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cí yì yǐn shēn
  • extension of meaning
  1. 在此基础上,初步探讨了组合同化的范围,组合同化与词义引申、聚合同化的关系等理论问题。

    Then it also discusses initially the theories such as the range of combination_assimilation , the relationship between combination_assimilation and extension of meaning , combination_polymerization .

  2. 《六书故》词义引申术语研究

    Study on Extended Meaning Terms in the Six Categories of Chinese characters

  3. 汉语词义引申类型研究回顾与述评

    Review and Comments on the Typological Study of Semantic Extension in Chinese

  4. 对汉语视觉行为动词词义引申情况进行研究。

    Thirdly , it studies the meaning extension of Chinese visual behavior verbs .

  5. 词义引申是英汉翻译中的常见现象。

    It is very common to handle the extended meaning of some original words in translation .

  6. 古汉语动词词义引申的义素运动模式研究

    A Research on the Sememic Motion Patterns in the Semantic Extension of the Verbs in Ancient Chinese

  7. 《六书故》词义引申条例研究及释义指瑕

    Study on extended meaning stylistic rules and wrong extended meaning in the Six Categories of Chinese Characters

  8. 试论朱骏声《说文通训定声》词义引申研究中的义素分析思想

    The Analysis Methods of Sememe in the Research of Extending Meaning in Shuo Wen Tong Xun Ding Sheng

  9. 主要立足于清代,以时间为线索对词义引申的概念界定和相关研究的发展作一梳理。

    The text tries to make a review of the development of the definition of meaning extension and related studies in chronological order .

  10. 有关词义引申的类型,目前古汉语界从具体意义联系角度进行归纳研究的尚嫌不够。

    In the field of the ancient Chinese language , the extension of lexical meanings is generally classified in the layer of concrete meanings .

  11. 语法化研究在英语教学中应用于介词搭配,词义引申,时、体系统等方面。

    Its application to the English teaching mainly lies in preposition collocation , the extension of word meaning , system of tense and sense .

  12. 反向引中是汉语词义引申系统中一种常见现象,也是一个被学者们忽视的问题。

    Reverse extension is a very common phenomenon in the extension of Chinese word meaning and is a problem not to be neglected by scholars .

  13. 以往关于词义引申的研究有一个共同缺陷,即忽略了词义引申过程中的心理因素。

    There exists a common defect in the past relevant researches , that is , the overlook of psychological factors in the extension of word meaning .

  14. 同时,我们发现中古时期谦敬称谓的派生理据主要有词义引申、词义借代、语法转化三种形式。

    At the same time , we found that during the middle ancient time the derivation of the courtesy appellation were mainly meaning-extended , meaning-substituted , grammar-transformed .

  15. 从词义引申的轨迹中,我们可窥视出汉民族的文化积淀、哲学思想、价值观念、礼俗制度等。

    From the evolving track of lexical meaning , we can detect the cultural deposit , philosophical thinking , concept of value , and system of rituals of Han nation .

  16. 俄语中表示爪意义的词,还可以表示印刷术语引号,这二者又是相似性基础上所产生的词义引申。

    Russian that " claw " sense of the word , but also a printed terms " quotes ", both of which is generated onthe basis of similarity in meaning extended .

  17. 名词词义引申的义素运动模式主要有三种:类属义素遗传,种差义素变化而形成新的引申义位;

    There are mainly three kinds of sememe motion patterns in extended noun meanings , namely , generic sememe heredity that is new extended sememe formed by the changing of differentia sememe ;

  18. 词义引申本质是两个词义间的认识联系,两个词义由认知格式控制,产生理据认识结成引申中介,由引申中介沟通实现引申。

    The word meanings produces the cognitive cause , combining the extended medium by the means of cognitive model controlling , and realizing the extended meanings by the function of the extended medium .

  19. 这种意义关系形成的原理,可以从人所认识的客观事物关系、运动发展规律、认识原理和词义引申规律四方面得到理性解释。

    The principles of the relations can be explained in four fields : relations among objective things , lows of movations and developments , principles of knowing , and the regularities of meaning movements .

  20. 最后,将词义引申和语境理论引入词义教学,结合每个词语的具体情况给出词语的教学说明。也是本文的目的所在。

    Finally , The purpose of this paper lies the meaning extended to the introduction of word meaning and context theory of teaching and combined with each word given the word of teaching notes .

  21. 本文根据教学实践论述词义与引申、事例与论说的辩证关系。

    This paper researches on the realization and application of case based reasoning and provides an example .

  22. 然而,在日常的英语和汉语的语言现象中,有许多原来是对于视觉范畴描述的词汇,随着词义的引申和发展,带有表示非视觉范畴的隐喻义。

    But in daily linguistic phenomenon , we will frequently discover that lots of words originally are describing the visual category , with the extension and development of word meaning , they carry some non-visual metaphorical meanings with them .

  23. 论古代汉语词义的反向引申

    On the Reverse Extension in Ancient Chinese Characters

  24. 英语词义比喻及借代引申方式研究

    On Metaphoric and Metonymic Extensions in English

  25. 根据词义起源和词义引申,把该词词义分成两大类:悬挂义和摇摆义及其变体;论诗诗的起源;

    According to origin and extension towards this word , the main meaning of this word is divided into two parts : suspending meaning , motivating and its changes .

  26. 分析训诂材料,在众多的引伸系列中观察比较词义的异同,发现词义引申的一般规律;

    By analyzing the classical Chinese and comparing a series of transferred meaning of the Chinese words .