
  • 网络booker prize;The Man Booker Prize;Booker
  1. 他最近挑选的书是保罗•金斯诺斯(PaulKings­north)的《守灵》(TheWake),该书获得了2014年布克奖(ManBookerPrize)提名,是用一种古英语的变体写的。

    His most recent pick was The Wake by Paul Kings ­ north , which was on the 2014 Man Booker Prize longlist and is written in an adapted form of Old English .

  2. 澳大利亚小说家理查德·弗拉纳根于周二凭小说《通往深远北方的窄路》(TheNarrowRoadtotheDeepNorth)获得布克奖,小说讲述了一位被拘押在日军战俘营,被迫修建泰缅铁路的澳大利亚外科医生的悲惨故事。

    The Australian novelist Richard Flanagan was awarded the Man Booker Prize on Tuesday for " The Narrow Road to the Deep North , " which tells the harrowing story of an Australian surgeon who is held in a Japanese P.O.W. camp and is forced to work on the Thailand-Burma Railway .

  3. 我毫不惊讶布克奖评委会将其列在入选名单中。

    I am not surprised that the Booker Prize jury included it on their shortlist .

  4. 他脸色苍白,皮肤较黑,颇有威信,浑身透着一种布克奖得主应有的庄重。

    He is pale , dark , and authoritative , with the gravitas you might expect of a Booker prize winner .

  5. 1972年获布克奖之初,《G》因其极具实验性的风格,而引起一些争议,甚至非议。

    For example , the Booker Prize winning novel G did arouse a lot of controversies and negative criticism when it was awarded the Prize in 1972 , presumably because of its extremely experimental style .

  6. 你可能已经读过TheSenseofanEnding,并且在Goodreads上给它打了分。这其中的原因可能有两个,一个是因为它恰好就是你会喜欢的那类小说,另一个是因为它获得了布克奖。

    There are two reasons you might have read The Sense of an Ending and rated it on Goodreads . It might be because it 's exactly the kind of novel you 're apt to like . Or it might be because it won the Booker Prize .

  7. 候选名单中还包括备受好评的HilaryMantel,提名作品为《狼宅》。她已经凭这部作品赢得了布克奖和美国国家书评奖。

    The list also includes the much - garlanded Hilary Mantel , for Wolf Hall , which has already won the Man Booker Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award for fiction .

  8. 去年,28岁的埃莉诺·卡顿(EleanorCatton)凭着848页的实验小说《发光体》成了史上最年轻的布克奖得主。

    Last year , Eleanor Catton won the prize for her 848-page experimental novel , The Luminaries , becoming , at 28 , the youngest writer to win the Booker .

  9. 《占有》是当代杰出英国女作家A.S.拜厄特最成功的一部小说,发表于1990年并一举夺得当年英国文学最高奖&布克奖。

    Possession : A Romance , as the most successful novel of a most distinguished British writer A. S. Byatt , was published in 1990 and won that year 's Booker Prize for Fiction , Britain 's highest literary award .

  10. J.M.库切是南非白人作家,2003年诺贝尔文学奖折桂者并两次获得布克奖。他的作品以探索人类生存困境及人类与历史关系见长。

    J.M.Coetzee , the 2003 Nobel Literature prize winner and twice Booker prize winner , is a South African white writer , who explores the living conditions of human being and relationship between human and history through his writings .

  11. 他最近的一部小说被列入获布克奖的入围名单。

    His latest novel has been short-listed for the Booker prize .

  12. 布克奖是最令人渴望的英国文学奖。

    The Booker Prize is the most coveted British literary award .

  13. 他的小说获得布克奖,确立了他的声誉。

    His novel won the Booker Prize and established his reputation .

  14. 该作品也为拉什迪赢得了包括布克奖在内的多项文学大奖。

    This novel brings Rushdie a lot of literary awards , including Booker .

  15. 甚至在你获得“布克奖”后?

    Even after you won a Booker Prize ?

  16. 在这种情况下,汉语文学创作需要有一个超越布克奖的标志性大奖。

    In this case , Chineseliterature go beyond the need for a landmark Booker Prize award .

  17. 然而,它是布克奖的获奖作品--石黑一雄所著的《长日留痕》。

    Instead , it is the Man Booker Award-winning Remains of the Day , by Kazuo Ishiguro .

  18. 如果一本书能够获得布克奖,我们会理所当然的认为它是本好书。

    When a book wins a Booker , that ought to make us think it 's good .

  19. 她是一位伟大的作家。我想她已经被列入今年“布克奖”的终选名单了。

    She 's a great author . I think she has been shortlisted for the Booker prize this year .

  20. 布克奖具有崇高威信,奖金约为8万美元,是英国最富盛名的文学奖。

    The Booker , with its cachet and prize of roughly $ 80000 , is Britain 's most prestigious literary award .

  21. 曾入围英国布克奖评选,获得卫报小说奖和詹姆斯·泰特·布莱克纪念奖。

    Ballard was once on the shortlist of English Booker Prize and won the Guardian Fiction Prize and James Tait Black Memorial Prize .

  22. 2000年,她的长篇小说《盲刺客》获得当年的布克奖,引起对该部小说更为广泛的关注。

    In 2000 , her novel named " Blind Assassin " won the Booker Prize that year and caused a wider range of concerns .

  23. 费奥多西娅是2010年俄语布克奖获奖作品《鲜花十字架》的女主人公,生活于崇尚性和宗教的俄罗斯17世纪。

    Feodosiy is the heroine in a prize-winning work The Flower Cross , which was awarded the honour of " The Russian Booker " in2010 .

  24. 他的第六部小说《千万别丢下我》获得2005年英国布克奖提名,美国全国书评家协会奖提名。

    His sixth novel Never Let Me Go was nominated for U.S. National Book Critic Circle Award and short-listed for the Booker Prize ( 2005 ) .

  25. 但他承认,过去几个月,他大部分业余时间都在读布克奖的提名小说。

    But he admits that he has spent most of his leisure time in the last few months digging into the novels nominated for the Booker Prize .

  26. 出版于1988年的《猫眼》是阿特伍德的第七部小说,该书不仅荣获了多项文学大奖,还顺利入围布克奖的决选名单。

    Her seventh novel Cat 's Eye , published in 1988 , has won many literary awards and was nominated and later , short-listed for the Booker Prize .

  27. 艾丽丝.默多克1978年布克奖获奖小说《大海啊,大海》中真实自然的景物在深化作品主题方面具有巨大的象征意义。

    The real and natural sceneries in Iris Murdoch 's 1978 Booker Prize Winner The Sea , the Sea plays an enormous role in deepening the theme of the novel .

  28. 这部电影是根据加拿大小说家扬·马特尔的同名畅销小说改编,此书曾获得2002年英国布克奖。

    The movie is based on the best-selling novel of the same name by Canadian novelist Yann Martel . The book won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 2002 .

  29. 64岁那年,带着被改编成的好莱坞电影,伊恩.麦克万从女王的手里接过了布克奖和奖章。成为英国的最年长的作者。

    At 64 , with a Hollywood film , a Man Booker prize and a gong from the queen , Ian McEwan has become a grand old man of British letters .

  30. 很多人都喜欢这部小说,并且它还获得了布克奖&英语文学的重量级奖项之一。

    We know it 's a good novel because lots of people like it , and because it won the Man Booker , one of the biggest prizes in English-language literature .