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qián nián
  • the year before last
前年 [qián nián]
  • [the year before last] 去年前边的那一年

  • 前年予病。--清. 袁枚《祭妹文》

前年[qián nián]
  1. 他前年得了一枚金牌,大前年得了一枚银牌。

    The year before last he won a gold medal , and the year before that he won a silver .

  2. 他前年开始上学,现在上三年级。

    He began to go to school the year before last and now he 's in Grade Three .

  3. 他前年11月开始在这里工作。

    He started to work here the November before last .

  4. 很多今年最炫酷的小玩意儿与去年,甚至与前年的一样。

    Many of the coolest gadgets this year are the same as the coolest gadgets last year -- or the year before , even .

  5. 从全球看来,去年大众的销量比前年猛增100万台,超过了通用(GeneralMotors)和丰田(Toyota),一跃成为全球最大的汽车厂商。

    Globally , VW added sales of more than 1 million passenger cars last year and roared past General Motors ( GM ) and Toyota ( TM ) to become the largest automaker in the world .

  6. 前年夏天我在纽约的Smith&Wollensky餐厅见过您一面,当时我正和我叔叔XX在东海岸旅游。

    I met you the summer before last at Smith & Wollensky 's in New York when I was touring the east coast with my uncle , ( BLOCKED ) .

  7. 香港去年的IPO交易约有73宗,较前年增加一倍多。其中多数交易出现在去年底,当时,有不少公司争相借投资者信心回升和市场大幅上涨之机上市。

    There were some 73 IPOs in Hong Kong last year , more than double the number in 2008 . Most deals came at the end of the year as companies rushed to take advantage of improving investor sentiment and surging markets .

  8. 这份由布鲁金斯研究院(BrookingsInstitution)人口统计学家威廉姆斯•弗雷(WilliamH.Frey)发布的分析报告显示,去年,大约有3800万外国出生的人居住在美国,较前年减少了10万。

    About 38 million foreign-born people lived in the U.S. last year , 100000 less than the year previous , according to an analysis of Census data by William H. Frey , a demographer at the Brookings Institution .

  9. 记者:“略高”是保守的说法,去年eBay创收7.48亿美元,比前年上升了74%,利润达9千万美元,增幅将近90%。

    Interviewer : " Way beyond " is an understatement . Last year eBay has $ 748 million in revenue , up 74 % form the year before , and $ 90 million in profit and nearly 90 % gain .

  10. 根据欧睿国际(EuromonitorInternational)的数据,近些年来,洁面已成为护肤品行业的一个增长点。去年,清洗液、洁肤霜、清洁皂和湿巾的销售额高达18亿美元,比前年增长近4%,较2010年增长超过7%。

    Facial cleansing has been a growth opportunity for the skin-care industry in recent years , with sales of cleansing liquids , creams , bars and wipes topping $ 1.8 billion last year , up nearly 4 % from the prior year and more than 7 % from 2010 , according to Euromonitor International .

  11. 科尔斯校长说,该校学生前年参加GCSE考试时五科成绩甲级至丙级(A-C)的通过率为32%,去年这一比例提高至55%,今年希望能更进一步,达到60%。

    Mr Coles said 32 per cent of pupils scored five GCSEs at grades A to C in the year before last . This had risen to 55 per cent last year and the school was aiming for 60 per cent this year .

  12. 以漳河流域岳城水库为例,采用PPCC检验法对坝前年最高水位常用的几种分布线型进行对比分析。

    In this paper , taking Yuecheng reservoir of Zhanghe basin as an example , PPCC test is applied to compare several common distributions of the maximum annual water level of reservoir .

  13. 我是在前年来这所学校才开始学英语的。

    Since I came to this school the year before last .

  14. 她仍然记得前年住过医院。

    She still remembers being in hospital the year before last .

  15. 前年,我成了她的新邻居。

    The year before last , I became her new neighbor .

  16. 去年前往墨西哥旅游的美国人比前年增长4%。

    Visitation last year increased from the previous year by4 % .

  17. 自前年起,汤姆就没有离开过这里。

    Tom hasn 't left here since the year before last .

  18. 前年他的兄弟被选为我们的经理。

    His brother was chosen as our manager the year before last .

  19. 前年,它们跑到玉米地里去了。

    The year before last , they went into the cornfield and .

  20. 前年这一带有大雪。

    There was heavy snow in these parts the year before last .

  21. 它们在去年和前年时兴。

    They were in fashion last year and the year before last .

  22. 我母亲前年曾经发生心力衰竭。

    My mother had heart failure the year before last .

  23. 我有个同事,前年收到了12个香烛。

    A colleague got 12 candles the year before last .

  24. 前年他是一个工人。

    He was a worker the year before last .

  25. 表明的是前年我们谈论过的那首轮船;

    That we had talked about the year before ;

  26. 前年冬季他患了肋膜炎。

    He had pleurisy the winter before last .

  27. 这次袭击事件使巴勒斯坦人在前年9月发动起义以来的死亡人数增至1562人。

    This attack has increased the death toll since the Palestinian revolt in september2000to1562 .

  28. 这已经是二三十年前年的事了。

    This happened more than twenty years ago .

  29. 我是前年夏天的时候读的。

    I read it the summer before last .

  30. 他爷爷是前年去世的。

    His grandfather died the year before last .