645年中国采用了一种新的、有争议的历法,这种历法是在耶稣会传教士汤若望指导下编制的。

    In 1645 China adopted a new , controversial calendar that had been prepared under the direction of the Jesuit Adam Schall von Bell .

  4. 在他看来,中国天文学知识随着采用比较精确的汤若望历法之后已经取得了进步,而这次更改历法是徐光启1629年发起的改革的结果。

    In his view , Chinese astronomical knowledge had advanced following the adoption of the new , more accurate Jesuit calendar following the reform initiated by Xu Guangqi in 1629 .