
  • 网络Chatham House
  1. 英国皇家国际事务研究所警示:不断升级的资源贸易战可能让世界贸易组织(WTO)的争端解决机制不堪重负。

    Chatham House warns that escalating trade wars over resources could overwhelm the dispute settlement regime at the World Trade Organisation .

  2. 在去年公布的一份报告中,英国皇家国际事务研究所(ChathamHouse)把畜牧业称为气候变化中“被人遗忘的行业”。

    In a report last year , Chatham House called the livestock industry the " forgotten sector " of climate change .

  3. 更重要的是,她还是智库英国皇家国际事务研究所奖(chathamhouseprize)的获得者该奖专门表彰为改善国际关系作出贡献的人。

    More importantly , she is a laureate of the Chatham House prize , granted by the political think-tank for contributions to the improvement of international relations .

  4. 英国皇家国际事务研究所(ChathamHouse)的ThomasCargill表示,祖马总统对英国进行的为期三天的访问期间,津巴布韦将是讨论的话题之一。

    Thomas Cargill from the Britain-based research group Chatham House says Zimbabwe will be one of the topics discussed during President Zuma 's three-day visit to Britain .

  5. 位于伦敦的英国皇家国际事务研究所(chathamhouse)在周五发布的一份报告中表示,沟通不良以及灾难应对计划不周,使全球供应链、经济增长和人类福祉处于危险之中。

    Chatham House , the London-based Policy Institute for international affairs , says in a new report published on Friday that poor communication and disaster planning have left global supply chains , economic growth and human welfare at risk .

  6. 但英国皇家国际事务研究所(RoyalInstituteofInternationalAffairs)的一份最新报告认为,石油耗尽的威胁已没有那么紧迫,石油峰值理论看起来越来越不是那么回事。

    In fact , a new report by the Royal Institute of international affairs in the U.K. , informally known as Chatham House , finds that the threat of oil running out is no longer imminent , and the concept of peak oil increasingly looks like a bad idea .

  7. 但是设在伦敦的英国皇家国际事务研究所的国际安全问题专家保罗.科尼什说,要说英国在赫尔曼德省的军事行动已大功告成还为时过早。

    But international security expert Paul Cornish from the Chatham House in London says it is too early to call the British operation in Helmand province a success .

  8. 英国著名智库查塔姆研究所(ChathamHouse,又名英国皇家国际事务研究所&编者注)的一份报告称,英国人仍然希望能在世界上昂首挺胸,但他们对自己是否能带来决定性的影响没有把握。

    The British , says a report from the think-tank Chatham House , still want to hold their heads up in the world but they doubt they can make a decisive difference .