
  • 网络Dunhuang;dunhuang city
  1. 流域多年NPP最稳定的区域是各条现代冰川上和敦煌市以西的裸地。

    It was most steady in the modern glaciers and bare land of the western Dunhuang .

  2. 论文选用Excel软件处理数据,完成了层次分析法中判断矩阵的一致性检验,得出了敦煌市水资源可持续利用评价指标体系中各层指标的可持续隶属状况。

    Excel calculates the data and consistency examination of judgment matrix in AHP is completed . Sustainable subordinate degree of each level index in Dunhuang city 's water resources sustainable utilization assessment index system is determined .

  3. 基于ERDAS的三维地形景观图制作&以甘肃省敦煌市鸣沙山地形为例

    The Facture of Three-dimensional Landform Landscape Map Based on ERDAS

  4. 敦煌市可持续发展急需解决的几个问题

    Urgent Problems in Maintaining Sustainable Development of Dunhuang City

  5. 敦煌市水资源及节水型城市建设探讨

    The Discussion of Water Resources and the Construction of Water-Saving City of Dunhuang

  6. 敦煌市月牙泉景观衰退的原因及对策

    The Decadent Reason and Countermeasure of Crescent Moon Spring View of Dunhuang City

  7. 敦煌市居民旅游感知及态度研究

    A study on residents ′ perceptions and attitudes toward tourism in the Dunhuang City

  8. 属于严重荒漠化的有敦煌市。高台县在1990年以前为严重荒漠化县。

    Dunhuang city showed serious sandy desertification . But the sandy desertification situation was more serious .

  9. 月牙泉的兴衰与敦煌市社会经济持续发展密切相关。

    The Moon Lake is related with the persistent development of Dunhuang 's social and economy .

  10. 李洋住在甘肃敦煌市,而婉婷却是在西安读书的学生。

    While Li lives in Dunhuang , Gansu Province , Zhou is a student in Xi'an .

  11. 敦煌市鸣沙山月牙泉自然遗产保全的研究

    Proposal for the protection of natural heritage of Singing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring in Dunhuang City , China

  12. 雅丹国家地质公园:位于我国著名历史文化名城敦煌市西北约180公里处,玉门关西北约100公里处。

    Introduction to Yadan National Geological Park : it is180 kms away from Dunhuang City and100 kms from Jade Gate Pass .

  13. 结果表明,敦煌市水资源可持续利用状况为“较弱”,处于可持续发展的弱势阶段。

    The study results are as following : the city 's water resources sustainable utilizing situation is weaker and it is in weak tendency stage .

  14. 最后,本文提出了敦煌市生态产业发展的支持体系。

    I also built the ecological industrial system of and put forward the guarantee for the development of ecological industry supporting system of dunhuang city .

  15. 1987&2006年,敦煌市的沙漠化土地不断扩张,且后10年的扩张速度明显大于前10。

    From 1987 to 2006 , desertification land in Dunhuang is expanding and aggravating with the expanding speed of the latter decade is significantly faster than the former one .

  16. 莫高窟也被称为千佛洞,位于敦煌市东南方向约25公里,是世界上规模最大、保存最完好的佛教艺术宝库之一。

    The Mogao Caves , also known as the Thousand-Buddha Caves , about 25 km southeast of Dunhuang city , are one of the largest and best-preserved sites of Buddhist art in the world .

  17. 敦煌市旅游局姜建宏表示,“对于何时开始建设这个旅游区,我们还没有具体的时间表。”他还说,“洞窟的保护是最重要的。”

    Jiang Jianhong , director of daily operations at the Dunhuang City Tourism Bureau , said , " There is no timeline as to when construction will start on the tourism zone . " He added , " Protection of the caves is of the highest importance . "

  18. 敦煌是一个市镇,两条丝绸之路再次交接,最后进入西安。

    Dunhuang was the town where the two branches of the silk road rejoined for the final leg into China 's capital .

  19. 敦煌盆地有限的水资源既是绿洲和敦煌市存在的必要因素;又是地方经济发展的限制因素。

    Water is a crucial factor in development of local economy , oasis and city in Dunhuang .