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  • 网络Preceding sentence;Antecedent
  1. 对下指句内前句的功能分析,以英语语料为基础,以汉语译文为佐证。

    The functional analysis of cataphora is based on English examples and their Chinese versions .

  2. 如果这一动作行为具有经常性特点的话,则它也可以不出现在前句中。

    If this action is with frequent characteristics , then it may not occur in the preceding sentence .

  3. 不必过于担心语法错误,或担心你刚用在前句中的同义词。

    Don 't worry too much about grammatical mistakes , or synonyms for words you have just used in the sentence before .

  4. 敢为人先结合前句实事求是,应当理解成在自己和别人能力相等或相近的情况下,想到的事情,事业立即付诸执行。

    In oneself and in others ability equal situation , the matter which thought that the enterprise puts to carry out immediately .

  5. 前句后部(尤其是宾语)往往能以零形式作次句的主题。

    The rear position ( object , in particular ) of the preceding sentence can often serve as the zero-anaphoric topic of the following sentence ;

  6. Totravelaroundthecountryhaslongbeenmydream.此句用不定式做主语,谓语为完成时,较好地概括了例文中前三句的内容。

    To travel around the country has long been my dream .

  7. 前半句我翻得是:越来越多的开发者在他们的程序中利用SDL(安全设计生命周期)

    More developers are utilizing SDL ( secure design lifecycle ) in their programming , taking into account from the beginning the malicious risks posed to and by their applications .

  8. 前一句是大两倍,后一句直接翻译为是另一个房间的三倍。

    This room is three times as big as that one .

  9. 我们赞同你的前半句话。

    And we agree & with the first part .

  10. 交货期将按您的要求确认,但后半句意思与前半句好像有冲突。

    Delivery dates can be reviewed at your request should these not be within your requirements .

  11. 该法案中的前一句话称,此条款适用于采矿活动。

    The preceding sentence in the statute makes it clear that this provision is applicable to mining .

  12. 这句话令她的同伴异常快活,竟使他忘记了她前一句话使他产生的微震惊。

    This pleased her companion so much that he forgot the slight shock her previous remark had caused him .

  13. 描述最后的判决(字面意思为愤怒的日子)的一首中古拉丁文颂歌的前几句。

    The first words of a medieval Latin hymn describing the Last Judgment ( literally " day of wrath ") .

  14. 对方说的其他话对你来说都无关紧要,因为你还在想着前半句话。

    You could care less about anything else they say because you 're still only thinking about those first five words .

  15. 好吧,在最近时代之前,前一句话对多数人类来说都是正确的,而且目前对于很多人来说依然如此。

    Well , until quite recently , the former claim was true for most humans & it 's still true for many .

  16. 当后一句在前一句形成的语境假设中会产生语境效果时,就是连贯的。

    When the succeeding sentence , combined with the contextual assumptions formed by the preceding one , produces contextual effects , it is coherent .

  17. 之后的十多年里,这句名言的后半部分一直在困扰着我:它是什么意思?为什么能和前半句列在一起?知识与力量、法国与培根之间,难道冥冥之中有着什么难以言喻的联系吗?我无法理解。

    For more than a decade I wondered over the meaning of the second part and what was the surreal linkage between the two ?

  18. 这一句也不太精确,该句主要强调日本对华出口在日本出口增长及经济复苏中的作用,译文前半句虽然属实,但同全局意旨略有出入。

    Exports to China have played a big part in Japan 's export growth in recent years , helping to spur its economic recovery .

  19. 求助前半句(后半句翻译:本发明包含下文在说明书中充分描述及在请求项中特别指出的多个特徵。)

    To the accomplishment of the foregoing and the related ends , the invention comprises the features hereinafter fully described in the specification and particularly pointed out in the claims .

  20. 临死前最后一句想说的话是什么?

    What will your last words be before you die ?

  21. 在飞机起飞前讲几句。

    A few words alongside it at the airfield .

  22. 那是弗林特死前最后一句话,摩根喊道。

    ' Those were Flint 's last words before he died ,' cried Morgan .

  23. 几个星期过后,爸爸在挂电话前说了句“保罗,我爱你。”打电话的时候我还在上班,在终于“听”到爱的声音后,我的泪水顺着脸颊流了下来。

    A few weeks later , Dad concluded our phone conversation with the words , " Paul , I love you . " I was at work during this conversation and the tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally " heard " the love .

  24. 我想起本·葛恩和我分手前的最后一句话。

    I remembered Ben Gunn 's last words to me .

  25. 5Oh,Lord,wethankyouforthismealandforallyourbounty.祷告前说的一句话,主啊,感谢您赐予我们晚餐及您所有的恩赐。

    HOWARD : Oh , yeah . MARY : Okay . All right , everybody , it 's time to eat . Oh , Lord , we thank you for this meal and for all your bounty . And we pray that you help Sheldon get back on his rocker .

  26. 系主任在讲课前讲了几句开场白。

    The dean made a few introductory remarks before the lecture .

  27. 要被迫在众人前背诵那几句暂别前的台词。

    I 'm forced to recite the word before leaving .

  28. 华登逃走前一直说这句话。

    That 's what Walden kept saying before he escaped .

  29. 第二节考察小句对原语理解的瞻前作用:小句的理解基于词,词的理解受控于小句;

    The second section examines the function of clause in understanding word and phrase .

  30. 我出生前就有一句广告语说。

    There was one slogan before my time .