
  • 【地名】【中国】Dam River
  1. 当曲轴线半径与箱梁宽度比小于10时,必须考虑曲率沿横向变化的影响。

    If the ratio of axis-radius to width is less than 10 , the effect of curvature varying on width of curved girders must be considered .

  2. 酒当歌,曲轻弹,霓霞舞翩翩;

    Wine when songs , music , flip the neon chardonnay dance dance ;

  3. 当你随着曲曲折折的小路走得越高,你就会发现越多的绿色瓶罐堆积在路边。

    The higher you climb the narrow snaky road , the more green bottles in the verges .

  4. 我依然做你乐音绕耳畔!当夜莺和黄鹂曲尽歌完,

    Thy music still , when whipporwill ,