
  • 网络girdling;Ringing
  1. 富士苹果幼树喷施多效唑及与乙烯利、环剥配合应用的研究

    Studies on the cooperation application of met and Ethrel spraying and ringing in Fuji apple

  2. 环剥及束茎对雌性不育苎麻的性别比及花粉育性的效应

    Effects of Ringing and Stem binding on Sexual Ratio and Pollen Fertility of Female Sterile Ramie

  3. 5环剥对冬枣树体激素含量影响较大,叶片、枣吊中IAA含量大部分时期各处理间均为显著性差异,数值各有大小。

    Different girdling effected the content of IAA and ABA in leaves and shedding shoot of jujube and the divergence was remarkable .

  4. 就环剥的总体效果来看,以盛花后20d环剥效果最好。

    Judged by general results of girdling , it had the best effect to band girdle on the 20th day after flowering .

  5. 试验结果表明:环剥和GA3促进了果实的生长发育,果肉细胞体积、果实鲜重、干重、纵径、横径均显著增加。

    Ml - 1 GA 3.The result showed that fruit growth were promoted , cell volume of flesh , fresh weight , dry weignt , length and diameter of fruit were much higher than controls ;

  6. 二次枝、枣头中氮含量均表现为花前环剥0.6cm含量较高,各处理间差异显著。

    To secondary shoot and vegetative shoot of jujube , the nitrogen content of 1A was the highest .

  7. 十四种种子植物环剥再生的初步观察

    Preliminary investigations of the regeneration of 14 seed plants after girdling

  8. 环剥对大棚葡萄浆果品质的影响初报

    Effect of Girdling on the berry quality of greenhouse vine

  9. 用环剥树皮等方法可以诱导多倍体无性系提早开花。

    Girdling and other treatments can induce polypoid plants to flower earlier .

  10. 环剥对果实发育前期的促进作用更为显著。

    Fruit development was promoted by girdling in earlier stage more significantly .

  11. 荔枝果穗梗微环剥对果实成熟的影响

    Effects of Micro-girdling at Panicle Stalk on the Maturation of Litchi Fruit

  12. 不同促进愈合措施对荔枝环剥伤口愈合的影响

    The effect of different healed-promoting method on band-girdling wound in litchi trees

  13. 光呼吸抑制剂处理提高了叶片的净光合速率;环剥通过改变了光合产物的流向而改变浆果的品质。

    Girdling improves berry quality by change photosynthesis production flow .

  14. 木本皮类药材大面积环剥再生新皮研究的概述

    Studies on Regeneration of Woody Chinese Medicinal Plants after Large Area Girdling

  15. 微环剥-研究果实养分进入途径的新方法

    Fruit Stalk Microgirdling : A New Method for Studying Nutrient Influx into Fruit

  16. 梨树茎干环剥的组织学研究

    Anatomical studies on regeneration of pear stem after girdling

  17. 纤维环剥脱型腰椎间盘突出症52例分析

    An Analysis of 52 Cases of Anulus Fibrosis Spallation from Lumbar Disc Herniation

  18. 环剥和针刺对李子生长发育的影响

    The effects of girdling and acupuncture on growth and development of plum trees

  19. 另外,环剥减小了果实的单果重。

    In addition , girdling reduced fruit weight .

  20. 葡萄环剥研究的进展

    Development in tne study on girdling of grapevines

  21. 增加了座果率与果实的可溶性固形物含量,果实成熟较未环剥树早。

    The band girdling treatment Increased the fruit-bearing rate and soluble solid contents in fruits .

  22. 环剥对烤烟叶片钾含量影响的研究初报

    Studies of the Effect of Shelling Phloem on Potassium Content of Leaf in Cured Tobacco

  23. 螺旋环剥对龙眼幼树的促花增产效应与可溶性糖的相关性

    Relation of spiral girdling of young Longan trees on hastening blossom , yield and soluble sugars

  24. 枇杷的环剥效应

    Effect of girdling in loquat

  25. 赤霉素或环剥处理分别对暗柳橙的花芽分化起阻遏或促进怍用。

    Gibberellins ( GA ) or Girdling ( GIR ) treatment inhibited or promoted'Anliucheng'Orange flower-bud differentiation respectively .

  26. 螺旋环剥对荔枝果期光合和蒸腾作用的影响

    Effect of Trunk Spiral Girdling on Young ' Guiwei'Litchi 's Photosynthesis and Transpiration during Fruit Development Period

  27. 不同环剥(割)处理对四季蜜芒夏季成花结果的研究

    Study on summer promoting flowering and fruiting of perennial honey-mango trees by different girdling ( cutting ) treatments

  28. 4各环剥处理对冬枣叶片、枣吊中氮含量的影响差异显著;

    Girdling effected the nitrogen content of leaves and shedding shoot of jujube , and the divergence was remarkable .

  29. 螺旋环剥对‘糯米糍’荔枝坐果与碳水化合物及激素的影响

    Carbohydrate and Endohormone Status in Relation to Fruit Set as Influenced by Trunk Spiral Girdling of Young Litchi Trees

  30. 以日本“田中”枇杷为试材,研究了不同环剥处理的效应。

    Loguat ( Eriobotrya japonica cv . Tanaka ) was used to study on effects of different treatment of girdling .