
cí xiàng
  • lexical item
词项[cí xiàng]
  1. 词项空缺是指一种语言中有某个词汇而另一种语言中无这个词汇。

    One is lexical item vacancy , which means the word exists in one language rather than the other language .

  2. 这两个理论认为,当使用于短语、从句或句子中时,词项只有在特定的句法结构中才能语义正确、合乎语法。

    According to these two theories , only in certain syntactic structures can a lexical item be semantically and grammatically right in a phrase , clause or sentence .

  3. 制约非断定性词项ever在before从句中使用的条件是什么?

    What is the constraint on the use of the negative polarity item ever in before clauses ?

  4. 我们发现在罗素那里,a、b、R都是词项,都是认识的对象名称,同时又都是实体。

    We find in Russell , a , B , R are the words , is the understanding the object name , also is the entity .

  5. HBVdna与其五项检测指标关系及意义词项的概念指向性&陈述与指称的语义理据

    THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HBV DNA AND FIVE-ITEM QUANTITATIVE DETECTION AND ITS CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Conceptual orientation of lexeme : Semantic motivation for the descriptive and referential functions of NPs

  6. F·P·Ramsey(拉姆西)发现,应用二阶逻辑对一个有有限数目公理的科学理论T而言,T中的理论性词项可以被消除。

    F. P. Ramsey discovered that when second-order logic is applied to a scien-tific theory ( T ) which contains a finite number of axioms , the theoretical terms in T can be removed .

  7. Harmer提出的模式(Knowingaword)从词项外部探讨了二语词汇习得,因而未能阐释词汇固化的形成。

    Harmer 's model ' Knowing a word ' approaches the issue from outside the lexical entry , thus failing to provide insight into the formation of lexical fossilization .

  8. 指示指称在ELT和CLT中基本只充当修饰语,很少作主词或附加语,CLT中指示指称的词项也不同于日常用语中的词项。

    Demonstrative reference in ELT basically serves only as Modifier and rarely as Head or Adjunctive , and the demonstrative reference items in CLT are also different from those in daily Chinese .

  9. 本文分析的理论框架是由Hoey(2004)的词项启动和Sinclair(2004)的词项模型引申而来。该理论框架可以描述语义韵的产生过程。

    This framework is the adaptation of Hoey 's ( 2004 ) lexical priming and Sinclair 's ( 2004 ) lexical model , which can illustrate the semantic prosody in a descriptive way .

  10. 词项的外延能离开其内涵吗&兼谈内涵与外延的反变关系

    Can the extension of a Terms be Away From Its intension

  11. 再论中国古代南部海洋文化的农业性特征词项复现的功能新探

    Reiteration of the Agricultural Characteristic of Southern Marine Culture Ancient China

  12. 文本索引词项相对权重计算方法与应用

    A Relative Text Item Frequency Weighting Method and its Application

  13. 语义系统中的词项空缺与交际中的可行补偿手段

    Some Feasible Compensation Strategies for the lexical Gaps in the Semantic System

  14. 运算系统的作用是从词汇中选择词项,并且构建派生。

    The computational system selects items from the lexicon and constructs derivations .

  15. 词项空缺的认知研究及主要填补手段

    Cognitive Research on Lexical Gap and Major Methods for Filling Lexical Gap

  16. 对许多词项来说,多义性是不可争辩的事实。

    With regard to many lexical items , polysemy is an irrefutable fact .

  17. 联合演算对传统词项逻辑的等价描述

    Uniting Calculation Equivalence Description to the Traditional Lexical Logic

  18. 词项备择量在心理咨询中被确定的可能方案

    The possible scheme for getting the discharge of vocabulary selection in psychological consulting

  19. 词汇空缺分为两种,一种是词项空缺,一种是语义空缺。

    Lexical gap is divided into two kinds .

  20. 理论词项的类比解释及其困难

    Analogical Explication of Theoretical Terms and Its Difficulties

  21. 词项的论元结构和题元指派的属性在句法种变化多样。

    The argument structure and theta-marking properties of lexical items vary across syntactic categories .

  22. 首先,搭配可以理解为语义层次上词项的习惯搭配;

    At first , it can refer to habitual collocation of words at semantic level .

  23. 关于词项和概念的辨析负极词的极端敏感性及允准条件研究

    The Argumentation about Term and Concept Negative Polarity Item : Its Polarity Sensitivity and Licensing Conditions

  24. 关于词项和概念的辨析

    The Argumentation about Term and Concept

  25. 词项搭配的定量分析方法

    Quantitative Approaches to Collocation Analysis

  26. 词项中先天具备的语义成分实现为语形的过程是复杂的,会受到许多因素的控制。

    The process of inherent semantic components'formation of a lexical item is complicated and controlled by various factors .

  27. 一元谓词逻辑和类逻辑都不能完全反映传统词项逻辑的特征。

    Both one-predicate logic and the class logic can not express all characteristics of traditional lexical item logic .

  28. 单称词项指称意义的变化&以《裁缝的孩子》为例

    Change in Referential Meaning of Singular Terms & from the Example of " The Dressmaker 's Child "

  29. 词项在文档中的顺序会在向量空间的表示中忽略。

    The order in which the terms appear in the document is lost in the vector space representation .

  30. 对于一部《古代汉语词典》词项的释义来说,其书证的作用是不言而喻的。

    As for Chinese language interpretation of Ancient Chinese Dictionary , the documentary evidence can play an important role .