
jiǔ dà hánɡ xīnɡ
  • the nine planets of the solar system
  • nine planets
九大行星 [jiǔ dà háng xīng]
  • [nine planets] 太阳系的九大行星。指在椭圆轨道上绕太阳转的主要天体。它们不能发光,以反射太阳的光而发亮。按距太阳由近及远依次为:水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星、冥王星

  1. 太阳黑子活动的周期约11年,太阳系九大行星(包括月球)对太阳引潮力合力的极大值周期也是约11年。

    The cycle of the sunspot activity is about 11 years ; the maximum cycle of the resultant of tide-drawing force from the nine planets of the solar system ( including the moon ) upon the sun is also 11 years .

  2. 地球是九大行星之一。

    The earth is one of the nine planets .

  3. 请各位谈谈对于九大行星变为八大行星的看法。

    What are your feelings about Eight Major Planet !

  4. 冥王星原来是其作为太阳系九大行星之一被剥夺。

    Pluto was stripped of its designation as the solar system 's ninth planet .

  5. 在太阳系中有九大行星。

    Are nine planets in the solar system .

  6. 当九大行星连成一条直线时。

    And as the planets move into alignment .

  7. 在浩瀚宇宙的银河系中,生存着九大行星。

    Nine planets are living in the galaxy .

  8. 地球是沿轨道围绕太阳运行的九大行星之一。

    The earth is one of nine planets which move in orbit round the sun .

  9. 笔者在上小学时知道了太阳系有九大行星。

    In primary school Babbage learned that there were nine planets in the solar system .

  10. 太阳系太阳和九大行星,以及围绕太阳运行的所有其他天体。

    The sun together with the nine planets and all other celestial bodies that orbit the sun .

  11. 这九大行星和太阳一起组成了所谓的我们的太阳系。

    These nine planets , together with the sun , make up what is called our solar system .

  12. 随后,他假设有第九大行星在相反方向向外绕行。

    Then he examined what would happen if a ninth planet were looping outward in the opposite direction .

  13. 我是一颗流星,在每一个情人节都要穿越九大行星去寻找爱的女神。

    I am a flaring meteor , wandering through the unbounded universe , looking for venus & the goddess of sexual love and physical beauty .

  14. 要天文学家周四宣布,在发布历史性的新方针后,太阳系九大行星缩减为八大行星,冥王星已不再是行星。

    Leading astronomers declared Thursday that Pluto is no longer a planet under historic new guidelines that downsize the solar system from nine planets to eight .

  15. 莫比德利表示,可能存在的第九大行星,也许是一个气态巨行星的核心,自太阳系初期就开始形成;

    Dr. Morbidelli said a possible ninth planet could be the core of a gas giant that started forming during the infancy of the solar system ;

  16. 那么九大行星围绕太阳公转的轨道为什么不都是处在太阳的赤道面平行线上,而是存在着各不相同的倾角?

    Well then why all the revolution orbits of The9 principal planets round the sun are not parallel to the equator plane of the sun but different obliquities exist .

  17. 这颗有望成为第九大行星的天体距离太阳最近时是200亿英里,最远时可能是1000亿英里。

    The potential ninth planet , at its closest , would be about 20 billion miles away ; at its farthest , it could be 100 billion miles away .

  18. 自1930年美国人克莱德·汤博发现冥王星后,覆盖着冰封岩石的冥王星传统上就被认为是太阳系的第九大行星,距离太阳最远。

    Discovered in1930 by the American Clyde Tombaugh , the icy rock of Pluto has traditionally been considered the ninth planet , farthest from the sun in the solar system .

  19. 下面的这张等比例绘制图运用凡思的数据显示出到目前为止已证实的太阳系九大行星海洋的理论水量(包括液态和固态水):

    The to-scale graphic below uses Vance 's data to show the plausible volumes of water ( both liquid and ice ) for the nine ocean worlds verified so far :

  20. 冥王星是九大行星中最后被发现的一颗。它处在椭圆轨道的最远点,同时也是离太阳最远的行星。

    Pluto is the last of the nine planets , and when it 's at its farthest point in its elliptical orbit , it 's the farthest planet from the sun .

  21. 围绕着原子核运动的是一些极其微小的粒子,称为,这些电子围绕着原子核旋转,正像九大行星围绕着太阳旋转一样。

    Moving around the nucleus are extremely tiny particles , called electrons , which revolve around the nucleus in much the same way as the nine planets do around the sun .

  22. 金星是太阳系九大行星之一,其亮度仅次于太阳和月亮,是人类用肉眼看到的最明亮的行星。

    Venus is one of the nine major planets of the solar system , its brightness is next only to the Sun and the Moon , and is the brightest planet perceptible to Man 's naked eye .