
  1. 前英国陆军航空队(BritishArmyAirCorps)军官蒂莫西·皮克(TimothyPeake)目前是欧洲航天局(EuropeanSpaceAgency)驻国际空间站(InternationalSpaceStation)宇航员。他周四给家里打电话时拨错了电话号码。

    Timothy Peake , a former British Army Air Corps officer and current European Space Agency astronaut aboard the International Space Station , phoned home to a wrong number on Thursday .

  2. 当负责安保的安全公司G4S未能招募足够的保安人员时,官方请求英国陆军在很短时间内提供了上万的军人进行常规的安全检查和保安工作。

    Officials say they had no appetite for risk , but also did not want to create a siege atmosphere . Still when the security firm G4S failed to recruit enough civilian guards , officials called on the British Army to provide thousands of extra troops on short notice to help with routine screening and guard duties .

  3. 按照传统,风笛手被编入英国陆军苏格兰团部队中。

    Scottish regiments have traditionally been led into battle by pipers .

  4. 英国陆军参与了维和行动。

    The British army has been involved in peacekeeping operations .

  5. 英国陆军的委任状在19世纪是可以购买的。

    In the19th century , commissions in the British army could be purchased .

  6. 这次坍毁事故为英国陆军中校威廉?里德所目击。

    This collapse was witnessed by Lt. Col. William Reid of the British Army .

  7. 从前英国陆军经常把大批士兵派驻在苏格兰的威廉堡。

    In former times the British army kept lots of soldiers at Fort William in Scotland .

  8. 不是斯卡德尔先生,他回答说,英国陆军上尉西奥费乐司·迪格比。

    ' Not Mr Scudder , 'he answered . ' Captain Theophilus Digby of the British Army .

  9. 英国陆军苏格兰团的风笛手最近被强迫佩戴耳塞上岗,因为军队负责士兵健康和安全的官员担心,风笛演奏时发出的尖锐声会损坏士兵的听力。

    Army bagpipers are to be forced to wear earplugs-because health and safety officers fear the skirl damages hearing .

  10. 他两次都没能通过桑德霍斯特(英国陆军官校所在地)军事学院的入学考试,第三次才极为勉强地被接受。

    He also failed the entrance test to Sandhurst Military College twice and scraped through on the third attempt .

  11. 在18世纪中期,一个叫做查尔斯·博伊科特(1832-1897)的年轻人为英国陆军服役。

    In the mid-1800s , a young man named Charles Boycott ( 1832-1897 ) served in the British army .

  12. 英国陆军预计将缩减至仅8.2万人,这是自拿破仑战争以来的最小规模。

    The British army is scheduled to decline to just 82,000 troops & its smallest size since the Napoleonic wars .

  13. 伯纳德-蒙哥马利(1887-1976),英国陆军元帅,二战期间盟军领导人之一。

    Bernard Montgomery ( 1887-1976 ), British field marshal , who was one of the leading Allied commanders of World War II .

  14. 哈利王子受到控诉,说他违反军规,身着英国陆军制服执行公务时还蓄着胡子。

    Prince Harry has been accused of breaking military rules by wearing a beard while on official duty in a British Army uniform .

  15. 压力巨大的商业机构会宣称,他们缺少完成这类任务的资源,而英国陆军花在军官培养方面的时间显然要多得多。

    Hard-pressed commercial organisations will claim that they lack the resources for such a task , and the Army clearly does have much more time available for officer development .

  16. 2006年年尾,凯特最为重要的一次露面是在英国陆军军官学校,出席威廉的毕业阅兵典礼;凯特及其父母,在一众王室高层成员面前亮相。

    It was at his " passing-out parade " at Sandhurst in late 2006 that Kate made her most significant appearance in the presence of the senior royal accompanied by her parents .

  17. 伯纳.蒙哥马利是英国陆军元帅,一九四五年接受德国投降。温斯顿.邱吉尔说他「撤退时刚毅不屈,前进时无坚不摧,胜利时狂妄不堪」。

    Bernard Montgomery , British Field Marshal who accepted the German surrender in1945 , was according to Winston Churchill " indomitable in retreat , invincible in advance , and insufferable in victory " .

  18. 在1776年,华盛顿及其部下被英国陆军和海军围困在纽约城布鲁克林北部,殖民地军队的瓦解似乎已不可避免。

    Thus , in 1776 , Washington and his troops were pinned down by the British army and navy in northern Brooklyn , New York City . The destruction of the colonial army seemed inevitable .

  19. 英国陆军严令禁止蓄胡,除非发生特殊情况,比如有士兵有皮肤问题,或者出于宗教原因。

    The British Army rules does not allow beards , except in a few rare circumstances , such as when a soldier is suffering from a skin complaint , or has strong religious reasons for retaining facial hair .

  20. 卡梅隆坚称,警察预算削减“完全能在不减少可见警力的情况下实现”,尽管他也表示,他已经下令英国陆军进入戒备状态,以便在未来发生严重骚乱时向警方提供支援。

    Mr Cameron insisted the cuts were " totally achievable without any reductions in visible policing " , although he said he had put the army on standby to support the police in any future outbreak of serious disorder .

  21. 萨顿先生曾是英国陆军皇家廓尔喀步枪军官,据瑞士警方消息,他从直升机跳下后撞到了山脊意外死亡,事故地点离瑞士特里安附近的法国边界只有几分钟路程。

    Mr. Sutton , a former Royal Gurkha Rifles officer for the British Army , died after jumping from a helicopter and crashing into a mountain ridge only minutes from the French border near Trient , Switzerland , the Swiss police said .

  22. 乍看之下,很难看出桑德赫斯特提倡的英国陆军领导概念与现代企业能有什么联系,特别是这里保留着在21世纪看来有些古怪甚至是多余的传统。

    At first sight , it is hard to see how the Army 's concept of leadership promoted at Sandhurst can be relevant to modern companies , steeped as the place is in a tradition that seems quirky or even unnecessary in the 21st century .

  23. 最后,英国陆军似乎能比许多民用企业更早地认识到员工的潜力。汤姆林森上校表示:你知道,每支部队都会有这样一位上尉,二十七八岁时,就会成为这支部队的指挥官。

    Finally , the Army appears to recognise potential much earlier than many civilian businesses : " There will be a captain in each unit whom you know , by the age of 27 or 28 , is going to end up commanding that unit ," says Col Tomlinson .

  24. (英国)陆军部发布失踪军人名单。

    The War Office issued a list of the missing .

  25. 有了这样强有力的推荐,(英国)陆军部在1901年正式批准了该风雨衣在陆军中的推广,随后(英国)海军部也在1906年批准该风雨衣供皇家海军陆战队使用。

    With such powerful recommendations , the War Office gave its official approval to the trench coat in1901 , with the Admiralty for the Royal Marines following suit in1906 .

  26. 英国前陆军司令迈克尔.杰克逊对该报告评论说,他认为委员会是在试图强调,我们的阿富汗战略有待改进。

    Commenting on the report , former head of the British army General Michael Jackson says he believes the committee is trying to stress that there is room for improvement .

  27. 1914年,英国政府立即把陆军飞机几乎全部派往法国。

    In1914 the British government immediately ordered the dispatch of nearly all the army 's aircraft to france .

  28. 以下这一点应该会对你有所帮助:英国特种空勤团是由英国国家安全局(MI5,又称军情五处)和英国陆军情报六局(MI6,又称军情六处)共同训练以承担反间谍任务。

    It may help you to know that the SAS is also trained by MI5 and MI6 security and intelligence services to undertake counter-espionage operations .