
  • 网络Pronounced in court;pronouncement of a judgment in court;pronouncement of judgment or sentence in court;pronouncement of judgement or sentence in court
  1. 当庭宣判对于实现实体公正、程序公正以及提高诉讼效率都具有非常重要的意义。

    The system of pronouncement of a judgment in court is of great importance to the realization of substantive justice , procedural justice and to the enhancement of efficiency of lawsuit .

  2. 当庭宣判是实现这一职责的最有效的方法之一;

    The in-court judgment pronouncement is one of the most efficient ways to realize this duty .

  3. 司法界正热切期望着当庭宣判理论研究的全面展开,同时也期待科学的当庭宣判制度的建立。

    The judiciary longs for the development of the RJC theoretical study , and the establishment of proper RJC system .

  4. 第一审民商事案件当庭宣判若干问题的法律思考

    A Legal Thinking about Problems over the In-Court Judgment Pronouncement in the Civil and Commercial Cases in the First Instance

  5. 要实现当庭宣判制度,必须进行相应的制度改革。

    In order to realize the system of pronouncing a judgment in court , the corresponding reforms need to be carried on .

  6. 通过改革,各级法院普遍提高了对当庭宣判重要性的认识,当庭宣判率明显提升,但也暴露出了一些新的问题。

    Reform aims to enhance the rate of judgment announcements in court , though improve the rat of in-court judgment pronouncement , but exposed some new problems .

  7. 本文以民事诉讼为视角来论述当庭宣判,是国内第一篇系统论述当庭宣判制度的博士论文。

    From the perspective of civil procedure , the thesis is the first domestic article of doctor 's degree amply investigating the system of rendition of judgment in court .

  8. 当庭宣判的理论研究,对于民事诉讼法学的理论建构、民事诉讼的立法和司法实践都具有重要的意义。

    The theoretical study of the RJC is of great significance to both the theoretical foundation of civil procedure law science and the legislation , as well as enforcement of civil procedure rules .

  9. 主要从立法方面、庭审主义模式、审判委员会制度、定罪量刑分离制度等几个方面的改革来着手解决,以期通过这些措施的实施来解决我国刑事当庭宣判制度运行过程中存在的困难。

    A reform involving the legislation , the trial doctrine mode , the judiciary committee system , the conviction and sentencing separation system and so on is recommended . With its implementation , the existing difficulties in our criminal court sentencing system can be improved .

  10. 我国法律虽然设定了当庭宣判制度,但并未给当庭宣判确定一个系统的定义,理论界和实务界也很少涉及当庭宣判这一概念。

    While it sets a system of the in-court judgment based on the existing laws of our country , it does not give a systematic definition over the concept of the in-court judgment pronouncement , which is also seldom involved in the theoretical and practical circles .

  11. 我已被传去出庭作证了。开庭审理案件实行当庭举证、质证、认证、辩论,提高当庭宣判率。

    While court sessions are opened for case hearing , evidence , cross-examination , attestation and debate have been conducted on the spot , thus increasing the rate of judgment announcements in court .