
rú jiā ɡuǎn lǐ
  • Confucianist management
  1. 儒家管理思想对图书馆管理的启迪

    The Enlightenment of the Confucianist Management Idea on the Library Management

  2. 儒家管理哲学的内容十分丰富,文章对其探讨包括以下三个方面:一是指出了“以人为本”是儒家管理哲学的根本精神;

    It has 3 aspects : the basic spirit of Humanism ;

  3. 论儒家管理思想及其对企业管理的现代价值

    Confucian Thoughts of Management and Its Modern Value in Enterprise Management

  4. 东方儒家管理思想得益于源远流长的儒家文化。

    Confucian East benefited from the traditional management thinking Confucian culture .

  5. 儒家管理伦理在企业人力资源管理中的价值

    The Value of Confucian Management Ethics in Corporate Human Resource Management

  6. 儒家管理思想研究综述

    A Research Summary of the Confucian Thought on Management

  7. 从这个意义上来说,朱熹的管理哲学思想是对儒家管理哲学的继承和发展。

    In this sense , Zhu Xi inherited and developed Confucian administrative philosophy .

  8. 日本企业文化中的儒家管理哲学

    The Confucian Managerial Philosophy in Japanese Enterprise Culture

  9. 三是说明了儒家管理哲学中,人性假设的基础是“人之可塑”。

    The hypotheses of Human being 's improvement .

  10. 儒家管理价值研究。

    A Study of Value for Confucian Management .

  11. 儒家管理文化经过损易更新、现代整合,仍然具有其强大的内在生命力。

    Confucianist 's managing culture still has strong power of life after development and combination .

  12. 其次,儒家管理思想在国际上的影响越来越大。

    Secondly , there are more and more international influences of the Confucian management thoughts .

  13. 儒家管理文化的伦理化思考

    Analysis of Ethics within Confucian Management Culture

  14. 儒家管理哲学对现代化管理的启示

    Implications of Confucianism for Modern Management

  15. 儒家管理思想简析

    Simple Analysis of Confucian Management Thought

  16. 二是提出了“以和为贵”是儒家管理哲学的核心特征;

    The core characteristics of peace ;

  17. 儒家管理实践总结。

    Conclusion of Confucian Management Practice .

  18. 中国儒家管理思想博大精深,其中注重人和、力倡道德;

    Chinese Confucian Management Ideology is broad and deep , among which as are the basic spirit and symbols ;

  19. 从人性认知态度、价值取向、管理者行为模式诸方面看,儒家管理文化的伦理化管理特征突出。

    The distinguishing characteristics of ethical management within Confucian management culture include cognitive attitudes , value orientation , and management behavior .

  20. 论述了研究和传播先秦儒家管理思想对于我国和平崛起的重要意义。

    It tells the great importance of studying and spreading the pre-Qin Confucian management thought to the peaceful rise of China .

  21. 儒家管理哲学是儒家管理文化的一个重要组成部分,它构筑了儒家文化的主体内容。

    Confucianist 's managing philosophy is one of the important parts of Confucianist 's managing culture , which establishes its main thought .

  22. 中国儒家管理思想与东方企业管理实践论文简介现代文明的发展日新月异,人类已经进入了一个崭新的纪元。

    ARTICLE INSTRUCTION : The development of up-to-date culture changes fast increasingly , human beings have already come to a new era .

  23. 摘要我国传统教育行政理念表现出明显的路径依赖:儒家管理理念及其教育行政理念具有强路径依赖性。

    The thoughts of our traditional education administration had clear path-dependence attribute : the thoughts of Confucian education administration have strong attribute of path-dependence .

  24. 随着经济的腾飞,儒家管理思想在文化、伦理道德层面上给予医院经营管理以深刻影响。

    With the rapid development of economy , Confucian thoughts management on have made a profound impression on hospital management in terms of culture and ethics .

  25. 再次,深入研究儒家管理思想与柔性管理思想的关系,有助于哲学与管理学的交叉学科研究和发展。

    Third , the management of in-depth study of Confucian Thought and flexible management thinking of the relationship between philosophy and management contribute to the cross-disciplinary research .

  26. 管理者个体行为的伦理准则、管理者与人交往的伦理准则是以孔孟为代表的儒家管理思想的精粹,可以应用于现代人力资源管理。

    The essence of Confucianism management thought is the ethics standard between the governors and persons company and this can be applied in the modern human resource management .

  27. 儒家管理思想构建了中国传统管理思想的主体框架,而先秦儒家管理思想是儒家管理思想的源头活水。

    The Confucian management thoughts construct the main framework of Chinese traditional management thoughts , while the pre-Qin Confucian management thoughts are the source of the Confucian management thoughts .

  28. 而根据我国儒家管理哲学思想的人性可塑论,提高诚信意识、解决失信问题是可能的。

    And according to " plastic theory of the human nature " of the philosophy of management of the Confucianism of our country , it is possible that improves honest and credit consciousness and solve the problem .

  29. 而儒家管理思想首要探讨的就是仁,也就是人的性,因此,研究儒家管理思想对加快企业管理的现代化进程有着至关重要的作用。

    While Confucianism primarily explored humaneness , that is , the nature of the people ; hence , it is of great significance to speed up the modernization of enterprise management by absorbing the essence of Confucian management thought .

  30. 中国的企业在构建中国特色的企业文化时,怎样处理好儒家管理思想这一人文资源,学习外国企业的先进经验,仍具有理论和现实意义。

    It is of theoretical and practical significances for Chinese enterprises to deal with the human resource of confucian thoughts of management and to learn from the advanced experiences of foreign enterprises in the reconstruction of enterprise culture with Chinese characteristics .