
  • 网络youth
  1. WTO理念与当代青年的价值取向

    The concept of WTO and the value orientation for contemporary youth

  2. Word-for-wordtranslation:他的许多思想对当代青年特别有趣。

    Many of his ideas are especially interesting to modern youth .

  3. 这部影片对当代青年的刻画很令人沮丧。

    The film offers a rather bleak view of contemporary youth .

  4. 中美家庭代际关系比较研究加强当代青年的家庭代际伦理观教育

    Strengthening Family Generation Ethics Education to the Contemporary Youth The Home

  5. 当代青年爱国主义思想的特点及教育对策

    Features of Contemporary Youth 's Patriotic Thoughts and Countermeasures for Education

  6. 全球化与本土化:当代青年文化价值观的双向构建

    The Bidirectional Construction of Youth Cultural Values : Globalization and Localization

  7. 第五届中国当代青年陶艺家作品展作品

    Works of The Fifth Work Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Young Ceramists

  8. 当代青年学生社会主导价值观教育研究

    The Study of Contemporary Education of Youthful Student Social Leading Values

  9. 从囧字流行看当代青年人的思维偏向

    On Thinking Bias of Contemporary Youth from the Popularity of Jiong

  10. 当代青年的信仰危机及青年主导价值观的构建

    Credibility crisis of contemporary youth and the constructing of dominant values

  11. 社会实践与当代青年学生&也谈青年学生自我价值的实现

    Social Practice and Modern Students & To Realize Their Self-vaLue

  12. 论儒家诚信文化及当代青年德育之借鉴

    Confucian Credibility Culture and Reference for Contemporary Youth Moral Education

  13. 追求个人生活兼容道德认可包容科技宗教差异后现代主义与当代青年价值生活中的几个问题

    Postmodernism and the Value Life of Today 's Young People

  14. 当代青年道德选择途径的理论探析

    On Correct Way of Moral Selection by Today 's Youth

  15. 男女资质平等这一观念,肯定已渗透到当代青年人的心灵深处。

    The message of equal aptitude has certainly infiltrated today 's youth .

  16. 青年农民是当代青年的重要群体。

    Young peasants are an important group of modern youth .

  17. 当代青年网民心理健康研究

    Research on Mental Health of Young Web-surfer in Present Age

  18. 第三部分:当代青年思想政治教育方法运用的现实思考。

    The third part studies the practical thinking of youth ideological-political education .

  19. 当代青年人家具消费心理行为模式初探

    The mode of Furniture Consumer Psychology Behavior for the Youth

  20. 儒家道德修养学说与当代青年道德人格培育

    The Influence Of Confucian School Doctrine On Nourishment Of Morality Accomplishment Of Youth

  21. 论当代青年大学生价值观的特征

    The Characteristics of the Values of Contemporary College Students

  22. 当代青年大学生社会化的崭新性

    Brand-newness of the Contemporary Young College students ' Socialization

  23. 江苏当代青年小说家综论

    Jiangsu Present Age Young Writers of Fiction Synthetical Theory

  24. 论当代青年审美教育的主要途径

    On the Main Way to the Youth Atheistic Education

  25. 志愿服务与当代青年成才

    Volunteer Service and The Growing of Contemporary Youth Breast Carcinoma in Young People

  26. 浅论当代青年爱国行为的培养

    On cultivation of the patriotic acts for contemporary youth

  27. 大学是当代青年走向成功人生的驿站。

    For the contemporary young people , university is a stage toward success .

  28. 当代青年的文化视野

    On the Cultural Perspective of Today 's Youth Culture

  29. 我国当代青年的现代化与社会化问题

    Problems Existing in the Modernization and Socialization of the Modern Youth in China

  30. 当代青年流行用语浅析

    A Brief Analysis of Popular Phraseology of Modern Youth