
Timothy Peake , a former British Army Air Corps officer and current European Space Agency astronaut aboard the International Space Station , phoned home to a wrong number on Thursday .
Officials say they had no appetite for risk , but also did not want to create a siege atmosphere . Still when the security firm G4S failed to recruit enough civilian guards , officials called on the British Army to provide thousands of extra troops on short notice to help with routine screening and guard duties .
Scottish regiments have traditionally been led into battle by pipers .
The British army has been involved in peacekeeping operations .
In the19th century , commissions in the British army could be purchased .
This collapse was witnessed by Lt. Col. William Reid of the British Army .
In former times the British army kept lots of soldiers at Fort William in Scotland .
' Not Mr Scudder , 'he answered . ' Captain Theophilus Digby of the British Army .
Army bagpipers are to be forced to wear earplugs-because health and safety officers fear the skirl damages hearing .
He also failed the entrance test to Sandhurst Military College twice and scraped through on the third attempt .
In the mid-1800s , a young man named Charles Boycott ( 1832-1897 ) served in the British army .
The British army is scheduled to decline to just 82,000 troops & its smallest size since the Napoleonic wars .
Bernard Montgomery ( 1887-1976 ), British field marshal , who was one of the leading Allied commanders of World War II .
Prince Harry has been accused of breaking military rules by wearing a beard while on official duty in a British Army uniform .
Hard-pressed commercial organisations will claim that they lack the resources for such a task , and the Army clearly does have much more time available for officer development .
It was at his " passing-out parade " at Sandhurst in late 2006 that Kate made her most significant appearance in the presence of the senior royal accompanied by her parents .
Bernard Montgomery , British Field Marshal who accepted the German surrender in1945 , was according to Winston Churchill " indomitable in retreat , invincible in advance , and insufferable in victory " .
Thus , in 1776 , Washington and his troops were pinned down by the British army and navy in northern Brooklyn , New York City . The destruction of the colonial army seemed inevitable .
The British Army rules does not allow beards , except in a few rare circumstances , such as when a soldier is suffering from a skin complaint , or has strong religious reasons for retaining facial hair .
Mr Cameron insisted the cuts were " totally achievable without any reductions in visible policing " , although he said he had put the army on standby to support the police in any future outbreak of serious disorder .
Mr. Sutton , a former Royal Gurkha Rifles officer for the British Army , died after jumping from a helicopter and crashing into a mountain ridge only minutes from the French border near Trient , Switzerland , the Swiss police said .
At first sight , it is hard to see how the Army 's concept of leadership promoted at Sandhurst can be relevant to modern companies , steeped as the place is in a tradition that seems quirky or even unnecessary in the 21st century .
Finally , the Army appears to recognise potential much earlier than many civilian businesses : " There will be a captain in each unit whom you know , by the age of 27 or 28 , is going to end up commanding that unit ," says Col Tomlinson .
The War Office issued a list of the missing .
With such powerful recommendations , the War Office gave its official approval to the trench coat in1901 , with the Admiralty for the Royal Marines following suit in1906 .
Commenting on the report , former head of the British army General Michael Jackson says he believes the committee is trying to stress that there is room for improvement .
In1914 the British government immediately ordered the dispatch of nearly all the army 's aircraft to france .
It may help you to know that the SAS is also trained by MI5 and MI6 security and intelligence services to undertake counter-espionage operations .