
cí fù
  • an ancient literary form;a type of classical Chinese writing
词赋 [cí fù]
  • [a type of classical Chinese writing] 词和赋的合称

  1. 早在西汉时期,蜀地就出现了名声享誉全国的词赋大家司马相如和扬雄。

    As early as the Western Han Dynasty , Sichuan emerged national well-known writers like Sima Xiangru and Yang Xiong .

  2. 刘为金代著名学者,首位词赋状元,当时名士多出于其门下,号称“一世师宗”。

    Liu Wei , who got a first in the highest imperial examination , was a famous scholar in Jin Dynasty .

  3. 他虽不及苏门四学士名高才重,但是其诗文词赋在当时便有很高声誉。

    Although he was not as famous as the four excellent students of SuShi , his poetry and songs have a high reputation at the time .

  4. 英汉流行语大都来源于三种途径:运用本民族的语言材料构造新词,旧词赋新义和借用其他民族的语言。

    It explores the three sources of catchwords both in English and Chinese , such as creating catchwords with native word elements , adding new meanings to existing words , and borrowing words from other languages .

  5. 迦陵词心赋绝唱&浅议叶嘉莹先生的词学研究

    Comments on Ye Jia-ying 's Study of Ci

  6. 通过都市词与京都赋、都城诗的比较,明确期间的联系及改变,能看出宋代都市文化的鲜明特点。

    The capital Poems of a clear period of contact and change , can see the distinctive feature of urban culture in Song Dynasty .

  7. 四明文学形态审美观照&诗、词、曲、赋部分

    An Aesthetic Research on Patterns of Siming Literature

  8. 歌唱语言是文学性的语言,诸如诗、词、歌、赋、唱词等等。

    Singing language is a literature language , such as poetry , words , songs , Fu , lyrics and so on .

  9. 笔传俗文学活动分为:俗诗、词文、俗赋、曲子词、唐传奇、竹枝词等。

    Written popular literature activities are divided into the popular poetry , word text , popular Fu , song words , Tang legend , and folk songs with love as their themes and so on .

  10. 集句文学是我国文学史上的一个独特现象,它全部从既有的诗、词、文、赋等各种类型的文本中采撷基本语言单位,重新组合成新的文本。

    As a particular phenomenon in the history of literature of China , cento literature quoted linguistic units from various types of existing versions , such as poetry , writing and lyric to make up new text .

  11. 诗、词、曲、赋等主要韵文体式的形成都有赖于民间韵文的启动作用。说明韵文文体演变中的民间韵文启动律是客观存在的;

    The formation of poetry , ci , qu and fu , main styles of verses , is based on the folk verses ' start-up , which indicates that the start-up law of folk verses does exist in the development of verses styles .

  12. 这样我就开始准备写“中国的词”的论文。其实,童年在家里我喜欢读词读赋,但对于词,我并没有好好研究过。

    So I began to prepare my dissertation on Chinese Ci , a subject of which I had never made a thorough study though I liked to read this kind of poetry in my childhood .