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  • 网络ci theory
  1. 阳羡派词论及其影响

    On Ci Theory of Yangxian School and Its Influence

  2. 简论古代词论批评的特点

    Brief Comments on the Feature of Ancient Theoretical Criticism of Ci

  3. 形象性状态形容词论析&以江西客家方言为例

    On the Figurative Descriptive Adjectives & Exemplified by Hakka Dialects of Jiangxi

  4. 陈亮词论:辛派词的理论代言

    Cheng Liang 's Theory on Ci-poetry : Theoretical Representative of the Xin-school Ci-poems

  5. 关于李清照《词论》的几点思考

    Some Reflections on Li Qing zhao 's Ci Lun

  6. 《马氏文通》对传统词论的继承与发展

    The Inheritance and Development for Traditional Study of Morphology in Ma Shi Wen Tong

  7. 古代词论批评具有鲜明的形式特点和表现特征。

    Ancient theoretical criticism of ci had distinct form feature and characteristic of expression .

  8. 词论中的境界说

    State ( Jingjie ) in theory of Ci

  9. 《词论》是李清照阐述其词学理念的一篇词学专论。

    Ci Lun is one of the important articles presenting LI Qing-zhao 's theory of ci .

  10. 第三章探讨陶梁的词学思想及其在词论史上的地位。

    Tao Liang Chapter of poetic thought and its position in the history of the word .

  11. 最后,“意内言外”理论还在清代词论的“尊体”“立体”中发挥了重要作用。

    The theory of internal meaning covered by external language exerted an important function in Xing vocabulary on .

  12. 他们词论最大的共通性在于,都在努力地推尊词体,维护词体高雅的格调。

    The largest consistence of their discussion is to respect Ci style , and defend its exquisite style .

  13. 陈子龙的词论主要有两大方面:词史观与词体观。

    There are two aspects in his theory of Ci : opinions of Ci history and style of Ci .

  14. 本文从词论、词评、考证三个部分全面评价了《惠风词话》在词学理论中的地位。

    This paper evaluates Hui Feng 's on a from discussion on Ci , comment on Ci and textual research .

  15. 李清照《词论》写作动因及其对南宋词坛之影响

    Writing Causes of Li Qingzhao 's Of Ci Poetry and its Influence on the Poetry Forum of the Southern Song Dynasty

  16. 以造词论的观点,感觉形容词分为单纯结构,派生结构和复合结构来进行分析。

    When it comes to Coinage , adjective of sense is made up of Single Structure , Derive Structure and Complex Structure .

  17. 上述历程,标示出“媚”作为我国古典词论的审美范畴经历了一个不断上升、辩证发展的轨迹。

    The course described above indicates that " Mei " as an aesthetic category has experienced an orbit of rising and dialectical development .

  18. 根据古代词论家对俗词的批判,可以总结出俗词之俗多集中在俗体、俗语、俗意以及俗风四个方面。

    According to ancient critics , we can summarize the features of vulgar Ci & poems focus on vulgar stype , vulgar words , vulgar meaning and vulgar style .

  19. 系统梳理晚清词论家陈廷焯对于历代词选的批评,以此凸现陈廷焯的选本理念。

    This paper gives a systematic survey of the late Qing Dynasty 's Ci expert , Chen Tingzhuo 's Ci selection and criticism , and shows his idea in Ci selection .

  20. 在尊体与变体的双向互动的词史历程中,重新认识李清照《词论》的理论价值;

    The theoretical value of Li 's " Theory Of Ci " should be further studied with regard to the history of Ci during the mutual influence of its genre and its variety .

  21. 他的词论专著《人间词话》一直为人称道,其中“隔与不隔”这种品评文学实践的理论新标准,更让人们保持了长久的研究兴趣。

    His Ren Jian Ci Hua is always prided as a monograph , " Non-expressiveness and Expressiveness ", as a kind of new critical standard for literature practice , has kept people a long-last interest about his research .

  22. 古代词论批评主要体现于词话、词集序跋、词集评点、论词诗词等形式中;

    Ancient theoretical criticism of ci was mainly reflected in the forms of notes and commentaries on ci , preface and postscript of collections of ci , annotation on collection of ci , reviewing ci and poems , etc.

  23. 张炎作为南宋末著名的词作者和词论家,以其丰富的词作体现了他所倡导的创作主张,在中国词史上留下了光辉的一页。

    Zhang Yan was a well-known Ci writer and specialist in Ci theory in the late Southern Song Dynasty , Whose rich Ci works have shown his creative propositions and left a glorious model in the history of Chinese Ci .

  24. 他的主要成果,不在词籍的整理与词人年谱的编撰,而在词论的探索、词史的总结与词人词作的分析评价。

    His main achievement was not in the reorganization of Ci 's nationality and the compilation of the writers ' biography , but in the exploration of the theory of Ci and the summarization of the history of Ci and the analyses of writers and their works .

  25. 本课题的研究对象是金元词学,包括金元词乐研究、金元词学总集研究、金元词论研究、金元词学接受史研究四大部分。

    The research subject of this dissertation is the study of the ci poetry in the un and Yuan dynasties . It comprises the studies in the ci music , ci selection , ci criticisms and the reception history of the study of the ci poetry in the aforesaid period .