
pàn jué shū
  • court verdict;paper of judgment;paper of sentence;written judgment
判决书 [pàn jué shū]
  • [court verdict;written judgment] 法院根据判决完成的文书

  1. 对判决书制作如何规范化,本文提出了诉讼法应确立判决理由的法律地位并允许法官对个案所涉法律作出解释;

    For the normalization of writing court verdict , this article raises that Procedure Law should establish the judicial status of grounds of decision and authorize judges to give explanation for the law involving in a case ;

  2. 行政判决书中法院查明的事实不是引起争议的事实,而是行政执法程序等事实。

    The facts ascertained in court verdict shall be the facts about the procedure of administrative law enforcement rather than the facts in dispute .

  3. 判决书宣读完,加德纳夫人向法官们表示感谢。

    When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges .

  4. 第一百三十八条判决书应当写明:

    Article 138 A judgment shall clearly set forth the following :

  5. 人民法院的判决书,应当在选举日前送达选举委员会和起诉人,并通知有关公民。

    The written judgment of the people 's court shall be served on the election committee and the party who brings the suit before the election day ; other citizens concerned shall be notified of the judgment .

  6. 完整判决书请参阅科技博客AllThingsD。

    The full ruling , via Allthingsd .

  7. 法官詹姆斯•奥伦斯坦(JamesOrenstein)在长达50页的判决书中对苹果的主张予以了支持,而其中一些主张也出现在苹果在加州那桩案子的自辩中。

    In a 50-page ruling , judge James Orenstein backed some of the arguments that Apple has also made in its California defence .

  8. 国际唱片业协会(IFPI)称,它已经收到百度和搜狗(Sogou)一案的判决书。百度是中国最大的在线搜索引擎,搜狗规模较小。

    The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry said it had received verdicts in a case against Baidu , China 's largest online search company , and Sogou , a smaller one .

  9. 澳大利亚联邦法院在措辞严厉的判决书中表示,标普与荷兰银行对2006年从一家中介机构购买AAA评级固定比例债务债券(CPDO)的12个地方议会构成欺骗和误导。

    In a damning verdict , the Federal Court of Australia ruled that S & P and ABN Amro had deceived and misled 12 local councils that bought triple-A rated constant proportion debt obligations ( CPDOs ) from an intermediary in 2006 .

  10. 6月16日,纽约州最高法院华裔法官翁家驹给出长达63页的判决书,认定零售商J.C.Penney公司试图在J.C.Penney商场中开玛莎·斯图沃特(MarthaStewart)店面属侵权干扰行为。

    On June 16 , New York State Supreme Court Justice Jeffrey Oing issued a 63-page decision in which he found that retailer J.C. Penney JCP 2.78 % had committed tortious interference in its attempt to develop a Martha Stewart store inside JC Penney stores .

  11. 澳大利亚法院此前已准许通过电子邮件发送判决书,而今年一位英式橄榄球联盟的明星提前与悉尼一俱乐部解约,转会法国土伦(toulon),则是通过手机短信收到诉讼通知的。

    Australian courts have previously allowed judgments to be delivered via e-mail , while a Rugby League star who walked out early on his contract with a Sydney club to play for Toulon this year was notified of proceedings via SMS text message .

  12. 是啊,今天早晨我接到离婚判决书。

    I know , I got handed divorce papers this morning .

  13. 美国刑法司法判决书的情态意义研究

    Book Bar Exploring the Modality in the Judgments of American Criminal Law

  14. 由一起行政诉讼案件判决书引发的法律思考

    Legal Reflections aroused by the Judgment of an administrative case

  15. 笔者认为判决书的转让其实质是一种确定的债权让与。

    The Transfer of the verdict means the doubtless credit-assignment .

  16. 从优选论视角看判决书翻译中的语用充实现象

    Pragmatic Enrichment in English Translations of Chinese Judgments : An OT Perspective

  17. 对我国民事判决书改革的建议与期待。

    Proposals and expectations to the reform of civil verdict .

  18. 行政判决书的制度重构和立法完善

    Systematic Reconstruction and Legislative Perfection of the Administrative Written Judgment

  19. 第一章为民事判决书概述,对民事判决书的相关知识进行梳理。

    Chapter One is the Introduction of Civil Judgment Paper .

  20. 生效判决书买卖行为的法律分析

    How to Legally Analyze the Trading Action of Inured Civil Judgment Paper

  21. 关于加强民事判决书说理,实非一个新鲜的议题。

    Improving the reasoning of Civil Judgment is not a new issue .

  22. 判决书是司法公正的载体,是司法文明的具体展现。

    As the carrier of judicial justice , verdicts indicate judicial civilization .

  23. 这份判决书是以联邦上诉法院的7名法官一致同意通过的。

    The ruling was unanimous , by a 7-0 vote .

  24. 在法官宣读他们的判决书时,两个人都表现得无动于衷。

    Both men appeared unmoved as the judge read out their sentence .

  25. 判决书写明各方的意见。

    The written judgment shall carry viewpoints of all parties .

  26. 基层法院离婚判决书研究(1978-2008)

    The Study of Divorce Case Judgement in the Basic Court ( 1978-2008 )

  27. 民事判决书理性化探讨

    Probing into the Rationality of the Civil Verdict Document

  28. 中文民事判决书的情态意义分析

    Book Bar A " modality " analysis of written Chinese civil judicial verdicts

  29. 加强判决书的说理,公开法官做出判决结果的心证过程;

    The paper of civil judgment should be made more open and explained .

  30. 他恰巧到了这些审判官平时商议和下判决书的地方。

    He was in the very place where the judges deliberated and condemned .