
pàn duàn
  • determine;judge;judgment;judgement;measure;decide;estimate;diagnosis;size up
判断 [pàn duàn]
  • (1) [judge]∶判决

  • 必须按照每一个具体案子的是非曲直来判断

  • (2) [measure]∶估计(如品质、行为或人的)程度、力量、价值或性格

  • 判断危机的严重性

  • (3) [size up]∶分析裁定

  • 很快判断出候选人

  • [judgment;judgement] 思维的基本形式之一,就是肯定或否定某种事物的存在,或指明它是否具有某种属性的思维过程

  • 运用判断的严密性

判断[pàn duàn]
  1. 他明白得很,绝不会凭表面现象来判断。

    He knows better than to judge by appearances .

  2. 据我判断,大约有3000人在那里。

    There were about 3 000 people there , as near as I could judge .

  3. 不要让你的判断受到个人感情的影响。

    Don 't let your judgement be coloured by personal feelings .

  4. 她意识到自己正在失掉一切正确判断的能力。

    She was aware that she was losing all sense of perspective .

  5. 很难判断她是否在生气。

    It was difficult to gauge whether she was angry or not .

  6. 他对距离判断错误,球落到了湖里。

    He misjudged the distance and his ball landed in the lake .

  7. 主观因素介入愈少,愈能作出恰当的判断。

    People who are less subjectively involved are better judges .

  8. 这种测试是判断阅读理解力的好方法吗?

    Is this test a good measure of reading comprehension ?

  9. 据我判断,她喜欢这门课程。

    As far as I can tell , she 's enjoying the course .

  10. “自由战士”是个带有主观判断的词。

    ‘ Freedom fighter ’ is a value-laden word .

  11. 她认为汤姆没有钱,她的判断是对的。

    She was right about Tom having no money .

  12. 关于通货膨胀的影响,他们的判断严重失误。

    They had seriously miscalculated the effect of inflation .

  13. 他对形势的判断完全准确。

    His assessment of the situation was spot on .

  14. 他们态度谨慎,不过早对此事作出判断。

    They took care not to prejudge the issue .

  15. 对她的判断从没有人表示过怀疑。

    No one has ever questioned her judgement .

  16. 根据马克所交往的人来判断,他一定是位富翁。

    Judging by the company he kept , Mark must have been a wealthy man .

  17. 单凭外表判断可能出错。

    Judging by appearances can be misleading .

  18. 此次事故是飞行员判断失误所致。

    The accident was caused by an error of judgement on the part of the pilot .

  19. 一个简单的判断错误就意味着食物不够每人一份。

    A simple error of judgement meant that there was not enough food to go around .

  20. 她的判断敏锐。

    Her judgement is acute .

  21. 他们判断,提出贸易协定新条款的时机成熟了。

    They judged that the time was right for the proposal of new terms for the trade agreement .

  22. 已经无法判断子弹是从哪里打进来的。

    It was already impossible to tell where the bullet had entered

  23. 很难判断是谁给了致命的一击。

    It is impossible to say who struck the fatal blow .

  24. 一个小孩鬼鬼祟祟地在干什么事情的时候,通常另一个小孩可以判断出来。

    One kid can generally tell when another kid is sneaky .

  25. 社会科学家们已经变得十分不愿意对文化作出价值判断。

    Social scientists have grown extremely unwilling to make value judgments about cultures

  26. 现在就判断结果将会怎样未免有些冒昧。

    It would be presumptuous to judge what the outcome will be .

  27. 那不是一个价值判断,而是一个事实。

    That isn 't a value judgement , it 's a fact .

  28. 我尊重他的判断能力,会接受他提出的任何建议。

    I respect his judgement and I 'll follow any advice he gives me

  29. 可能是愤怒蒙蔽了他的眼睛,也可能是他判断有误。

    Perhaps anger had clouded his vision , perhaps his judgment had been faulty

  30. 我不会冒昧地质疑你的判断。

    I wouldn 't presume to question your judgment .