
  1. 汤洪波则在空间站内负责跟踪他们的工作进程。

    Tang Hongbo monitor their progress from inside the space station .

  2. 刘伯明和汤洪波昨天安装了设备并移动了一台全景相机的位置。

    Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo installed equipment and moved the position of a panoramic camera yesterday .

  3. 在分离前,宇航员聂海胜、刘伯明和汤洪波完成了天和核心舱的任务。

    And taikonauts Nie Haisheng , Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo completed their tasks on the Tianhe core module before the separation .

  4. 神舟12号飞船在北京时间周四上午9点过后发射成功,乘组宇航员包括聂海胜、刘伯明和汤洪波。

    The Shenzhou-12 spacecraft shortly after 9 o'clock morning on Thursday Beijing Time with astronauts Nie Haisheng , Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo on board .

  5. 今天下午13时34分,搭载宇航员聂海胜、刘伯明和汤洪波的神舟12号返回舱在内蒙古自治区东风着陆场着陆。

    Now the Shenzhou-12 with astronauts Nie Haisheng , Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo aboard , touched down at the Dongfeng landing site in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at 1:34 p.m. today .