
tínɡ lì zǐ
  • lepidium seed
  1. 在小鼠强迫游泳实验中,南葶苈子油连续灌胃15d能明显缩短游泳不动时间;

    In forced swimming test ( FST ), all dose ( i.g for15 days ) observably decrease the mice swimming immobility time .

  2. 采用HNO3-H2O2体系和高压釜消解中药样品,以AFS-2202a型双道原子荧光分光光度计和断续流动的氢化物发生法,测定了中药葶苈子和黄连中的铅。

    A hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry method was developed for the determination of trace lead in traditional chinese medicines . Samples were pretreated with a high pressure digestion using HNO 3-H 2O 2 system following the interval flow precedure .

  3. 葶苈子水提物对狗左心室功能的作用

    Effect of Aqueous Extract of Lepidium apetalum on Dog 's Left Ventricular Function

  4. 通过小鼠悬尾实验,发现南葶苈子油对小鼠强迫悬尾造成的抑郁症状有一定的效果;

    The tail suspension test ( TST ) indicated that SEMEN DESCURAINIAE oil ( SDO ) was able to meliorate mice antidepression caused by forced tail suspension ;