
rú shānɡ
  • scholar-merchant;an intellectual who goes into business;knowledge-based businessman
  1. “华商”与“儒商”这两个概念属于相容关系。

    The two concepts of'Chinese and intellectual businessmen'correspond to each other .

  2. 晋商成功的根本在于儒商精神。

    Shanxi Merchants is fundamental to the success of Confucian spirit .

  3. 论儒商精神及其当代价值

    Study on Confucian Businessman Spirit and It 's Modern Value

  4. 诚信为本操守为重&湖南省儒商学会诚信宣言

    Being Faithful and Being Honest & Declaration of Hunan Confucian Businessmen Association

  5. 经考证“儒商”是一个历史范畴。

    Confucian businessman is a historical category by textual research .

  6. 路径依赖与儒商精神

    The Path - dependence and the scholar - businessman

  7. 新儒商思想对商业行为的影响

    Impact of New Confucian Business Thought on Commercial Behavior

  8. 华商、儒商,以及它们的逻辑关系

    The Logic Relationship between Chinese and Scholar Businessmen

  9. 市场经济呼唤市场行为主体的人文道德关怀,呼唤一种现代意义上的儒商精神。

    Modern market economy calls for a modern sense of Confucianist merchants ' spirit .

  10. 世界未来五百强:新商务概念与儒商传统

    The Future 500 Global : A New Business Conception and Tradition of Confucian Business

  11. 儒商精神与现代商业道德

    Spirit of Confucian Businessmen and Modern Business Morality

  12. 范蠡是我国儒商文化的开拓者和实践家。

    Fan Li was the pioneer and practitioner of the culture of scholar merchant .

  13. 儒商伦理与现代中国企业家精神

    Confucian Ethics and Modern Chinese Entrepreneur Spirit

  14. “信”德是诚实、有信用,中国近现代的儒商都以诚信为事业之本。

    Faith suggests honesty and credit , on which Chinese modern businessmen base their career .

  15. 儒商文化与现代企业制度&晋商昌盛500余年探析及启示

    Confucianism Business Culture and Modern Enterprise System

  16. 儒商与中国企业家人格精神

    Scholar - businessmen and the Personality Spirit

  17. 儒家文化思想对古代大商巨贾与当代儒商都有直接与间接的影响。

    Confucian cultural thought directly influences on both ancient rich merchants and modern Confucian merchants .

  18. 儒商精神与酒店经营的本土化

    Scholar-Businessman and the Localization of Hotel Management

  19. 儒家文化与当代儒商

    Confucian Culture and Modern Confucian Merchants

  20. 论儒商经营理念的系统层次性及其价值功能

    A Discussion of the System Hierarchy and Value Function of the Confucian Merchant 's Management Notion

  21. 儒商现象,是一种典型的路径依赖,一种文化依赖。

    The phenomenon of the scholar businessmen is a typical path dependence , a cultural dependence .

  22. 儒商精神的核心,是强调经济行为的群体和合。

    The kernel of the spirit of the scholar businessmen is to stress the group harmony .

  23. 现代儒商应是商人、学人和社会活动家的完美统一。

    Modern Confucianist businessman should be a perfect unification of merchant , scholar and social activist .

  24. 儒商已经成为当今经济文化领域一个重要的社会文化现象。

    Confucian merchants have become an important social and cultural phenomenon in economic and cultural fields nowadays .

  25. 本文在论述当代儒商研究的背景和传统儒商精神的基础上,探讨了现代儒商对传统的超越问题。

    On the basic study of traditional refined businessmen 's spirit and the background of modern refined businessmen .

  26. 中国古代儒商及儒商精神源远流长。

    China 's ancient Confucian businessmen and Confucian businessmen of spirit are of long standing and well established .

  27. 清代两淮盐业经济资产宏大,动关国计,左右风气,造就了巨大的儒商集团。

    In Qing Dynasty , salt economy in two Huai districts developed a huge group of intellectual - merchants .

  28. 《聊斋志异》中,已经出现了儒商的形象,这是文言小说的重大收获。

    The images of scholar businessman appeared in Liao Zhai , which is a great achievement of the classical novels .

  29. 儒商经济管理原则是儒商在处理管理过程中人与人之间关系的伦理准则和道德精神。

    Economic management principle of Confucian businessman is interpersonal relation of ethics standard and morals spirit in handle management process .

  30. “儒学复兴”的动力是知识分子、儒商及政府官员三大力量的良性互动。

    The revival of Confucianism gains momentum from the benign interactions among the intellectuals , Confucian businessmen and government officials .