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  1. 很久以前他曾考虑过当州警察。

    Once long ago he had considered becoming a state trooper .

  2. 特里还告诉我们一件他当州警察时记忆深刻的事情。

    Mr. Terry also told us an unforgettable story from his days as a state trooper .

  3. 尽管在当州议员时没有受到多少关注,布朗却正是这样一位候选人。

    Though little noticed as a state senator , Mr Brown turned out to be just such a candidate .

  4. 当州为了建立高速公路而征收私人财产,一类国家征用权的执行权发生了。

    A typical exercise of the eminent domain power occurs when the state takes private property in order to build a highway .

  5. 当州政府呼吁人们抵抗印第安人时,林肯如其他的人一样参了军,并被他周围的人选为了上尉。

    When the state governor appealed for men to fight the Indians , Lincoln was among the thousand men who offered to help , and he was chosen captain by the men of his company .

  6. 当州监管当局和其他机构收到罚款时,它们往往把罚款用于原告、社区团体和律师,也会用于州总检察长——在公开披露程度极低的私下和解时通常如此。

    When state regulators and other bodies collect fines they tend to shower the money on plaintiffs , community groups and lawyers , as well as state attorneys-general , usually in private settlements that entail minimal public disclosure .

  7. 两年前,当纽约州北部人氏维基杰比诺(vickigerbino)犹豫是否搬到堪萨斯州威奇托市(wichita)时,这个中西部城市看上去并不像美国经济的未来典范。

    When Vicki gerbino , a native of upstate New York , was deciding two years ago whether to move to Wichita , Kansas , the Midwestern city did not seem like a model for the future of the US economy .

  8. 保护投资者使其免上诈欺性证券交易商当的州法

    Us state laws to protect investor against fraudulent trader in securities

  9. 当弗吉尼亚州的政治动荡不定时,经济却欣欣向荣。

    While Virginia politics drifted , the economy boomed .

  10. adj.独立的当十三州打赢了独立战争时,美利坚就变成了一个独立的国家。

    When the thirteen colonies won the Revolutionary War , America became a sovereign nation .

  11. 当弗吉尼亚州1995年转而采取死亡注射法时,我已经用电椅处决了37名犯人。

    I had executed 37 inmates on the electric chair by the time Virginia switched to lethal injection in 1995 .

  12. 州长安德鲁·库莫表示,当纽约州的学校重新开学时,他们需要有一个更好、更智能的教育系统。

    Governor Andrew Cuomo says they need to have a better and smarter education system when the state 's schools reopen .

  13. 当许多州的海滩实行种族隔离的时候,伊格尔港被建成为富裕黑人的避暑胜地。

    Eagle Harbor was established as a summer resort for will-to-do blacks at a time when most of the state 's beaches were segregated .

  14. 当这些州的法律是在警察权范围内的立法,私人财产利益的侵害就不需要法律补偿。

    When the state acts within the legitimate sphere of the police power , the infringement on private property interests is damnum absque injuria-damage without legal redress .

  15. 误区三:如果你相信当密西西比州的所有老奶奶死后,种族主义也会随之消失,那么结果会让你大失所望。

    Myth three : If you believe that when all the grandmas in Mississippi die that racism is going to go with them , you are in for a big disappointment .

  16. 而当他的州朝着同性婚姻合法化的道路迈进,他也表示支持,并且批判他的一些神职人员及温德城其他黑人教会领袖的支。

    And as his state moves toward legalizing gay marriage his stands of support for that effort has drawn criticism from some of his clergy , and from other Black church leaders across the Windy City .

  17. 当密歇根州在去年年初批准新型烟花的出售,立法机构就估计这将带来550万美元的额外税收和费用收入。

    When Michigan approved the sale of new types of fireworks at the beginning of last year , the legislature estimated the change would bring in an extra $ 5.5m a year in taxes and fees .

  18. 例如,当科罗拉多州大学的董事会寻找下一任校长的时候,他们想要找的是一名熟知联邦政府的领导者,而联邦政府正式大学经费预算的主要来源。

    For example , when the board of the University of Colorado searched for a new president , it wanted a leader familiar with the state government , a major source of the university 's budget .

  19. 2009年和2013年,当澳大利亚维多利亚州、新南威尔士州等地遭受严重山林火灾时,中方迅速向澳方提供火场卫星数据,向救灾行动施以援手。

    In 2009 and 2013 when Victoria and New South Wales of Australia were hit by severe bush fires , the Chinese side lent a helping13 hand by providing prompt satellite data about the fires .

  20. 但当美国康涅狄格州的一家法院今年2月传唤这位40岁的饶舌歌手时,法官表示他完全无法想象面前的那个人就是Instagram照片中的“50美分”。

    But when the 40-year-old was summoned to a Connecticut court in the US this February , the judge explained that she was having trouble reconciling the man in front of her with the man in those Instagram photos .

  21. 当两个州均提起上诉时,法庭决定将这两个案子合并。

    When both states appealed , the court combined the cases .

  22. 现在,当提到佛罗里达州的时候,首先你想到了什么?

    Now what comes to mind when you think of the state of Florida ?

  23. 当我给州政府打电话

    and when I called the state

  24. 我当上普鲁士州议会议员以来,每年获六千马克进项。

    I had been entitled to six thousand marks annually as a member of Prussian Council of state .

  25. 几周后,当这位犹他州前州长在一次大选辩论中用中文发言时,他的结局已被注定。

    The former Utah governor sealed his fate a few weeks later by speaking in Chinese during a presidential debate .

  26. 另一方面,当某个州确实希望参与环境整顿,这个州约束的行为可能会对其他各州具有反作用。

    On the other hand , when a state does attempt to engage in environmental regulation , the activity that it regulates may well have repercussions elsewhere .

  27. 许多州的最低工资是高于联邦水平的,我们可以比较一下,当一个州提高最低工资,毗邻的州不提时会出现什么情况。

    Many states set minimum wages above the federal level , and we can look at what happens when a state raises its minimum while neighboring states do not .

  28. 在我当上阿肯色州州长后,我们曾在那里参加“糖罐杯”橄榄球赛,输给了亚拉巴马大学队,那也是传奇教练贝尔。布莱思特获得的最后几次伟大胜利之一。

    When I was governor of Arkansas , we played in the Sugar Bowl there , losing to Alabama in one of the legendary Bear Bryants last great victories .

  29. 当联邦和州的原住民政策最终和支持它们的治理构架一样强大时,这一转变必定出现。

    How powerful life Is The shift must occur as Commonwealth and state Indigenous policies are , ultimately , only as strong as the framework of governance that supports them .

  30. 让我们牢记,当来自伊利诺伊州的一位先生首次将共和党大旗扛进白宫时,伴随着他的是自强自立、个人自由、国家统一的共和党建党理念。

    Let us remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House & a party founded on the values of self-reliance , individual liberty and national unity .