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  • day;daylight;daytime
  • 白天:~夜。白~(白天)。


(从天亮到天黑的一段时间; 白天) daytime; daylight; day:

  • 白昼

    daylight; day


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 昼明

    Zhou Ming

  1. 结果表明,栽培床上营养液温度呈昼高夜低,溶氧量则呈夜高昼低变化,而浓度和pH变化不明显。

    Results showed that solution temperature was higher in the daytime and lower in the night , while the dissolved oxygen content was in the opposite pattern .

  2. 结果:(1)持续性AF最快、最慢、和平均HR两两比较P<0.001,HR存在昼快夜慢的节律变化;

    Results ( 1 ) In persistent AF group most fast , most slowly and average HR , compared within two groups , P < 0.001 . It showed the regulative rhythm of fast in daytime and slow in the night .

  3. 夜尽昼来。

    Night and day begin to merge .

  4. 我们生活在一个二元对立的世界:昼和夜,正和负,男和女等等。

    We live in a world of duality , day and night , positive and negative , male and female , etc.

  5. 冬天昼短夜长。

    In winter the days are short and the nights long .

  6. 夏季昼长。

    In summer the days are long .

  7. 我给你展示了字母A与字母Z之间的距离在日昼与夜晚之间。

    I showed you the distance between the letter A and Z between day and night .

  8. AVPV1受体阻断剂对昼光和暗光中正常大鼠体温的影响

    Effect of AVP V_1-receptor antagonist on normal body temperature in rats under light-dark cycle

  9. 气孔阻力由昼低夜高转变成昼高夜低,但PEP羧化酶活性无明显变化。

    But the activity of PEP Carboxylase have no marked variation .

  10. 牦牛在秋冬季草场的昼反刍时间分别为(86.22±14.24)min和(53.84±13.93)min,秋季草场高于冬季草场。

    The day-ruminating time in autumn and winter was ( 86.22 ± 14.24 ) min and ( 53.84 ± 13.93 ) min , respectively .

  11. 中缅树鼩为昼行性动物,实验室条件下其24h行止状态具有明显的规律性。

    Almost all the motility activity of TBCs are in daytime . Their behavior in 24 hours are obvious orderliness .

  12. 供体植株采蕾期的气温条件是小孢子胚胎发生的关键因素,采蕾之前3d的气温在14℃/24℃(夜/昼)最适宜小孢子发育;

    The temperature from three days before bud plucking to the plucking day was a key factor and 14 C / 24 C ( night / day ) was most suitable to induce microspore embryogenesis .

  13. 结论EH伴LVH者的心血管自主神经功能损害较无LVH者更为严重,后者存在与正常人相似的昼低夜高的HRV昼夜节律,仅有白昼HRV降低;

    Conclusions The damage of autonomic nerve system function in EH with LVH is more severe than that in EH with non-LVH .

  14. 而药物治疗组患者CS(昼)在用药后两周恢复者占11.1%,一个月内恢复者占44.4%,复发率为16.7%。

    The recovery rate of the control group was 11.1 % and 44.4 % after two weeks and after one months respectively and the recurrence rate was 16.7 % .

  15. 此外,季节情感紊乱症或称SAD的心理现象也可能导致一种与冬季昼短夜长有关的特殊类型的抑郁。

    In addition , the psychological phenomenon known as seasonal affective disorder , or SAD , may bring a specific type of depression related to winter 's shorter days and longer nights .

  16. 所有大鼠生活在昼-夜节律为12h,饲养温度为18~20℃,湿度为40%~50%。

    All rats lived with 12 hours ' day-night alternation at room temperature of 18-20 ℃ and with humidity of 40 % - 50 % .

  17. 5-HT对SCN神经元自发放电有抑制作用,SCN神经元对5-HT的敏感性呈昼低夜高的节律(P<0.01);

    5 - HT inhibits the spontaneous firing of SCN neurons and its sensitivity to 5 - HT in subjective day is lower than that in subjective night ( p < 0.01 ) .

  18. 在磁层昼侧,若IMF有南向分量,也就是和北向的地球磁场方向相反,则磁力线重连的效率最高。

    Reconnection is most efficient when the IMF has a component that is directed southward & that is , opposite to the northward direction of the earth 's magnetic field at the dayside of the magnetosphere .

  19. 其结果在3325/2618℃(昼/夜)温度区间内是在SPT(光敏不育水稻花粉败育度-光周期-温度)三维坐标系内的一个曲面。

    Its outcome is a curved surface in three-dimensional coordinate system of SPT ( pollen abortion degree-photoperiod-temperature ) at the temperature range of 33-25 / 26-18 ℃( day / night ) .

  20. 该研究提出在道路交通干线两侧区域内采用每季度任意连续7天监测数据中的Ld、Ln均值代表本季度昼、夜间噪声水平。

    This paper adopts the monitoring data of wanton 7 days in succession in each quarter , represents daytime and night noise level of both sides of road traffic area of this quarter with Ld , Ln mean value .

  21. 结果(1)在DD或LD光制下,松果体Clock和NAT基因mRNA的表达均呈现夜高昼低的节律性振荡(P<0.05)。

    Results ( 1 ) In DD or LD condition , both of Clock and NAT mRNA levels in the pineal gland showed robust circadian oscillation ( P < 0.05 ) with the peak at the subjective night or at nighttime .

  22. 在连续4d单一临界低温15℃/8℃(昼/夜)和临界低温弱光下对黄瓜的光合性状及其酶变化进行了测定。

    Under 4 days continuous critical low temperature ( day / night 15 ℃ / 8 ℃), critical low temperature and poor light condition , the photosynthetic characters and the enzyme variance of cucumber were tested .

  23. 我国能源消费形势分析公共建筑昼光照明能耗特性的研究

    Study on the Energy Consumption Characteristics of Daylighting in Commercial Buildings

  24. 机载液晶显示器昼模式环境光动态照明模型的研究

    Research on Dynamic Illuminative Model of Cockpit Display under Day Mode

  25. 立刻就有光。上帝见有光很好,就把光明与黑暗分开,称光明为昼,黑暗为夜。

    He called the light day , and the darkness night .

  26. 在30℃昼/20℃夜(光照)的变温条件下进行发芽。

    Germinated at 30 day / 20 night ( light ) .

  27. 马来西亚将利用罪恶税收入资助卫生计昼。

    Malaysia uses sin tax to fund health care programme .

  28. 噪声评价结果:昼:Ⅰ级。

    The result of noise : Day : 1 grade .

  29. 神称光为昼,称暗为夜。

    He called the light Day and the darkness Night .

  30. 他们苦战了六昼夜来抢救他的生命。

    For six days and nights they battled to save his life .