- 名sidereal time

Phase modulated resolvers can be used to model the relation between the sidereal time , right ascension and the hour angle .
For the declination control system there is no need of modulating sidereal time into the signal which excites the resolver stator windings .
Acceleration of sidereal on mean solar time
It gave mean solar time , mean sidereal time , equation of time , and could chart the phases of the moon .
Setting Right Ascension-After polar alignment , the observer uses a calculator or a known star to synchronize the right ascension circle with Sidereal Time .
When a black hole absorbs a star , the star is first pulled into the Ergosphere , which sweeps all the matter into the Event Horizon .
However , if a black hole passes through a cloud of interstellar matter , or is close to another " normal " star , the black hole can accrete matter into itself .
For the variation of short period of astronomical factors , whether for local time or local sidereal time and lunar phase there is the phenomenon of occurrence of concentrating a interval time for the earthquakes .
The deciding factors for whether a core collapse produces a GRB appear to be the mass and rotation rate of the progenitor star at the time of its death .
When a star collapses , it will be White dwarf or Supernova .
The variation of the angle magnetic and rotation axes in a collapsing star cherishing time
Massive mergers sparked bursts of star formation when the Universe was half its age .
When a star collapses , it can become either a White Dwarf or a Supernova .
1 the earth consists of matter that is left over from the formation of a star .
As a black hole or neutron star destroys a star , tremendous amounts of radiation are released .
As not so calamitous as a cataclysmic annihilation of the planet in consequence of a collision with a dark sun .
The bars that seemed too robust when only the stellar component was taken into account are quite fragile when the gas is included .
But Kepler spacecraft detects planets orbiting distance stars by finding small dips in the light coming from those stars then an orbiting planet passes in front .
A second possibility is that , as the dying star spins , its strong magnetic fields are wound up into complex shapes like spaghetti in an eggbeater .
Astronomers have discovered more than a hundred dusty galaxies in the early Universe , each of which is in the throes of an intense burst of star formation .
Small black holes , between three and20 times the mass of the sun , are created when big stars collapse and leave behind a gravitational pull strong enough to block nearby light rays .
these progenitors collapsed into white dwarfs when they died . ( Stars more massive than eight solar masses become neutron stars ; and stars greater than 30 solar masses become black holes . ) And both have high ionisation and excitation , indicating the stars inside them are very hot .
It is shown that the effect of turbulent pressure on the structure and the vibrational stability of stars with extensive convective envelopes is not negligible .
Because telescopes look back in time as they gather light from far-off stars and galaxies , astronomers can explore the expansion history of the universe by focusing on distant objects .
And fourth , it was found in exactly the way the hunt for Vulcan proceeded & by noting the slight dip in light from its parent star caused when it passed in front of that star .
The top prize given to DeBenedictis was for developing a software navigation system to help improve spacecraft travel through the solar system .
And even in astrophysics , when you talk about stars , black holes , etcetera you 're moving energy around .
As stars age , they often shed their skins , so to speak , casting off expansive shells of dust and gas into interstellar space .
Giant black holes in just the right mass range would pull on the front of a closely passing star much more strongly than on the back .
It first drew attention in 2009 , when it flared up brightly in an apparent supernova - a star exploding at the end of its life .