
  • Tang Wei;【人名】Wei Tang
  1. 中国女演员汤唯和电影导演岸西(IvyHo)在香港国际电影节上露面,出席她们合作的浪漫喜剧片《月满轩尼诗》(CrossingHennessy)在周日晚间的首映。

    Chinese actress Tang Wei and director Ivy Ho appeared at the Hong Kong International Film Festival for the Sunday-night premiere of their romantic comedy ' Crossing Hennessy . '

  2. 从汤唯的爱情故事里,我看到了几乎所有女生的影子。

    I see almost all girls in TangWei 's love .

  3. 回国之后,汤唯出演过五部电影,但几乎是零宣传。

    Upon her return to China she acted in five films , but barely promoted them .

  4. 汤唯也应该算一号,看看她在《色戒》中的表现吧!

    Tang Wei should be here on the strength of her performance in Lust Caution alone !

  5. 中国女演员汤唯和韩国导演金泰勇之间的秘密恋情已有一年。

    Chinese actress Tang Wei has been secretly seeing award-winning Korean director Kim Tae-yong for a year .

  6. 主演还有嘎纳电影节影帝梁朝伟和中国青年演员汤唯。

    The film also stars Cannes best actor winner Tony Leung Chiu-wai and Chinese newcomer Tang Wei .

  7. 在这部表现间谍的影片中,汤唯和香港演员梁朝伟上演了赤裸裸的情欲戏。

    The spy actioner features explicit sex scenes between Tang Wei and Hong Kong star Tony Leung Chiu-wai .

  8. 她反复看了梁朝伟给汤唯买大钻戒的那部分。

    She rewound and rewatched the part where the hero purchases a big diamond ring for the heroine .

  9. 该版本剧情沿用了之前的情节:美籍华裔女子安娜(汤唯饰演)因杀害丈夫而被判入狱。

    The screenplay follows the original : Chinese-American Anna ( Tang ) is in prison for killing her husband .

  10. 身为‘明星’的汤唯跟真正的我没有什么关系。

    The ' star ' Tang Wei is there , she said . She has nothing to do with the real me .

  11. 身为中国最炙手可热的青年演员之一,汤唯保持高人气的同时却能低调处事。

    As one of the most popular young Chinese actresses , Tang manages to keep a low profile while maintaining her popularity .

  12. 路人们拍下汤唯在书店、小餐馆以及电影院的照片并传到网上。

    Passersby take photos of the star in bookstores , small restaurants and at the theater and post them on the Internet .

  13. 内地女演员汤唯也凭借在《北京遇上西雅图之不二情书》中的表演入围最佳女主角的提名。

    Mainland actress Tang Wei has also been nominated for best female lead for her performance in " Book of Love . "

  14. 大胆,有一点儿狂野,不按常理出牌。汤唯表示自己在某些方面很像她最新饰演的角色文佳佳。

    Bold , a bit wild and not playing by the rules , Tang said , referring to a certain similarity with her latest character Wen .

  15. 这部由薛晓璐执导、汤唯主演的电影自去年上映以来在中国狂揽超过8500万美元票房。

    Directed by Xue Xiaolu and starring Tang Wei , the film has grossed more than $ 85 million in China since its release last year .

  16. 有几部具有明显地域风情的电影将首次进行全球公映,包括开幕式之夜将上演的岸西执导的浪漫喜剧《月满轩尼诗》,由张学友及汤唯主演。

    There will be world premieres for several films with a distinctly local flavor , including director Ivy Ho 's opening-night romantic comedy'Crossing Hennessy , 'starring Jacky Cheung and Tang Wei .

  17. 这部中国女星汤唯和韩国影星玄彬共同主演的电影《晚秋》讲述了一个引人入胜的故事:两个看起来完全无害的不被社会接受的人如何不顾一切地陷入爱河。

    Starring Chinese actress Tang Wei and South Korean actor Hyun Bin , Late Autumn is an enchanting tale of two unlikely misfits who fall in love , against all odds .

  18. 他挑选的都是美国观众不熟悉的演员,比如王力宏,他是一个出生在美国的中国流行歌手,还有中国女演员汤唯,在片中饰演王力宏的姊妹,一个系统工程师,海姆斯沃斯爱上了她。

    He choose stars who are unfamiliar to American audiences , like Mr. Wang , an American-born pop star in China , and the Chinese actress Tang Wei , who plays his sister , a systems engineer who becomes Mr. Hemsworth 's love interest .