
rú lǜe lì
  • Julian calendar
儒略历[rú lǜe lì]
  1. 公历最初是以罗马人的儒略历为基础制定的。

    The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans .

  2. 不过事实是更为复杂的。1582年,儒略历被公历所替代。

    In 1582 the Julian calendar was replaced with the Gregorian ( Western ) calendar .

  3. 这一做法在儒略历出现前一直被延用,直到公元前46年,罗马统帅尤利乌斯•凯撒(JuliusCaesar)与天文学家索西琴尼(Sosigenes)一起,创立了同阳历相符的儒略历。

    This practice continued until 46 B.C. , when Julius Caesar and the astronomer Sosigenes instituted the Julian system to align the calendar with the solar year .

  4. 凯撒制定的《儒略历》规定每四年一闰。

    Caesar declared that every year evenly divisible by four would be a leap year .

  5. 这个儒略历每四年多加一天以计入那四分之一天。

    This Julian calendar added an extra day every four years to account for the quarter day .

  6. 古罗马用的阴历,于公元前年被儒略历(公历)取代。

    The lunar calender in use in ancient Rome ; replaced by the Julian calendar in 46 BC .

  7. 儒略历在公元前45年开始被使用,它是被凯撒大帝改良的罗马历。

    The Julian calendar began in 45 BC as a reform of the Roman calendar by Julius Caesar .

  8. 这种方法虽然简单,但是与阴历相比,《儒略历》会造成过多的闰年。

    While simple , this rule actually created too many leap years to keep the Roman and lunar calendars aligned .

  9. 现代的公历与2000多年前的罗马儒略历极为相似。

    The modern Gregorian calendar is modeled very closely on a Roman version that dates back more than 2000 years .

  10. 不过擅自更改还在着,直到朱利斯·凯撒于公元前46年制定了为人所知的罗马儒略历为止。

    But tampering still continued until Julius Caesar , in46 BC , established what has come to be known as the Julian calendar .

  11. 1582年10月15日及之后的日期将视作格里历日期,之前日期将视作儒略历日期。

    Dates on or after 15th October 1582 are considered to be in the Gregorian calendar . Dates before this are considered to be in the Julian calendar .

  12. 儒略历几乎可以说是完美的日历了,但美中不足的是,我们实际一年的时长同365天相比存在11分钟的误差。

    The Julian calendar was almost perfect , but it miscalculated the solar year by 11 minutes . These few minutes ultimately threw the calendar off by several days .

  13. 选择后者这个不寻常的日子是因为俄罗斯东正教按照古老的儒略历确定宗教节日。典型的圣诞宴包括蛋糕、馅饼以及“肉饺”。

    th.This unusual date is because the Russian Orthodox church uses the old " Julian " calendar9 ) for religious celebration days.Special Christmas food includes cakes , pies and " meat dumplings . "