
  • 网络Decision coverage;branch coverage
  1. 然后分析了语句覆盖、路径覆盖、判定覆盖,接着重点分析了du对覆盖,du对覆盖是语句覆盖和路径覆盖的折衷。

    After introducing statement coverage , path coverage , and decision coverage , we pay more attention to du coverage , which is a tractable compromise between the statement coverage metric and the path coverage .

  2. 对修正条件/判定覆盖方法测试集个数的分析

    Analyzing Number of Test Sets for Modified Condition / Decision Coverage

  3. 在语句覆盖和判定覆盖测试标准之间的差别分析

    A difference analysis between statement coverage and design coverage criteria

  4. 增强条件/判定覆盖(RC/DC)准则的研究

    A Research on Reinforced Condition / Decision Coverage ( RC / DC ) Criteria

  5. 更改条件/判定覆盖最小真值表生成算法及其应用

    Algorithm for making minimum truth-table based on modified condition / decision coverage and its application

  6. 修正条件/判定覆盖(MC/DC)是软件测试方法之一。

    Modified Condition / Decision Coverage ( MC / DC ) is the one of the software testing ways .

  7. 语句覆盖和判定覆盖测试标准是两个著名的测试标准,这两个标准广泛的应用于软件测试。

    The statement coverge and the design coverge criteria are two famous testing criteria , That are widely applied in software testing .

  8. 修改条件/判定覆盖标准是一种较为复杂且有效的测试覆盖标准,它能够检测隐蔽性很强的程序错误。

    The MC / DC criterion is a very complex but an effective verification technique . It helps to detect safety faults in software .

  9. MC/DC即修改条件/判定覆盖,是一种较新的结构覆盖准则,它是在C/DC(条件/判定覆盖)的基础上发展起来的。

    MC / DC is a newer structure coverage criterion , which is based on C / DC ( condition / decision coverage ) .

  10. 本文就语句覆盖和判定覆盖测试标准之间的差别进行了分析证明和比较,旨在对不同的测试标准之间的差别分析后拟提出一个定量的度量算法。

    This paper infers a compare analysis between the statement coverge and the design coverge criteria , On analysis is then presented an algorithm for this metric .

  11. 在白箱条件下,软件的测试充分性可通过语句覆盖、判定覆盖、条件覆盖、判定/条件覆盖和路径覆盖等方法进行度量。

    In the condition of white-box , the adequacy of software testing can be measured by sentence coverage , distinguish coverage , condition coverage , distinguish / condition coverage , route coverage and so on .

  12. MC/DC(修订的条件/判定覆盖)准则是一种实用的软件结构覆盖率测试准则。

    MC / DC ( Modified Condition / Decision Coverage ) is a practical testing criterion for software structural coverage . Using AFS algebra and AFS structure , any human ordinary fuzzy concept can be represented .

  13. 结合程序分析方面的研究,提出了两种测试数据生成方法,可以分别生成满足多重条件覆盖和改进的条件/判定覆盖的测试数据集。

    We present two algorithms based on binary decision diagrams to produce test data for the multiple-condition criterion and the modified condition / decision criterion , and describe how to measure the testing coverage of them .

  14. 本文主要围绕测试用例集简化及其构建方法展开研究,主要研究内容包括以下几个方面:(1)提出一种针对修改条件/判定覆盖标准的双目标优化测试用例集简化算法。

    This paper focuses research on the test suite reduction and construction . The main work is as the following : ( 1 ) A test-suite reduction algorithm is proposed for Modify Condition / Decision Coverage ( MC / DC ) criterion based on the bi-objective optimization model .

  15. 更改的判定条件覆盖测试技术研究

    A research on testing technology of modified condition / decision coverage