
pàn duàn biāo zhǔn
  • Judgment criteria;criterion for judgement
  1. ROC曲线显示以2a级作为CT可切除性判断标准为最佳临界点。

    Receiver operator characteristic curve demonstrated 2a degree was the optimal critical point .

  2. Beers判断标准在老年住院患者潜在性不适当用药评价中的应用

    Prevalence of potentially inappropriate medication using Beers criteria in hospitalized older patients

  3. 可视化即刻法质控判断标准的研究FDTD法的计算机可视化技术

    Study on the judicial standards of instant visual technique in quality control A Computer Visualization Approach for FDTD Method

  4. SLE活动指数以SLEDAI为判断标准。

    SLE activity index was measured by SLEDAI .

  5. 主要分歧有:CPA过失及其程度的判断标准,相对保证与绝对保证之争。

    Main discrepancies lie in : the judgment standard of the fault and its seriousness of CPA , the argument about relative assurance and absolute assurance .

  6. 采用ELISA法对HB-sAg阳性血清处理过的器械进行消毒后检测,判断标准:S/N≥2.1为阳性,反之为阴性。

    With the ELISA , the instruments handled by blood serum of HBsAg positivity were detected after sterilization . The standard was S / N ≥ 2.1 as positive , or negative .

  7. 以Frankel分级作为脊髓恢复情况的判断标准。

    The Frankel grading was used as the judging criteria for the recovery of the spinal cord .

  8. 论文以两种理论的衍射效率特性曲线的相关或衍射效率计算差别作为判断标准,分析在Bragg条件和偏离Bragg条件下的Kogelnik耦合波理论的近似条件。

    The approximation conditions under Bragg condition and deviating Bragg condition are analyzed with the judgment standards of the correlation of diffraction efficiency curves or the difference of diffraction efficiencies between two theories .

  9. 将IEF电泳的水化初始电流值(1μA)作为蛋白质等电聚焦判断标准,指导实验。

    Using the initial electric currency ( 1 μ A ) as judgment standard and guiding experiment when IEF of protein .

  10. 按Karlsson判断标准,疗效优16例,良2例。

    Curative results of 16 cases were excellent and 2 cases satisfactory according to the Karlsson standard .

  11. 最后,本文讨论了针对视觉相对导航的最佳MAV编队位置问题,提出了一种判断标准和选择因子,并对其效果进行了仿真。

    At last we discuss the best position of MAV formation , for the vision-based relative navigation . A criteria and selection factors are discussed and simulationed .

  12. 采用数据帧时延(FD)作为分组时延过大引起的数据包丢失率的判断标准,即使整体的数据包丢失率比较高,只要FD满足我们的要求,TCP发送窗口仍然保证不变。

    Adaptive TCP involves frame delay ( FD ) as the criterion to judge the packet loss . TCP transmitting window is fixed as long as the FD satisfy our criterion , even though packet loss is high .

  13. Mn/Sr比值在考虑了控制碳酸盐阴极发光性的Mn含量的同时,兼顾了海相和陆相元素的相对含量,因而是一种较全面的成岩蚀变性判断标准。

    The Mn / Sr value considers the Mn content for control factors of cathodoluminescence and the relative content of the marine versus terrigenous elements . So the Mn / Sr ratio is the relatively comprehensive discrimination criterion for controlling the alteration of marine carbonate .

  14. 结果用ShapiroWilk检验后认为累积数据呈正态分布且方差分析无显著性差异时(P>0.05),即时累积得到的x±2s、x±3s值可作为判断标准;

    Results If the cumulative data were considered as belonging to Gauss distribution by Shapiro-Wilk test and non-obvious discriminations by ANOVA ( P > 0.05 ), ± 2s ,± 3s by instant cumulation can become a judicial standards ;

  15. 运用卫生部药品不良反应监察中心制定的不良反应(ADRs)判断标准,对所收集到的29篇38例(共39例次)雷公藤不良反应病例报告进行分析。

    With the application of judgement criteria for causality of adverse drug reactions ( ADRs ) established by Chinese Center for Monitoring ADRs , 38 published case reports of ADRs caused by Tripterygium wilfordii were reviewed .

  16. 采用Kirby-Bauer法进行药敏试验,按照美国临床实验标准委员会2000年判断标准分析结果。

    Methods Bacterial susceptibility test of clinical isolates collected from three Tong Ling hospitals were performed using Kirby-Bauer method and the results were analyzed according to NCCLS ( 2000 ) .

  17. 结果获得了时滞细胞神经网络(DCNNs)全局渐进稳定的判断标准。

    Results A set of criteria on the global asymptotic stability of delayed cellular neural networks ( DCNNs ) were obtained .

  18. 方法拟合包含不同数目自变量的回归方程,运用SAS语言编写的程序对方程进行假设检验以获得最大F值为判断标准寻找最优回归方程,并用一个真实的实验资料演示这一计算过程和结果。

    Methods A series of regression equations with different number independent variables are fitted , so that best regression subsets can be obtained according to the criteria of maximum F value by using SAS language . Furthermore , the calculating procedure and results are demonstrated by analyzing real experimental data .

  19. 结论:测定收缩末期R/Th为定量局部左室收缩功能提供一种超声心动图指标,与现在的2DE方法比较,具有独特的判断标准并且不受心脏移动的影响。

    Conclusion : measurements of end-systolic R / Th provide an alternative echocardiographic index for quantitating regional left ventricular contractile function that compares well with an independent standard and , in contrast to existing methods , is not independent standard , and not affected by external cardiac motion .

  20. 我对于指名亚种的判断标准不是很清楚,但是某些个体的确非常符合HBW的图版和文字描述。

    I am less clear about the criteria for separating nominate fasciolata , but some individuals are a god fit for the illustration and description in HBW .

  21. 两大类都有独立的判断标准、证据规则以及救济程序。

    Two categories had independent judgment standards and rules of evidence .

  22. 论先进生产力的判断标准与本质特征

    Discussion on the Criteria and Essential Connotation of Advanced Productive Forces

  23. 建议修订澄明度检查细则和判断标准

    Suggestion on revising the detailed rule and judgement of clarity examination

  24. 直流准稳态模型换相失败判断标准的工程实用整定方法研究

    Practical methods for setting commutation failure criteria for HVDC quasi-steady-state models

  25. 不可展曲面近似展开方法的合理性判断标准

    Some Criteria for Evaluating the Methods of Developing Undevelopable Curved Surface

  26. 采用WHO身高标准体重值为肥胖判断标准。

    Obesity was defined by WHO standard weight for height .

  27. 犯罪直接目的的实现是犯罪既遂与否的判断标准。

    Accomplishment of crime means that direct purpose of crime becomes true .

  28. 国际示范合同成为国际惯例的判断标准

    On the Conditions for an International Model Contract to Become International Practice

  29. 无效合同判断标准的理论探讨

    Theoretically Probing on the Criterion of the Judgement of the Invalid Contract

  30. 货币市场结构合理性的判断标准

    How to Judge the Rationality of Money Market 's Structure