
  • Brook;Brooke;Kelly Brook
  1. 布鲁克已经仔细审查过证据并将其总结得一清二楚。

    Brook has sifted the evidence and summarises it clearly .

  2. 在2009年接受ABC之声采访的时候,布鲁克的体重为16磅(约7.26公斤),身高30英寸(76.2厘米)。

    In 2009 , when her family was interviewed on ABC , Brook weighed 16 pounds and was 30 inches tall .

  3. 布鲁克先生极为谦和,平易近人。

    Mr Brooke is an extremely affable and approachable man .

  4. 这时候布鲁克不能再犹豫不决了。

    It 's time for Brooke to stop shilly-shallying .

  5. 布鲁克先生因他不露声色的机智而闻名。

    Mr Brooke is renowned for his dry wit .

  6. 布鲁克先生肯定遇到了点小麻烦。

    Mr Brooke is undoubtedly in a spot of bother

  7. 布鲁克先生离开巴黎,继续前往贝尔格莱德。

    Mr Brooke moved on from Paris to Belgrade

  8. 他宣称布鲁克先生犯有“判断失误的重大过错”。

    He claimed Mr Brooke had been guilty of a ' gross error of judgment '

  9. 某种程度上,布鲁克试图用科学解释故事的行为导致了这些问题。

    These problems partly involve Brooks 's attempt to translate his tale into science .

  10. 在费城的奥弗布鲁克盲人学校,我发明了一种很受人欢迎的棒球游戏,我们称它为地面球。

    At Philadelphia ' s Overbrook School for the Blind I invented a successful variation of baseball . We called it ground ball .

  11. 第三年夏天,我在布鲁克黑文国家实验室与J。

    The summer after I worked at Brookhaven National Laboratory , with J.

  12. 该研究使用了纽约州布鲁克海文国家实验室(BrookhavenNationalLaboratory)扫描的脑电图。

    The study used brain images taken at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York State .

  13. 布鲁克林区则包含植物园、科尼岛(一座有游乐场的海滩)和约翰.肯尼?f国际机场。

    Brooklyn contains the Botanical Gardens , Coney Island ( a beach with an amusement park ), and J.F.K.International Airport .

  14. 即将上任的CEO史蒂夫•伊斯特布鲁克曾在英国面临这一挑战。

    Steve Easterbrook , the incoming chief executive , confronted just such a challenge in the UK .

  15. 布鲁克林丹宁公司(BrooklynDenimCompany)位于布鲁克林北三街85号,它有织边和非织边两种式样。

    Brooklyn Denim Company , at 85 North Third Street , Brooklyn , carries selvage and non-selvage styles .

  16. Jay-Z少年时期在纽约布鲁克林区打过少年棒球联盟(LittleLeaguebaseball),他是洋基队的铁杆球迷。

    Jay-Z , who grew up playing Little League baseball in Brooklyn , is a huge Yankees fan .

  17. Circle在英国最为人所知的是收购剑桥郡的欣琴布鲁克医院,使其成为第一家由私营公司管理的国立保健医院。

    Circle is best known in the UK for its takeover of Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Cambridgeshire , the first NHS hospital to be managed by a private company .

  18. 这位高盛(GoldmanSachs)董事长兼首席执行官在纽约布鲁克林区东纽约(EastNewYork,靠近贝德福德-施托伊弗桑特)的公租房中长大,但现在住在中央公园附近。

    The chairman and chief executive of Goldman Sachs grew up on a public-housing project in East New York – close to Bedford Stuyvesant – but now lives by Central Park .

  19. Gene-JackWang是布鲁克海文医疗部门的主席。

    Gene-Jack Wang is chairman of the Brookhaven medical department .

  20. 根据《财富》杂志(Fortune)此前报道,布鲁克•拜尔斯、雷•莱茵和比尔•乔伊已减少了投资活动(尽管他们可能会继续进行交易)。

    As previously reported by fortune , brook Byers , ray lane and bill joy have scaled back their activities ( although they may continue to do deals ) .

  21. 伊斯特布鲁克会计师出身,说话低声细语,他是离开普华永道(PWC)加入麦当劳的财务部门的。

    Easterbrook is a softly spoken accountant who initially joined the finance department of McDonald 's from PWC .

  22. Molly来自牙买加,她的孩子被权威人士取走了,我和她在纽约市布鲁克林区住那段时间,她经常非常的沮丧。

    Molly from Jamaica had her child taken away by authorities and was constantly depressed when I lived with her in Brooklyn .

  23. 和SelfEdge那种极简主义的画廊风格不同,布鲁克林丹宁把牛仔裤摞在桌上和货架上,在专业店员们的设计之下,购物体验最初有些吓人,其实却很方便。

    In contrast to the minimalist gallery approach of Self Edge , Brooklyn Denim stacks its jeans in piles on tables and shelves , an initially daunting shopping experience made navigable by the store 's expert staff .

  24. 尤金选择了塞格尔(Sagar),来自纽约布鲁克林区的脱口秀笑星及兼职财务顾问。

    Eugene picked Sagar , a stand-up comedian and part-time financial consultant from Brooklyn .

  25. 在带着他的拳师犬米斯特(Mister)前往中央公园和布鲁克林海滨的短途旅行中,友好的乘客跟过来打招呼,并要求抚弄他的宠物狗。

    On jaunts to Central Park and the Brooklyn waterfront with his boxer Mister , friendly riders say hello and ask to pet the dog .

  26. 布鲁克海文的新(g-2)实验

    New Muon ( g 2 ) Experiment at Brookhaven

  27. 他的父母搬到了东纽约(如今是布鲁克林区一个破旧荒凉的地段),住在林登屋(lindenhouses),这是一个公共住房项目。

    His parents moved to East New York , now a bleak and run-down area of Brooklyn , and lived in the linden houses , a public housing project .

  28. 科学美国人,美国国立brookhaven(布鲁克海文)国家实验室和地球还活着。

    Scientific American , Brookhaven and the Earth survived .

  29. NBA总裁亚当·萧华在星期五宣布:布鲁克林网队的安吉洛·拉塞尔将替代有伤在身的步行者球星维克托·奥拉迪波在全明星赛场上首次亮相。

    Brooklyn Nets guard D'Angelo Russell will make his All-Star debut after he was named as the replacement for injured Indiana Pacers star Victor Oladipo , NBA commissioner Adam Silver announced Friday .

  30. 布鲁克林丹宁经营着FirstStandard品牌,是在店内制作的,店内还销售李维斯(Levi’s)旗下的Made&Crafted、Tellason、Strom等品牌,以及BigJohn和JapanBlue等日本品牌。

    Brooklyn Denim carries the brand , First Standard , which is made in the shop , along with labels like Levi 's Made & Crafted , Tellason , Strom and the Japanese brands Big John and Japan Blue .