
  • 网络Stellar position;Star Place
  1. 以恒星位置为基准的运动平台上测控雷达精度标校技术

    Precision calibration of moving platform based radar with stars as reference marks

  2. 由卫星的历表位置测定恒星位置

    Positional determination of a star with respect to the ephemerides of Uranian satellites

  3. 中国古代使用一个完整的赤道坐标系来表达恒星位置,赤经、赤纬和分点的概念都是十分清楚的。

    There was a complete equatorial coordinate system on the sky in ancient China .

  4. 从高斯曲面模型中得到亚像素级的恒星位置和恒星星等。

    From the Gauss curved face function , the sub-pixel position of star and its star magnitude were obtained .

  5. 按MERIT规范用直角坐标试算恒星视位置

    Apparent places of stars reduced by the method of rectangular coordinates suggested in merit standards

  6. 结果表明,相对于天王星卫星确实可以精确测定同一CCD视场中暗恒星的位置,位置测量的精度和国外最好的天王星卫星位置测量的精度相当或更高。

    The results show that the positional precision for each star is comparable to or better than the best observations of Uranian satellites that is used to improve their ephemeris .

  7. 中国天文年历中92颗非FK5恒星的位置和自行的重新确定

    The precise positions and proper motions of 92 stars of Chinese astronomical almanac

  8. 在1919年,英国天文学家亚瑟·爱丁顿(ArthurEddington)通过仔细观察一次日全食中一些恒星的位置,证实了这一预测,这些恒星的光线会通过临近太阳的区域。

    In 1919 the British astronomer Arthur Eddington confirmed that idea by making careful observations of the positions of stars whose light passes close to the sun during a total solar eclipse .

  9. 恒星视位置的长期计算法

    The Algorithm Continuously Used to Calculate the Apparent Place of Stars

  10. 一种求恒星视位置的新算法

    A new algorithm of calculating the apparent place of fixed star

  11. 关于恒星视位置计算的新方法

    On the new algorithm for computing the apparent places of stars

  12. 航用恒星视位置高精度计算

    Precise apparent position calculation of star in navigation

  13. 这种方式已被用来演算上千颗附近恒星的位置。

    This method has been used to math the location of thousands of nearby stars .

  14. 围绕恒星观测位置计算的问题,对恒星视位置计算方法和蒙气差修正理论展开深入研究。

    The theories of star apparent place calculation and astronomical refraction are studied in order to get the stars ' accurate observation place .

  15. 一种理论提出,他们形成于远离主恒星的位置,大约相当于木星和土星目前的位置,随着时间的推移它们向内部移动。

    One theory posits that they form far from their parent stars about where Jupiter and Saturn are now and move inward over time .

  16. 在这么远的距离下,跳跃就非常引人注目了。这种方式已被用来演算上千颗附近恒星的位置。

    With this distance , the shift becomes quite noticeable . This method has been used to math the location of thousands of nearby stars .

  17. 详细讨论了天体视位置计算的原理和实现方法,编程实现恒星视位置计算,获得优于角秒的计算精度。

    The principle and algorithm of calculating stars ' apparent place is presented in detail and programmed . The program can obtain access to superior arc second accuracy .

  18. 占星根据某一特定时刻行星与恒星的位置制成的天宫图来进行预言,例如预言一个人的未来。

    An astrological forecast , as of a person 's future , based on a diagram of the aspect of the planets and stars at a given moment .

  19. 然后经过一系列空间坐标转换,将恒星视位置坐标统一转换到观测点坐标,得到恒星在指定时刻相对于观测者的视位置;

    Then , the star visional coordinate is converted into the observation coordinate , and the star visional position is achieved in accordance with the observe at the named time .

  20. 例如,通过重新测定150多颗恒星的位置,多次测定二十八星宿距天体北极的度数,发现恒星是运动的。

    For instance , they remeasured the post-tion of over 150 stars and the degree between the 28 constellations and the celestial North Pole , hence concluding the stars were always in mo-tion .

  21. 时角法是采用恒星视位置的计算公式,通过光电经纬仪瞄准并测量,然后与理论计算的真值进行比对,从而求出光电经纬仪的指向误差。

    Time angle make use of account expressions of true pointing of star through pointing with electricity optical phototheodolite and compare with true value of theory and finally calculate the error of pointing of electro optic phototheodolite .

  22. 占星家声称,每个行星和恒星群的位置都会影响我们的情况。

    Astrologers claim that the positions of each planet and star group affect what happens to us .

  23. 文章分析了月球在一个恒星月内位置变化与相应的地月转移轨道升交点赤经和近地点幅角变化的关系,在这个基础上讨论了发射机会和发射窗口问题。

    The relation of the right ascension and argument of perigee of the required orbit with the lunar position is derived within one lunar month . Based on this relationship the launch opportunity and launch window are discussed .

  24. 近年来,在用CCD器件进行恒星星像的位置和光度的精确测量中,有些研究者考虑了器件的光度定标(或称平场)的改正,有些人却不加说明地忽略之。

    In the highly precise CCD measurement of a stellar image for its position and photometry , some researchers use CCD photometric calibration but the others do not .

  25. 从这些数字来看,它可以确定这颗恒星是否准备改变位置。

    From those numbers , it could be determined whether the star had appeared to change position .

  26. 从基本原理出发,通过具体公式的推导,对恒星光学干涉仪应用于测量恒星位置和地球自转参数(ERP)进行了分析。

    From basic principles and derivation of the formulae it is analyzed to using the stellar interferometer to determine stellar positions and earth rotation parameters ( ERP ) .

  27. 在天文计算中所用到的观测瞬间的恒星坐标,一般是从某一历元的恒星位置表中的平坐标通过视位置计算得到。

    Through the apparent position calculation , we can gain momentary coordinates of stars .

  28. 高自行通常表示是一颗近距离恒星,所以显示自行标签是确准此类恒星位置的快捷途径。

    High proper motion normally indicates a nearby star , so displaying proper motion labels is a quick way of spotting such stars .