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  1. 这羑里城在商朝的时候的确是一座监狱。

    Youli was a jail as early as the Shang Dynasty .

  2. 在他八十二岁那年把他囚禁在了羑里城。

    So , at the age of82 , Wen was put into jail in the town of Youli .

  3. 传说《周易》这部书啊就是周文王被囚禁在羑里城的时候写的。

    Legend has that this book was written by King Wen of the Zhou Dynasty during his imprisonment at Youli .

  4. 羑里城以其博大精深的文化内涵而名扬海内外,成为人们朝拜先哲、探索易道、应用易学的科学殿堂。

    Youli Castle is so famous and becomes the science palace for people to worship , explore and apply Book of Changes .

  5. 读羑,这个羑里城啊是中国历史上最早的一座国家监狱。

    Youli was the earliest state jail ever built in Chinese history .
