
  • 网络Critique of Judgment;The Critique of Judgement
  1. 本文主要研究康德《判断力批判》的体系问题。

    This dissertation is mainly about the system of Kant 's Critique of Judgment .

  2. 论《判断力批判》中美的张力

    The Tension of Beauty in Critique of Judgment

  3. 她指出,《判断力批判》在如下几个方面阐释了判断这种人类能力的性质。

    She pointed out that Critique of Judgment had illuminated the following characters of judging .

  4. 《判断力批判》视野中的范式问题

    Paradigms Problems in Critique of Judgment

  5. 《判断力批判》试图通过一种调解把双方统一起来。

    " Critique of Judgment " attempts to unite both sides through a kind of mediation .

  6. 判断力批判,在康德看来,是一种直观的理智原则。

    The Reflective Power of Judgment is invested by Kant with the function of an Intuitive Understanding .

  7. 其次,《判断力批判》指明判断活动处理的是具象,而不是普遍性的真理。

    Secondly , it shown clearly that judging dealt with concrete appearance , but not the general truth .

  8. 《判断力批判》中四个审美契机的效果和影响

    The Affect and Influence of Four Aspects about the Judge of the Aesthetical in the Critique of Judgment

  9. 《判断力批判》之所以在美学与艺术理论史上占有重要地位原因有两点。

    Two reasons contribute to the significant place of the book in the history of aesthetics and art theory .

  10. 集中体现在《判断力批判》中。从道德目的推出一个统摄自然与自由的元始存在者。

    Second , to arrive the ultimate moral aim must suppose existence of God , which combine nature with liberty .

  11. 他的美学与艺术理论著作《判断力批判》在西方美学与艺术理论史上影响深远。

    The Critique of Judgment , his masterpiece dealing with aesthetics and art theory , has exerted far-reaching influence on the history of western aesthetics and art theory .

  12. 康德哲学以实践本质为特征,以三大批判,即《纯粹理性批判》、《实践理性批判》和《判断力批判》为主要内容构筑了完整的哲学体系。

    Kantianism constructs an integrated philosophy , which is characterized by practice essence and comprises of three critique , including noetics critique , practical reason critique and judgment critique .

  13. 第四,联系康德晚年关于法国大革命的论文,《判断力批判》所揭示的行动者与旁观者视角之间的对立的政治意义就展示出来了。

    Fourthly , seen from the thesis Kant had written on the French Revolution , the political significance of the clash between the perspectives of actor and spectator is revealed .

  14. “审美无利害”是康德在《判断力批判》中作为审美最基本也是最重要的特点进行阐述,并将其作为“质”的契机来规定美的。

    Kant defined " disinterestedness in aesthetic appreciation " as fundamental and important characteristics in " Critique of Judgment ", which was also seen as the " quality " in beauty .

  15. 美是道德的象征不仅概括了《判断力批判》一书的主旨,而且体现了康德批判哲学体系的建构理想。

    " Beauty as the symbol of morality " not only generalizes the subject of the book the Critique of Judgment , but also embodies the construction ideal of Kant 's judgment philosophy system .

  16. 在判断力批判中,他认为想象力可以在审美判断中发挥自由性,在崇高判断中发挥统摄作用,并体现在天才的创作中。

    In his " Critique of the Power of Judgment ", imagination is free in aesthetic judgment , is predominant in judging the sublime , and is reflected in the creation of a genius .

  17. 康德之《判断力批判》最主要的特色是,给理念以描述和名称,虽然它们不是高智力的表达。

    The capital feature in Kant 's Criticism of the Judgment is , that in it he gave a representation and a name , if not even an intellectual expression , to the Idea .

  18. 确实,在《判断力批判》中(至少是在美的分析论与纯粹审美判断的演绎中),我们看到康德是如何一步步将审美从认知与道德中分离出来的。

    Indeed , we can see how Kant endeavored to differentiate the beautiful from cognition and morality in Critique of Judgment , at least in The Analysis of the Beautiful and The Deduction of The Pure Judgment of Taste .

  19. 康德是继柏拉图之后,真正对优美与崇高概念做出深入探讨的哲学家,他凭借《判断力批判》,奠定了现代美学理论的基础。

    Apart from Plato , Immanuel Kant is also a great philosopher who genuinely explores the two concepts in a profound way : beauty and sublime . Through the Critique of Judgment ( 1790 ), Kant laid a sound foundation for modern aesthetics .

  20. 为了解决自然和自由、认识和道德的分裂,最终实现以人为目的的哲学关怀,康德在《判断力批判》阐发了美学思想及主观合目的性原理。

    In order to resolve the issues of mutual split between nature and freedom knowledge and ethics , ultimately realize philosophy care of " person " for finality , Kant expounded his aesthetic ideas and subjective-teleology principle in the " judgment criticism " .

  21. 学校课程亦着重培养学生的判断力和批判思考能力。

    Emphasis continues to be placed on promoting students ' judgment and critical thinking .

  22. 词汇法对英语批判式阅读能力的提升学校课程亦着重培养学生的判断力和批判思考能力。

    A Lexical Approach to Facilitate EFL Critical Reading ; Emphasis continues to be placed on promoting students ' judgment and critical thinking .