
  1. 只有一个男子汉,身穿儒服,站在宫廷门外。

    Only one man wearing Confucian clothes stood outside the palace gate .

  2. 五天以后,全国居然没有敢穿儒服的人了。

    Five days later , to his surprise , no one in the country dared to wear Confucian clothes any longer .

  3. 下令五日之后,鲁国穿儒服的人在街头一下子就没有了踪迹。

    Five days after the order was issued , you could not find any people wearing the scholar 's costume in the streets of the state of Lu any more .

  4. ‘凡是不懂儒学而穿儒服的人,一律判处死罪。’

    Anyone who does not understand Confucian doctrines but wears Confucian clothes will be sentenced to death without exception . '

  5. 他们起初身着僧袍进入中国,后来又易僧袍为儒服;

    When they first came to China , they just wore gowns for Buddhists , but they soon changed them into Chinese intellectuals ' costumes .

  6. 而数字化的开幕式,甚至有望胜过北京数以千计的鼓手、舞者,以及穿戴儒服的男子&找几百名莫里斯舞者可不够。

    A digital opening ceremony could even beat Beijing 's display of thousands of drummers , dancers and men dressed up as Confucius – a few hundred morris dancers will not suffice .

  7. 对儒服嬗变的论述不仅可以阐明各个时期社会风俗的特点、儒家思想的特点,更证明服饰演变本身就是一部光辉灿烂的史书。

    The presentation of the developing venation and evolving discipline of Confucian clothes not only explains clearly the characteristics of social customs and the Confucianism in every period but also proves that the clothes evolvement is an effulgent history book .

  8. 利玛窦通过改穿儒服,说汉语,诵读儒家经典等方式,积极向儒家士人靠拢,广泛结交士人阶层,确立西儒形象,构成了晚明独特的文化现象。

    In the way of wearing Confucian garb 、 speaking Chinese and reading Confucius classics , Ricci moved toward Confucian scholars actively . He made friends with the scholars , and established the Confucianism image . Thus , it constituted the special culture phenomenon in late Ming Dynasty .