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dāng shí
  • then;at that time;just at that moment;for the moment;now;right;immediately;right away;at once


dàng shí
  • right away;at once;immediately
当时 [dāng shí]
  • (1) [then;at that time;for the moment]∶前文提到的或所指的那时

  • 当时的形式

  • (2) [now]∶指过去发生某事的时候

  • 盖当时未有雁荡之名。--宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈》

  • 人民当时给他重大荣誉

  • [right;immediately;right away;at once] 就在那个时刻;马上

  • 当时就签约雇用你

当时[dāng shí]
当时[dàng shí]
  1. 当时的世界纪录是6.59米。

    The world record then stood at 6.59 metres .

  2. 她在津巴布韦长大,当时该地叫罗得西亚。

    She grew up in Zimbabwe , or Rhodesia as it then was .

  3. 他的作品具有当时的某些审美时尚。

    His work partakes of the aesthetic fashions of his time .

  4. 令人难以置信的是,她当时对发生的事一无所知。

    Incredibly , she had no idea what was going on .

  5. 当时他恰好出现在我的视线中。

    He had placed himself directly in my line of sight .

  6. 当时他们已经谈了好几年的恋爱了。

    At that time they had been courting for several years .

  7. 当时我正怀着我们的第三个孩子。

    I was pregnant with our third child at the time .

  8. 当时电信业的泡沫正处于极度膨胀时期。

    At the time the telecoms bubble was at its height .

  9. 我当时还没有把他看作自由主义者。

    I hadn 't got him marked down as a liberal .

  10. 她当时踩的树枝一定是突然折断了。

    The branch she was standing on must have snapped off .

  11. 我当时不想去大的综合性大学读书。

    I didn 't want to go to a large university .

  12. 他强烈反对当时的艺术俗套。

    He reacted strongly against the artistic conventions of his time .

  13. 她的名字当时在肝移植等候者名单上。

    She was on a wait list for a liver transplant .

  14. 这所学校创建于1920年,当时只有十名学生。

    The school began in 1920 , with only ten pupils .

  15. 要是我当时能帮着把错误纠正过来就好了。

    If only I could have helped put matters right .

  16. 当时医院病床紧缺,药物根本所剩无几。

    Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically non-existent .

  17. 我敢肯定他当时在别处。

    To my certain knowledge he was somewhere else at the time .

  18. 回首往事,我觉得当时我错了。

    In retrospect , I think that I was wrong .

  19. 当时人们对这种疾病的起因几乎一无所知。

    As yet little was known of the causes of the disease .

  20. 当时公司付不起和他现在相同的工资。

    The company was unable to match his current salary .

  21. 当时这孩子浑身布满小红疙瘩。

    The baby 's whole body was covered in small red spots .

  22. 传真机在当时是一项了不起的发明。

    Fax machines were a wonderful invention at the time .

  23. 当时我们决定,该离开城市生活了。

    We decided it was time to quit the city .

  24. 当时该地区是革命运动的沃土。

    The region at the time was fertile ground for revolutionary movements .

  25. 你当时要是表现出一些关心就好了。

    Some manifestation of your concern would have been appreciated .

  26. 她当时兴致高,所以一定喜欢那出戏。

    Her good mood predisposed her to enjoy the play .

  27. 飞机当时正俯冲降落。

    The plane was coming in at a steep angle .

  28. 当时你想要我,我也想要你。

    You were as hot for me as I was for you .

  29. 当时这主意好像不错。

    It seemed like a good idea at the time .

  30. 我当时二十岁,什么都愿意去做。

    I was twenty years old and ready for anything .