
  • 网络Tangyin County
  1. 作者对来自我国河南省汤阴县的布氏艾美尔球虫及其早熟株的生物学特性做了较为详细的研究。

    The biological characteristics of Tangyin strain of Eimeria brunetti isolated in Tangyin County , Henan province , China and its precocious line were studied .

  2. 第二章主要是介绍老城区空间形态的基本构成要素,以指导对汤阴县老城区空间形态构成要素的分析。

    The second chapter introduces the basic elements of the spatial form of the old town , and also guides the analysis the constituents of the TangYin old town .

  3. 第三章主要分析古代老城区的空间形态,从汤阴县的历史沿革、地名由来及空间形态的各构成要素来进行分析。

    The third chapter analyzes the spatial form of the old town from the history of TangYin , the origin of the places and the elements of the spatial form .

  4. 汤阴县文物古迹丰富,有岳飞庙国家级文物保护单位,有文笔塔、奎光阁县级文物保护单位,此外,还有大量的传统民居,传统的道路骨架保存也较为完整。

    Tangyin has national cultural protection unit of Yue Fei Temple , county-level cultural relics protection units writing tower , Kui Kwong Court and a large number of traditional houses . Traditional road skeleton saves more completely .

  5. 第一章通过介绍研究的背景、内容、目的、意义、方法及框架,指出汤阴县老城区空间形态保护的必要性。

    The first chapter introduces the research background , content , purpose , meaning , method and framework . The first chapter also points out the need to the protection of the space form of TangYin old town .

  6. 第五章主要是在前几个章节的铺垫下针对汤阴县老城区空间形态现存的问题提出了具体的保护思路和保护方法,最后简要阐述了汤阴县老城区空间形态保护的意义。

    The fifth chapter proposes the protection thought and protection methods for the existing spatial form of the old town in the first several chapters bedding , ad also briefly describes the significance of the protection of the spatial form of Tang Yin old town .