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dàng rì
  • at that time;on the same day;the same day;that very day;on that very day
当日 [dāng rì]
  • [at that time;on that very day] 当时(指过去)

  • 想见当日围城光景。--清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》

  • [on the same day] 就在本日、同一天

  • 你可以当日来回

当日[dàng rì]
  1. 这种机械清理过的表面应在当日刷上底漆。

    This type of mechanically cleaned surface shall receive primer in the same day .

  2. 当日未缓解者5例。

    Cases were ineffective in the same day .

  3. 当日结束时美元汇率略有下降。

    The dollar finished the day slightly down .

  4. 当日发生的事件是一次惊人的大转折。

    The day 's events were a remarkable volte-face .

  5. 我没有点套餐,而是要了当日的特供菜——皇后海扇贝。

    I veered away from the set menu and went for the day 's special of queen scallops

  6. 委托期限分为当日有效和五日有效

    The term of entrustment is divided into one-day five-day validity .

  7. 当日的网球八个夺牌项目比赛中,中国选手将5枚金牌收入囊中。

    On the tennis court , Chinese athletes pocketed five of the eight golds up for grabs on Sunday .

  8. 救援指挥中心的信息显示,当日下午1点左右,冰雹、冻雨和强风突然袭击高海拔赛段20至31公里处。因气温急剧下降,参赛人员出现身体不适。

    According to the rescue headquarters , at about 1 pm on Saturday , hail , freezing rain and gales due to the sudden drop in temperature .

  9. 现在的中学生起得早,睡得晚,不少学生为完成当日作业,晚上过了11点,甚至过了12点才能入寝,第二天一早5点半又要艰难地爬起来,保证7点之前就得到校。

    To get their homework done , many students cannot go to bed until 11 pm or even later . And they have to get up around 5:30 am to ensure they get to school before 7 am .

  10. 方法对临床疑有阑尾炎的75例病人,采用造影前2d流食,造影当日清洁肠道,用足量的钡剂快速注满右半结肠,辅以体位和加压促使阑尾显影。

    Methods Seventy-five patients with clinically suspected appendicitis underwent barium enema double contrast examination .

  11. 谷歌是否真的打算在当日送达业务上挑战亚马逊(Amazon)?

    Is Google serious about trying to challenge Amazon on same-day delivery ?

  12. 住院当日护理工作量与住院次日及出院当天相比较,有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    There are significant differences of nursing workload between the first day in hospitalization and second day , discharge the day ( p0.01 ) . 6 .

  13. 亚马逊(Amazon)周三发布的新款硬件设备占据了当日各大媒体的头条。

    The hardware Amazon ( AMZN ) introduced Wednesday dominated the early headlines .

  14. 当日,恒生指数(hangseng)下跌5.7%。

    That same day , the Hang Seng stock index dropped 5.7 per cent .

  15. 他声称,去年他的职业亮点是帮助推出亚马逊Prime当日送达服务。

    He claims that his career highlight last year was helping to lead the roll out of Amazon Prime 's same-day delivery service .

  16. 据IBM公司称,圣诞节(ChristmasDay)当日,在线购物量激增近16%,其中有近7%是在iPad上完成的。

    According to IBM , online shopping spiked nearly 16 % on Christmas day , with almost 7 % of those purchases made on iPads .

  17. “今日NBA”将保证所有东西都会根据NBA当日真实发生的得到更新。

    NBA Today keeps everything fresh and up to date based upon what is really happening in the NBA .

  18. 各组在停止氯氮平、氟哌啶醇或生理盐水后当日和7d后进行社会行为测验。

    Social behaviors were tested on withdrawal day and 7 days after withdrawal .

  19. 手术前当日应用化疗药物的感染程度明显高于空白组(P0.05)。

    There was worse effect of chemotherapy to wound healing on the day before the operation ( p0.05 ), the infected degree is higher than normal group .

  20. 方法将50例起搏器植入术患者随机分为对照组和护理干预组,采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)分别于通知手术日、手术当日早晨进行问卷调查。

    Methods 50 patients who were scheduled to receive pacemaker implantation surgery were randomly divided into nursing intervention group and control group .

  21. 并对两组术前1日及术后当日、术后第二日采用简易精神状态量表(MMSE)。

    Mini-mental state examination ( MMSE ) was performed at 1 day before anesthesia and 1 and 2 days after surgery .

  22. 侧栏,显示一些重要信息和警告,包括LotusSametimeV7.5.1联系人、当日安排一览(day-at-a-glance)、RSS和ATOM提要

    Sidebar that displays critical information and alerts incuding Lotus Sametime V7.5.1 contacts , day-at-a-glance , RSS , and ATOM feeds

  23. 术后当日及1、3个月分别行脊柱X线检查,对已诱导成功犬随机选取2只行CT及病理学检查,记录并观察侧弯情况。

    Roentgenography was performed immediately , 1 day , 1 and 3 months after operation . For those with successful model creation , 2 were undergone CT and pathological examinations , and the data about scoliosis were recorded .

  24. 于用药后当日和第2,5,6天分别对实验侧与对照侧大鼠胫前肌肌电图(EMG)发放进行记录。

    The electromyogram ( EMG ) of the anterior tibial muscle discharged and was recorded on each side at days 1,2,5 and 6 , respectively .

  25. 第5dMTL、GAS与入院当日比较,轻度损伤组无显著性差异(P>005),而重度损伤脑出血组明显升高(P<005);

    At the 5th day , there is no obvious change of plasma motilin and serum gastrin ( P > 0.05 ) in the mild group compared with at the first day , but an obvious rise ( P < 0.05 ) in severe injury group ;

  26. 当日结束前,金融服务部主管汤普森开车载着我路过山姆•沃尔顿的墓地。他与妻子海伦(Helen)葬在一起。

    Before the day ended , Thompson , the financial services chief , drove me past the spot where Sam Walton is buried , alongside his wife , Helen .

  27. 将这一数据与3.5亿美元的总损失额进行比较就可估算出,瑞银集团在Facebook上市当日购买了逾2900万股股票。

    Compare that to a total loss of $ 350 million , and what you get is that UBS bought just over 29 million shares of Facebook on the day of its IPO .

  28. 于手术当日、术后1月及术后3月检测GMP-140、vWF含量。

    The content of GMP-140 , vWF were analyzed at the right day of PCI , 1 month and 3 months after PCI .

  29. 资料表明,从当日早晨到次日早晨,夏季不同植被下不同厚度土层土壤CO2释放量均呈现由低到高再到低的变化规律;

    The results show that the CO_2 amount released from soils at different depth under different vegetation changes from low to high and then to low from the very morning to the next in summer .

  30. 当日晚些时候,这位30岁的女演员和她的丈夫贾斯汀丁伯莱克(JustinTimberlake)一起出现在意大利的机场。

    Later in the day , the 30-year-old actress and her husband Justin Timberlake were spotted together at an airport in Italy .