
  1. 三位译者语言维的适应与选择性转换从语音、词汇、句法和文本四个层面进行对比分析;文化维的转换主要从词牌名、文化负载词和典故的翻译三方面展开分析。

    Transformation in the linguistic dimension is analyzed at phonological , lexical , syntactic and textual levels . Cultural dimension includes translations of tune titles , culture-loaded words and allusions .

  2. 在《花间集》中,使用频率最高的十五个词牌名,词作数量占总数的61%,而这十五个词牌名中有九个可以基本认定不是胡乐而是属于清商乐的范围。

    In the " Hua Jian ", the most frequently used 15 tune name , the number of works for 61 % of the total , and can identified 9 tune name is not belong to minority music but belong to Yan Music .