
  • 网络the Course in General Linguistics;Course of General Linguistics;Course in General Linguistic
  1. 索绪尔《普通语言学教程》中的语言符号学思想

    Saussure ′ s Thoughts on Linguistic Semiotics in Course in General Linguistics

  2. 不可动摇的语言符号任意性原则&再读索绪尔《普通语言学教程》

    Arbitrariness As an Unbreakable Principle of the Linguistic Sign : Rereading Saussure s Course in General Linguistics ;

  3. 无论是现代语言学之父Saussure的《普通语言学教程》还是Chomsky的代表作《句法结构》,其研究对象都是语言系统本身而非语言的应用。

    From Course in General Linguistic of Saussure and Syntactic Structure of Chomsky , the goal of linguistic research is the language system rather than the application of language .

  4. 时间观与语言研究&索绪尔《普通语言学教程》时间观述评

    Conception of Time and Linguistic Study

  5. 索绪尔《普通语言学教程》的哲学阐释普通高中英语词汇学习策略教学研究

    The Philosophical Perspectives of Course in General Linguistics by Saussure ; The Learning Strategies of Vocabulary for High School Students

  6. 《普通语言学教程》中索绪尔对历史比较语言学的回顾和反思是结构主义语言理论得以产生的前提和基础。

    Linguists have given an accurate and theoretic study of the general language , which has helped the prosperous development of general linguistics .

  7. 文章以索绪尔《普通语言学教程》为基础,从一般系统论的角度发掘索绪尔语言理论中的系统思想方法,为系统论与语言学提供思想资源。

    Based itself on Suassure 's General Linguistics , this paper tries to find the systematic ways of thinking in Suassure 's linguistics theory and to provide resources for systematization and linguistics .

  8. 自从索绪尔在其《普通语言学教程》中提出语言符号的任意性,并视其为第一原则后,在相当一段时间内该原则被奉为金科玉律。

    Ever since he put forward the principle of arbitrariness in his General Course of Linguistics and considered it as the primary rule of linguistic signs , it was treated as an oracular principle for quite a long time .