
  • 网络Equinox
  1. 木星到达昼夜平分点的原始照片被美国卡西尼号宇宙飞船拍摄到并发回地球。

    Raw images of the moment Saturn reached its equinox have been beamed to Earth by the US Cassini spacecraft .

  2. 它是至日,北极光,极点还是昼夜平分点?

    Is it solstice , aurora , zenith , or equinox ?

  3. 即使缺少昼夜节律钟,驯鹿的褪黑素值仍会在黑暗时达到顶峰,光亮时就下降,使昼夜平分点成为它们调节年钟的最佳时期。

    In reindeer , even if they 're missing a circadian clock , melatonin levels still spike when it 's dark and drop when it 's light , making the equinoxes an ideal time to synchronize their annual clocks .