
huán qiú yóu bào
  • Globe and Mail
  1. Na和Choi,都只有17岁,告诉《环球邮报》:两年前,在看了韩国综艺节目嘉宾演示了各种整形小工具后,她们就开始从网上买这些东西。

    Na and Choi , both 17 , told GlobalPostthat two years ago , after seeing Korean talk show guests demonstrate variousshape-changing gadgets , they started buying the products online .

  2. 去年,《环球邮报》(GlobeandMail)从一场比赛现场报道称,周边商品放在“一张小桌子上售卖,包括三条士力架和三个塑料杯的焦糖爆米花”。外国银行的规定有时也导致给球员支薪的困难。

    The Globe and Mail reported from a game last year that concessions " were sold from a small table that included three Snickers bars and three plastic cups of caramel popcorn . " Foreign bank rules also made payments to players difficult at times .

  3. 加拿大报纸《环球邮报》周六的报道是加拿大竞争局称这次在加拿大出现的“价格勾结”最初的协调方是ITWAL公司。

    Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail reported Saturday that the Competition Bureau alleges that the collusion in Canada was initially coordinated by ITWAL .

  4. 托尼亚•柯万(加拿大),《环球邮报》信息制图编辑。

    Tonia Cowan ( Canada ), Globe and Mail 's graphics editor .

  5. 他是渥太华《环球邮报》的首席政治撰稿人。

    He 's chief political writer with The Globe and Mail in Ottawa .

  6. 阿德里安•诺里斯(加拿大),《环球邮报》总编辑,设计师兼策划。

    Adrian Norris ( Canada ), managing editor , design and presentation , Globe and Mail .

  7. 《环球邮报》说:加拿大官员的游说终于帮助清除了路障。

    Intense lobbying by Canadian officials finally helped to clear the roadblock , the Globe and Mail said .

  8. 据加拿大《环球邮报》报道称,他们的网站的日访问量高达20-30万。

    Their website is attracting between 200,000 to 300,000 visitors every day , according to Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail .

  9. 《环球邮报》的一篇文章指,前国务卿柯林·鲍威尔暗示他可能是个支持奥巴马的共和党人。

    In a Globe and Mail article , Colin Powell , the former Secretary of State hints that he may be an Obamacon .

  10. 遇害记者今年40岁,一直在中东进行报道,为美国报刊《环球邮报》和法国新闻机构法新社等媒体工作。

    The 40-year-old journalist has reported across the Middle East , working for US publication GlobalPost and other media outlets including French news agency AFP .

  11. 布洛克:《环球邮报》的政治撰稿人坎贝尔·克拉克告诉我们,为西里洛下士举行的公众悼念活动从上周五开始。

    BLOCK : As Campbell Clark , political writer with The Globe and Mail , told us , the public mourning for Cpl. Cirillo began last Friday .

  12. 加拿大环球邮报报道说,伪装成游客的两名男子星期天下午劫持了翠湖度假山庄一家旅游公司的一架直升机。

    Canada 's The Globe and Mail newspaper reports the helicopter was hijacked Sunday afternoon from a tour company in Mont-Tremblant by two men posing as tourists .

  13. 《多伦多环球邮报》将其描绘成一部精心设计的催泪弹。报导说,这部场面恢弘的暴力和多愁善感的混合体甚至可以让斯皮尔伯格感到汗颜。

    Toronto 's Globe and Mail newspaper describes it as an elaborate tear-jerker with an unsettling mixture of spectacular brutality and sentimentality that might make even Steven Spielberg blush .

  14. 《环球邮报》引用了研究的结果,《人格与社会心理学公报》出版的文章显示,经济变迁可能使得年轻人的独立性有所增加。

    The Globe and Mail quotes the findings of research , printed in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin , which suggests economic changes may have prompted increased individuality among young people .

  15. 另一名官员称,要求是以邮件形式发送至弗雷家的,在这之前,他们去年曾向弗雷的公司——环球邮报索要赎金。

    A second official says the demands were sent in emails to Foley 's family after first trying to get the money from his Foley 's employer , Global Post late last year .

  16. 《多伦多环球邮报》将其描绘成一部“精心设计的催泪弹”。报导说,这部“场面恢弘的暴力和多愁善感的混合体甚至可以让斯皮尔伯格感到汗颜”。

    Toronto 's Globe and Mail newspaper describes it as an " elaborate tear-jerker " with " an unsettling mixture of spectacular brutality and sentimentality that might make even Steven Spielberg blush . "

  17. 研究报告的合著者特蕾西瓦兰蔻对《环球邮报》说,根据她和同事设计的“恶毒等级”,女性的恶意“显而易见”。

    Speaking with the Globe and Mail , the report 's co-author Tracy Vaillancourt said the women 's bitchiness , according to a'bitchy scale'she and her colleague had set , 'was so obvious .

  18. 第二天,在瑞士达沃斯参加世界经济论坛的唐塔普斯科特在为《环球邮报》撰写的稿件中称,周一到周五的传统教育方式已经走向了终结。

    A day later , Don Tapscott , writing for the Globe and Mail from the World Economic Forum in Davos , Switzerland , gushed that this was the week university ( as we know it ) ended .

  19. 佩舒特女士告诉《环球邮报》的记者:“这是一个很好的拍照方式,可以看出两人彼此互动。而且我也会发现,他们看到对方穿着自己的衣服是多么有趣。”

    Ms Pesut told the Globe and Mail : ' It 's a nice way to take a portrait and to see the way couples interact with one another . To see how much fun it is for them to see each other in each other 's clothes .